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Speaker 1:        Hey guys, welcome to this week’s podcast. I’m so excited because I have one of my very good friends, Catherine Muldoon, who was Miss Virginia. She’s drop dead gorgeous. Every time I see here she just gets prettier and prettier. She’s got the perfect body, and what we’re going to do today is we are going to learn how she stays so beautiful and has such an amazing body. She’s really given me so many things. And it’s funny because Catherine when you talk, it ingrains in my head. I listen to every word you say. So I’m so excited to have you on the show. She is a well known cosmