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Chantel: Hey guys, welcome to this week’s episode, and today we’re talking about a very controversial topic. It’s CBD Oil, and we have a special guest with us. This is Alex Pennix, and he’s here with Arc Hemp, which is a brand of CBD oil. So, welcome today, Alex. I’m so glad to meet you.


Alex: Thank you very much for having me.


Chantel: I met him at the Green Cat, which is one of my other favorite places, and they were doing a CBD oil party, and so you were teaching everyone about it. So, tell me a little about- First of all, let’s just talk about what is CBD oil for people to understand, and what is it?


Alex: Okay, so naturally there’s two types of plants: the cannabis plant and the hemp plant. The cannabis plant-


Chantel: So everyone knows, we are talking about marijuana, right? So …


Alex: Well, okay, so there’s two different genuses; the cannabis plant which is federally illegal and only legal in certain states, and then there’s the hemp plant, which is legal in all fifty states.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: So, that’s what Arc Hemp is. It’s an extract derived from hemp flowers that is legal in all fifty states because the concentration of the tetrahydrocannabinol is under 0.3% in all products.


Chantel: Okay, so I’m going to stop. I’m going to stop you a lot, just because I know that people- anytime you get a little- and I love that you’re getting really scientific because I want to really go deep today, but I am going to stop you just to clarify, okay?


Alex: Okay, sounds good.


Chantel: Sorry to interrupt you a bit. Okay, so let me just repeat what I heard you say. So, there’s two plants. There’s the marijuana plant and then there’s the hemp plant, right?


Alex: Yes.


Chantel: And so your product is made with the hemp plant, is that correct?


Alex: Yes. You are correct.


Chantel: So, there are other products out there, right?


Alex: Yes.


Chantel: That are made with the marijuana plant, but they’ve taken the THC out of it, which THC is the piece that is the part that makes you high, is that correct?


Alex: Yes and no. So, what you just said that’s the big controversial topic right now around these products.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: Because once you start getting down to it-


Chantel: Because see I didn’t- You know what? I’m so glad that you really clarified that because a lot of people think, when they think CBD oil, when they think CBD, they think marijuana, wouldn’t you agree?


Alex: Yes, but the problem with that is, and that notion, that’s where the stereotype and the stigma comes from in society and the publication through the news. So, our products- any cannabinoid from either the hemp or cannabis plant is truly called a phytocannabinoid.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: So, when you- during the extraction process and the processing of any type of product, whether it be a cannabis or a hemp product, when you start isolating these phytocannabinoids, the molecule structure is the exact same. So, that’s been the legality that the hemp and marijuana community has been fighting, saying that no with the new farm bill that Obama passed in 2014 gave farmers the right to grow and process hemp again here in the United States, and now there’s a bipartisan bill on 2018 that’s going to pass making it truly federally legal for all the states to make their own laws up and have their own opinion about it.


Chantel: And I heard that in Virginia, is this right? That they’ve already said they are going to make it legal, they just still are waiting on signatures. Is that right?


Alex: Virginia right now is in a stalemate, basically. Our governor, Ralph Northam, who I know personally, is a great individual, great man, great doctor.


Chantel: And we need to tag him right now in the podcast, right? Go ahead.


Alex: So, the great thing about what Ralph Northam did, originally it was only public universities. You had to be working with a public university to start agriculturally growing hemp. Now, only a few universities wanted to do it. There was four. He opened it up to private universities, which broadened the ability for private investors and private companies to start growing hemp again. And that’s really important because hemp is a very high value agricultural product. It’s higher than corn, it’s higher than soybean, tobacco, and it’s more versatile.


So, farmers and processors will actually …


Chantel: So, do people … people smoke hemp, then, right?


Alex: No.


Chantel: No?


Alex: No. No. So we’ve …


Chantel: Clearly, you know, I don’t take drugs because I don’t even know- I really am not fully aware on what you can or can’t do with the different things, but just to be clear, with the cannabis, is that a synonym for marijuana? Is marijuana and cannabis both synonyms?


Alex: Cannabis is the correct terminology, marijuana is the propaganda terminology that the news, bloggers and agencies-


Chantel: So they are synonyms.


Alex: Yes. Cannabis is much more widely acceptable. Someone that advocates for cannabis will call it cannabis. Someone that is against it is more likely, or uneducated about it is going to refer to it as marijuana.


Chantel: Makes sense. That makes sense. Okay, and then hemp, you said, the difference between hemp and cannabis, as far as the molecules go, what is the difference between those two?


Alex: The THC levels, the tetra hydra cannabinol.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: So, cannabis can have upwards of 35% THC.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: Which every year with advanced agricultural techniques has been increasing those levels significantly. Now, with hemp on the other hand, industrial hemp, the highest level you’re going to get is 0.3%. And that’s where the FDA, the government as well as the DEA is citing at what hemp is legal. Because hemp, even when it’s processed, and the oils are concentrated before they get prepared for actual products that go onto the market have no psychoactive effects, they’re not addictive, they don’t impair your judgment, they actually help with inflammation, mood, anxiety, depression. And the biggest thing is that the way the CBD oil works is that when you take it, the CBD itself doesn’t do anything but-


Chantel: And what does CBD stand for?


Alex: Cannabidiol. It stands for Cannabidiol.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: Which is the main cannabinoid in hemp and the cannabis plant.


Chantel: Okay, say that one more time. It’s the main …


Alex: It’s the main cannabinoid, the phytocannabinoid, in the cannabis plant as well as the hemp plant. So, what a lot of companies are doing right now, they’re claiming that they use a full spectrum oil in their products. We don’t claim that. We feel that that’s very misleading to customers and retailers because to have something full, you need every part of something. Meaning that the main two cannabinoids in the hemp and cannabis plant are THC. So, in order to have a true full spectrum oil, you need the same levels of THC as CBD, but in order to make hemp products legal, it’s very limited on the amount of THC that can be in there, and that’s that 0.3. So, with Arc Hemp, we are very transparent to our retailers and customers that we use a broad spectrum. So we don’t claim-


Chantel: So, let me ask you this. Can somebody make a cannabis oil where they were able to extract the THC out of it? Is that possible?


Alex: Yes. Very possible.


Chantel: Okay. And there are products out there that will sell that and that is still legal, right?


Alex: Only in legal states where cannabis is legal.


Chantel: Oh, okay.


Alex: You can’t buy that here.


Chantel: And right now, which states are illegal? And so you know, what’s crazy is, so obviously this podcast is done in Virginia, our main listeners are not in Virginia. Isn’t that crazy?


Alex: That’s awesome, though. You’re getting to a much wider base.


Chantel: Yeah, it’s really great. And actually number one, I believe it was California, and I think number two is like Illinois.


Alex: They both have medical and legal cannabis programs there.


Chantel: So, off the top of your head, do you know which ones are legal?


Alex: Yes. Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, Colorado, Maine, Pennsylvania, New Mexico-


Chantel: So, how many total states is there?


Alex: I believe there’s 26 states that have medical marijuana programs, medical cannabis programs.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: And then there is eight states that I can think of off the top of my head that are actually legal. Now and there’s like Virginia is not included in that. We’re in the process of signing our own type of medical cannabis bills that Ralph Northam and Terry Mcauliffe are work- Terry Mcauliffe started, Ralph Northam’s finishing it.


The unfortunate thing about it is it’s going to be very limited and with limited supply and high demand means very high pricing which makes it very limited to the people who are going to be able to get their hands on it. Insurance isn’t going to cover it, the jobs that all the people have in Virginia, they’re private companies, so they can basically say hey, if you’re taking a cannabis product and it’s over 0.3% and you test positive, we can fire you.


So there’s a bunch of controversy and a bunch of legalities that governor Northam needs to work out to make this a functional program.


Chantel: So, it’s funny because when I was just learning about hemp oil and CBD oil, two products were recommended to me and one of them was Arc Hemp and another one was called Charlotte’s Web. Have you heard of that one?


Alex: Yes, Charlotte’s Web by the Stanley brothers. They’re the actual first people, one of the first people, to actually create-


Chantel: Now that one is still a hemp product, correct?


Alex: That is a hemp product. They’re doing a great job marketing it, so they’re using the Charlotte’s Web name on hemp products. Charlotte’s Web was naturally a cannabis plant. So, they started a breeding program where they were decreasing the levels of THC and increasing the levels of CBD and that gained them national worldwide exposure.


Chantel: And I guess, if someone said, okay, you know, because someone said to me, “There’s two great products that I recommend, one’s Charlotte’s Web, one is Acc Hemp.” I know Charlotte’s Web is very expensive. I think I saw it for like $150 dollars for a small container.


Alex: Yes.


Chantel: And so, why would their- and yours runs how much?


Alex: Our lowest dosing, which is in a 15ml bottle with 250 milligrams is $29.99 retail.


Chantel: Okay, and then your highest dosing?


Alex: Which is going to be the thousand milligrams in a 15 ml bottle that we’re going to be releasing in ten days is going to be $59.99.


Chantel: Okay, so yours is a lot- so with that- so you just said a thousand milligrams is $59.99. With that Charlotte’s Web, do you know what the milligram dosage is?


Alex: The $150 dollar bottle, I can’t tell you off the top of my head, because I’m not affiliated with that company, but their dosing per application they recommended on the directions is right around the same dosing we’re going to be offering in our thousand milligram. So, it’s about a $90 dollar difference in price.


Chantel: Wow. That’s a big difference. Alright, so we’ve gotta get right into our questions.


Alex: Okay.


Chantel: So, Jennifer in Chino. In Chino. That’s so funny. We get these people and I’m thinking where- I don’t even-


Alex: Chino. It’s in Northern California.


Chantel: Oh, really? Okay. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay, Jennifer in Chino. In your last podcast about CBD oil, the guest mentioned that it doesn’t matter how you take it. I’ve been taking mine in water, but I notice that the oil doesn’t really mix with water, so I’m not getting my full dose. Some of the oil sticks around the wall of the cup and I’m wasting a lot. Is there a better way to take this oil?


Alex: Yes, so what it’s recommended is that you take it under your tongue and that’s because there’s a lot of nerve capillaries and blood vessels under your tongue which you can immediately bypass your liver, because your liver absorbs anything that you intake into your body, and get it directly into your blood stream.


Chantel: So, I’ve got just a sample here that I’m going to show, so literally, just let’s- might as well show people how to do it, right?


Alex: Okay.


Chantel: So, if I could open the container.


Alex: Might be child proof. Might be child resistant.


Chantel: So, thank you. So we take it and literally, if you said to me I want to take 20 drops, right, that would be easy because I could say one, two, three, four, five, six. Am I literally doing one, two, three, four, five, six under my tongue or can you actually kind of look at this and go, okay here’s my- and if you guys, right now, if you’re listening to this podcast, most of our listeners listen, I do suggest that you go to our YouTube Page and look up Chantel Ray Way and you can actually watch this video which makes it more powerful. You can see some of the things that we’re doing.


So, right now, here’s my dropper, I’ve got it about a quarter of the way full. Would you say, how many drops is that?


Alex: It’s hard to tell because there’s no dashing on the volume of the dropper, and that’s what we’ve-


Chantel: So would you literally say I would go one two three four-


Alex: It depends on the strength, so if that’s a 30ml bottle and it’s 750 mgs and that dropper holds half a millileter, so there’s going to be 60 dosing applications in that. So you have to divide that 750 divided by 60, so every full dropper, which is half a millileter, that’s-


Chantel: Wait wait, you’re losing me.


Alex: Sorry.


Chantel: And I’m a math major, so I should be staying with you. So, back to this. You’re saying every full dropper has approximately how many drops?


Alex: I can’t answer that.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: Because that dropper is significantly different than our dropper that we use. So, our dropper is half a millileter. That looks much larger than our dropper, so that’s probably a full millileter right there.


Chantel: So, if I took this whole quarter, that would be how much?


Alex: Well, you’d have to divide 750mg which is the active phytocannabinoid content in that bottle, divide that by 30 so then you would get the active cannabinoid levels per ml, and then you would divide that by four and then you would get the active cannabinoids-


Chantel: Oh my gosh, that is just too much math for me.


Alex: And that’s the problem with the industry right now. The dosing, the strength is all over the place and that’s why we’ve-


Chantel: So, this tells you on the back, it says the serving size should be .6ml but then they don’t tell you on the back on the dropper how much it is, but then they say approximately 20 drops. So, would you say I would literally put this under my tongue and go … what I’m trying to say is … I just did it. Watch with me be like, “oooh, getting loopy,” right? That would be hysterical, wouldn’t it? If I just started kinda getting wacko on the podcast, but what I’m saying is if you drop it on the bottom of your tongue, I can’t feel 20 drops. Now, I can go into a glass and go one two three four five six seven eight, right?


Alex: Yes, so the problem all these products are oil based. Even the product before it goes into these other ingredients that are in these bottles are oil based. So, they don’t mix well with water. Any liquid they don’t mix well with. There’s only a few ways you can mix it and the average customer does not have the capability to mix it. So, what we did with Arc Hemp, we took that problem out of it.


Chantel: Okay.


Alex: Our math is very easy. We use 15 ml bottles and then we go in increments of 250, 500, 750 and 1000.


Chantel: Okay, so let me stop you right there. So, on your bottle, you’ll see you can either choose 250, 500, 750 or 1000. That’s-


Alex: Those are different strengths. Those are all four different products.


Chantel: Those are different strengths. Okay, alright keep going.


Alex: So, basically, how it works is each dropper, when you push up a full dropper, that is-


Chantel: And you just said some of the droppers are bigger than others.


Alex: Exactly.


Chantel: So you really don’t know what size dropper you’re getting, actually.


Alex: Yeah. You don’t know at all.


Chantel: But, okay. So for you, you’re saying your droppers are-


Alex: Half a millileter. So, with, for example, our lowest dose, which we always recommend someone starting off with the lowest test, because everyone unique-


Chantel: And what would you say, let’s just answer this, if somebody was going to- If somebody said, “I’m starting to feel whatever from taking too much.” What would be some of the symptoms from them taking too much?


Alex: You would feel tired. You would feel relaxed. You would kind of just wanna sit down, watch a movie. Hang out with your significant other, hangout with the dogs. You wouldn’t wanna [crosstalk 00:18:19].


Chantel: So what is in there? What is it doing that’s kind of calming you down?


Alex: So CBD, there is a fatty acid in our endocannabinoid system that’s naturally breaking down the cannabinoids in or body. The problem with that is, it means we’re always in low on the natural cannabinoids within our endocannabinoid system. So we take CBD, cannabidiol, from hemp which is a phytocannabioid, it’s binding to that fatty acid and inhibiting it from breaking down in to natural cannabinoids. So your body is actually doing the rest. So, basically how we developed our products is very simple. We did increments of five, making math really simple for customers, retailers and also our manufacturers.


So hemp has phytocannabinoids in it. Cannabidiol, CBD, is the main phytocannabinoid in our product when you look our test results. So what this product does, it’s an exocannabinoid. There is two different types of cannabinoid. There is endocannabinoid, which are the cannabinoids naturally occurring in our bodies and everyone’s body. And there is exocannabinoids, which is external. So, we’re putting an external cannabinoid such as cannabidiol in to our bodies. And what that’s gonna do in our endocannabinoid system, there’s a fatty acid, FAAH, that breaks down our natural cannabinoids, so our endocannabinoid system is never at its peak performance.


And what CBD does, it will bind to this-


Chantel: And people can have, if you took a test, you can have, if you check your liver, right? When they check your liver, don’t they check for the fatty acid in your lived? Isn’t that part of a test that-


Alex: So, they can do that, I have no schooling in medicine, so I’m not gonna pretend that I can give up your answer for that. But, within our endocannabinoid system, we have CB1 and CB2 receptors which are basically our messaging stations throughout our body, and that’s where a lot of these fatty acids are located. So, you’re gonna have natural cannabinoids in our bodies, building up in multiple different places throughout our body, and what CBD does is it gets distributed to these different areas where the CB1 and CB2 receptors are because CBD itsself, cannibidiol, does not bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, it only binds to the fatty acid within our body. And what that’s gonna is, it’s gonna allow our bodies a chance to naturally raise those endocannabinoid levels in our body. And that’s where you can start experiencing less stress, less anxiety-


Chantel: So let’s talk about when somebody, and just so you know I’ve been having some health issues the last eight weeks. My thyroid started acting up again, I had some autoimmune issues that started acting up again and my health just kind of really went down.


Alex: Sorry to hear that.


Chantel: And I started taking this- It’s called an anti-cancer smoothie that one of our guests told me about. I’ve got three versions of it: we have a low sugar, medium sugar, and a higher sugar variation. Obviously one tastes better than the other, but-


Alex: Of course.


Chantel: But even the low sugar one still tastes pretty good, to me it does, but I’ve got a pretty green palate. And since I’ve been taking that, the CBD oil, and I’ve been taking green celery juice, just celery juice like around 11:00, just on an empty stomach, and the combination of those three with some additional supplements has absolutely changed how I’ve felt. Like I feel ten times better than I ever have. So the problem is, I’m like, oh gosh, is it the CBD oil that’s making me feel so good, is it thAT smoothie, is it that celery juice? But I will tell you the combination of those three has made my health ten times better.


Alex: So what we always say, with all of our products, is that you need to be living a healthy lifestyle. We always advocate exercise-


Chantel: You’re not gonna be eating McDonalds and then just putting the CBD oil-


Alex: No, you’re not gonna benefit at all from it. You need to be regular exercising, you need to be eating healthy, your fruits and vegetables, lean proteins. And really whatever diet your primary care physician is recommending. We always want there to be an open communication line between our products, your diet, your medical history with your primary care physician. Because that’s how your gonna experience the most out of this product.


So we always recommend to start the dosing at the lowest dose and that is the bottle that has 250mg of active phytocannabinoids. So, there’s gonna be- In each dropper there is 8.25mg of phytocannabioids in each dropper.


Chantel: oK, and that’s if you have the 250


Alex: That’s if you have the 250.


Chantel: So if you have the thousand, multiply that by four, about 35.


Alex: It’s roughly about 34mg.


Chantel: OK. Per drop.


Alex: Per drop. Per dropper, a full dropper- full half millileter dropper.


Chantel: Oh, for the dropper.


Alex: For half millileter. That’s where we made it very simple-


Chantel: So if you really want to relax, you take the whole dropper, no I’m just kidding.


Alex: Well, what we recommend is that everyone’s need to additional exocannabinoids being put in to their bodies is different. So we always recommend, start off with the lowest dose, our products are already some of the most affordable on the market, and then jump up to the 500. And if that doesn’t work try the 750 and if the 750 is too strong, maybe then you need to start taking two full droppers a day at the 500.


Chantel: So, talk about the benefits again. What are some of the things you’ve seen- how have people benefited from taking CBD oil? And you can talk about yourself personally.


Alex: So, my biggest thing is that I suffer from PTSD and IBS and those are very rough to deal with, so CBD helps me with my PTSD, it helped regulate my temperature while I’m sleeping. I used to wake up with night sweats due to night terrors, huge puddles of sweat in my bed. So when I take this, I can calm my nerves before I go to sleep and I can-


Chantel: And how much have you gotten yourself up to now?


Alex: I only use the 250, so everyone’s different, everyone’s different. I have a friend battling Leukemia right now, and he’s taking the thousand mgs and he’s taking three full droppers a day. So, its really what your body needs, and that’s why we always recommend starting low and working your way up. , like you were saying, these products are expensive. The majority of these products are very expensive. It’s hard for people to afford them. Living a healthy lifestyle is already expensive. So we didn’t want to carry that over in our products. We wanted to be different.


So, whatever a lot of companies are doing, is putting the notion out there is that a stronger dose of phytocannabinoids is better. That’s not always the case because if you start taking something that’s too strong that you don’t need and your body gets used to that, that’s what your body is gonna require, so your gonna start spending that 80 that 90, 100 or more dollars once a month, twice a month. When your body might actually not need it.


Chantel: Yeah, so we forgot about this girl, we answered it kind of but then we got off track, sorry, Jennifer, but basically so your answer to that is, if you can don’t put it in the water at all because its just gonna get all the way on the rim- water and oil don’t mesh, so just put it under your tongue.


Alex: One way- one exception to that that I’ve find that works very well, is if you like eating oatmeal, or grits in the morning, you can put it in there and the grains will actually absorb the oil and you can eat it that way. Some people find that an oil based product doesn’t taste that great, and that’s why you’ll find a lot of companies making them flavored. And we decided not to do that with our products, we don’t wanna add additional ingredients in there that don’t need to be. We wanna keep these ingredients simple, holistic, organic, vegan, non-GMO, the best for our bodies as possible.


Chantel: Awesome. Alright, Cheryl in Fort Worth, she said on your last podcast, you mentioned a couple of brands of CBD oil. When I looked them up online, they were so expensive. Is there anywhere that I can purchase it more affordably. Well obviously we’ve got one for you and if you go, his website is


Alright, Stephanie in Blackburg, what is the recommended dosage for someone who’s just starting to take CBD oil and doesn’t have any major health problems. I just want to take it for my health in general, but not currently struggling with any health issues, thank God. So I think we kind of covered that already too.


Alex: So the big thing with that is that anyone that is just trying to just maintain their health and is using CBD oil as a preventative, the 250mg bottle is perfect for that, because in each dropper you’re getting 8.25mgs when your body only requires 5mgs to actually activate your endocannabinoid system. So what we compare that to is actually, if you’re taking- During the Fall or the Spring when allergies are high, you want to boost your immune system, you’re gonna take a 600mg tablet of vitamin C.


Chantel: And I know a girl who was taking Synthroid, a thyroid medication, and since she started CBD, her thyroid started working in overdrive, so she completely was able to wean herself off between the intermittent fasting that she was doing plus in addition to the CBD oil. It just really healed things and she’s not on the Synthroid anymore.


Alex: And that’s due to the properties cannabidiol has of the anti-inflammatory, so when you’re able to decrease your stress and anxiety, and your body can naturally start functioning better because stress and anxiety can kill people. It leads to cardiovascular problems. That’s the real root of a lot of things unless you were born with different medical conditions. Anti-inflammatory, I mean, when your lungs become inflamed, your joints become inflamed, your skin becomes inflamed, serious health conditions can start occurring. So what scientists have started realizing that, when you take CBD, it can reduce the inflammation your steroids actually have- and your thyroid can actually have them start working properly again.


Chantel: Well this next one is from Whitney in South Carolina and we’ve actually kind of answered it, she said, “April talked a little bit about the endocannabinoid system but I’m still having a hard time understanding what this is. So if you had to explain it in the most simplest way that you possibly could, explain what is your endocannabinoid system.


Alex: So, the endocannabinoid system is basically the communication system from your brain to your organs throughout the rest of your body. So, a cannabinoid is an either an external or internal. So, there’s extocannabinoids and there’s endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are the cannabinoids that enter our cannabinoid system that are naturally occurring in our bodies. And the CBD oil that everyone is referring to is an extocannabinoid because it’s coming from the outside and we ingest it in to our bodies.


Chantel: Alright, this next one is Diana in Palmira. In looking in to CBD oil, I read nothing but good things. I only have two questions. One, are there any substances that I should not use while taking CBD. And, two, I’m big into essential oils and I mix several with coconut oil to rub and apply on things like my carpal tunnel or back pain. Can I mix CBD in with these oils, or should it only be taken orally?


Alex: So, for the first question, we always recommend that you communicate with your primary care physician and your doctor. They are gonna know best what medications you’re on, your blood analysis, your medical history.


Chantel: Would you say that doctors right now though, are they really fans of CBD oil? Like a regular physician, right?


Alex: It honestly depends on their background. What a lot of physicians are realizing is that, cannabidiol and phytocannabinoids have true health benefits. And a lot of the people that are switching from traditional medication-


Chantel: To functional medicine.


Alex: To functional medicine such as CBD oil, their doctors, they’ve been with their doctors a long time, so you gain a relationship with them, so when you see- When a doctor sees someone in pain, they don’t want them to be in pain, so it’s kind of a gray line they have to walk. So, that’s why we strongly recommend building a healthy relationship with your primary care physician.


Chantel: I think it’s also about going to talk to a functional medicine doctor as well to see what their opinion is. But what would you say, about the essential oils? First of all, can you take this hemp oil and put it on other parts of your body like an essential oil? Like I just stuck it under my tongue, am I gonna be, can I put it in my coconut oil and rub it in?


Alex: Yeah, you can, naturally-


Chantel: And don’t you guys have the oil to rub in?


Alex: We have a balm, and we just released a massage oil for professional massage therapists and chiropractors. We’re also gonna be releasing a cream as well and a lotion.


Chantel: And that balm, your gonna put it anywhere you have pain, right?


Alex: Yeah, inflammation, joint pain, arthritis, eczema, any skin condition. It’s great for sunburns. There’s also manuka tree oil in there which has great antibacterial and antifungal properties as well as antihistaminic properties. So, this time of year, especially in Virginia there’s mosquito’s everywhere, there’s [inaudible 00:32:54] gnats everywhere, you get bit by them. Your body’s natural response to that is to release that histamine which is gonna make it itch. You put this product on there and it will actually dry that area up- Not your skin up-


Chantel: So if you had a mosquito bite, you would put that cream on it and “boom” it would dry up.


Alex: Yep, within 10 to 15 minutes, you’ll stop itching and you’re not using over the counter, prescription, like hydrocortisone, which god knows what’s in that stuff.


Chantel: Alright, this is a funny question. It’s from Paris in Chesapeake. She says, “I’ve been doing my online research and I’m wondering what the difference is in a cannabinoid and an endocannabinoid? Sometimes when I’m reading about this stuff, it’s like I’m reading another language.


Alex: So, yeah, so-


Chantel: And it’s funny because even when someone explains it, you feel like you need to kind of keep hearing it and understanding because it is confusing.


Alex: That’s one of the main reasons why we’re only gonna be offering our products in Virginia. The biggest problem right now is the misinformation that’s on the internet, that’s on the market that companies are putting out there.


Chantel: So let me just say, you’re only gonna be offering it- So we’ve got all these listeners in other parts-


Alex: We’ll ship it to you.


Chantel: Ship it to you, OK.


Alex: But we’re only gonna be dealing with retailers in Virginia. We feel that Virginians have been deprived of these products for a very long time. So, we want- until we feel that we have reached every market- exhausted every resource to get these products to everyone that we feel needs them-


Chantel: And you could sell them at my office. Why couldn’t we put a little stand up at the front and do it?


Alex: We’d totally do it. Let’s do it.


Chantel: Let’s do it. So we’re gonna have it available at our Chantel Ray offices. Get your CBD oil right here. That would be great.


Alex: Awesome. So, basically I kind of touched on this earlier, the endocannabinoid system, there’s two types of cannabinoids. Endocannabinoids and exocannabinoids. Exocannabinoids are coming from outside of our bodies, that we’re ingesting into our bodies. Such as the hemp CBD oil. Endocannabinoids is referring to the endocannabinoid system that we have throughout our body. Everyone has one. But they’re cannabinoids within that system that are naturally occurring within our bodies. So the naturally occurring ones are always depleted and that is why the exocannabinoids work so well because it’s giving a chance for our bodies to naturally build up the cannabinoids already in our body so our endocannabinoid system can reach its peak performance and that is when you can start experiencing the anti-inflammation, the de-stress, the less anxiety, better sleep, cognitive function. You’re more focused, you’re more relaxed. With that being said, you can have a better quality of life when you’re not stressing as much.


Chantel: I definitely think that if I had to explain when I take the CBD oil, I would say the number one thing is I just feel calmer and I definitely feel relaxed. I feel like, you know, my staff- If I’m staring to be like, “What’s going on with this?” People are like, “Here’s the CBD.”


Alex: They know what to do. They know what to do. That’s good.


Chantel: Justine in Tampa. I am what most people consider to be a relatively healthy. Since I’m not trying to cure a particular disease, I’m wondering what kind of other functions of the endocannabinoid system are, and what kind of improvements around my body I can expect to see if I take CBD regularly.


Alex: So, that’s gonna depend on how you take your CBD. The quickest way to build up the cannabinoids within your body that are naturally occurring is orally taking it. Now, you can topically take it as well. Not topicals are gonna offer a direct pinpoint relief for pain, inflammation on your joints, your back, your neck, your feet. Wherever you might rub it in at.


Chantel: I’d love to be able to have some listeners, if you’re listening, to buy some of this ointment, put it on an area that you’re struggling with and give us feedback. If they feel like, “Hey you know my knee hurts.” They’re rubbing it on it, does it work or not, I’d love to hear feedback from you guys. Remember if you have a question that you’d love answer, go to question at, or any kind of feedback, it’s still questions at


Alright, Tara in Portland. “I found it really shocking that your last podcast guest lost so much weight on CBD and THC oils. I always thought they would give you the munchies. What is this all about these oils that can cause weight loss? So, I don’t know if you got to listen to the last podcast, but our last podcast guest cured herself from stage four cancer and also she lost over 40 pounds. And part of what she said really made such a difference was the CBD oil, and she even said she takes THC oil as well. So, and she’s saying, well, right? THC is supposedly- has- gives you that munchie effect.


Alex: So, so what that’s gonna do, that’s more of a stigma. THC naturally can speed up your metabolism, so that’s why you see a lot of people that are ingesting THC in various ways. They are skinny. Not a lot of them are overweight. The biggest thing with CBD oil though, I can’t elaborate much on it if it speeds up your metabolism, but what it can do is that it allows destressing, less anxiety and anti-inflammation.


Chantel: Right, and a lot of people are eating when they’re stressed out, so instead they’re having the CBD oil calming them down, having them mindfully eating their food, not using food for, you know, “I’m so stressed.”


Alex: Yes, yeah so it’s a- you know- a lot of people, and it’s not a bad thing, everyone has a crutch, everyone’s is different, but some people, they find comfort in food.


Chantel: Yes there is, that’s what this podcast-


Alex: Well no, no, every-


Chantel: You should only eat, do not listen to that last part of what he said-


Alex: No, listen-


Chantel: You should only be eating when you’re physically hungry and stopping when you’re full. We do not use food to help us to de-stress, we use CBD oil when we’re stressed.


Alex: Well, we want everyone to be healthy, and doing things cold turkey, and cutting things out immediately is never healthy. No doctors recommend that with medications. People that are battling alcoholism, that is not recommended. And the great thing about CBD oil is they are non-addictive. You can stop them at anytime. Once you do stop them, you’re still gonna experience some of those benefits because you’re gonna have that built up those phytocannabinoids in your body.


But let me clarify that last statement. It’s always good to eat healthy, but if you want to start getting in better shape and living a healthy lifestyle, do it in moderation. Do it slowly. Don’t immediately cut it out. You’re gonna find that it’s harder and less enjoyable throughout the long run and it might not be successful for you.


Chantel: Gotcha. Alright, this next one is from anonymous, they didn’t tell us their name. “I’ve been struggling with fertility for the past couple of years and my friend recommended CBD oil. I’m unsure if she was just trying to make a sale, or if this is a really good idea.” So I guess her friend sells the CBD oil. “Is it safe to take this kind of drug when I’m trying to become pregnant? And I guess the second part of my question, is how can CBD oil help me with reproduction?


Alex: So, there’s a lot of tests going on right now with reproduction and is it safe for children that are still in the mother’s womb. We highly recommend that you talk to your health care professional or primary care physician, your doctor, your gynecologist, whatever it may be, especially with this, when you’re trying to become pregnant and have a child. Because children are at their earliest stages, their organs are developing, so any impurities, any outside source, such as kids when they’re below one years old, you don’t want to give them honey, more studies need to be done.


So, when you’re getting pregnant, in the process of it, the less stress, I can’t see why it wouldn’t hurt. It wouldn’t do any damage, but when you become pregnant, you find- with my personal recommendation, I would stop, I would talk to my doctor, listen to them, get multiple opinions and then continue from there.


Chantel: And I’ve actually heard people who have had difficult with getting pregnant, they started taking CBD and they were able to get pregnant. Who knows, was it the CBD? They were havin more sex? Who knows? But at the end of the day, they were helping.


So, alright, last question. Karen in Alexandria. “I’ve heard so many things about CBD oil and I wanna know what is your absolute benefit of these oils and what changes have you noticed personally. Well I’ve talked about that a little bit, you’ve actually already kind of talked about that. But what would you say if you- these are the top three things that we’re seeing that is the biggest benefits? Would there even be a top three?


Alex: Yes, inflammation is number one.


Chantel: Inflammation, yes.


Alex: Is number one. The relief of anxiety-


Chantel: And we just had, if you didn’t listen, you know this is a great thing to figure out why that CBD oil helped the one girl that I know get pregnant, because the funniest thing, which I didn’t even put two and two together, but we just had on our last episode, we had a lady who was a gynecologist, board certified gynecologist, but she now is also doing functional medicine as well and she said one of the biggest reasons that people don’t get pregnant is because of inflammation in their body. And so, there you go, Aha! It’s inflammation in these kind of areas that that would be a big reason why they weren’t able to get pregnant, they took the CBD, they were able to.


Alex: That is a good answer.


Chantel: But I love that for number one is inflammation and I would agree with that. What would be number two and three.


Alex: So the number two as both the decreased levels of anxiety and stress, and then third, personally for me, is cognitive function. Being able to think more clearly, because I’ve removed inflammation, I’ve removed the stress and anxiety. I can think problems out clearer throughout the tasks, throughout the rest of the day. You’re doing them more thoroughly because you’re not rushing through them, you don’t feel stressed to get something done, which you’re gonna have less errors in your work, whatever that may be. Your job, with your kids, in your personal life, it’s very important that you don’t rush through things. And the great two benefits of these products is reducing your inflammation which gives you the ability to be more active in your job, with your kids, in your personal life. And then the second is having less stress and less anxiety. And then you are more of a productive member. One, of society, one with your family, your work, what you may be doing. And then the third, kind of is a byproduct of those two, is cognitive function. You’re gonna be more aware, you’re gonna be more articulate with your words. You’re gonna not rush through your work, rush through your speech. It’s amazing what these products can do for you.


Chantel: Well, Alex, thank you so much for joining us.


Alex: Thank you for having me.


Chantel: And everyone else, thank you so much for joining us, and remember, if you have a question that you want answered, go to questions at And today we are going to be giving a free bottle to one lucky winner, so if you go on to our Facebook page, you will see a picture of Alex with this amazing CBD oil and we’re gonna give one lucky winner a bottle. So if you comment below on that picture and you share that post, you might be able to be one lucky winner.


So, we’ll see you next time. Have a good day. Bye.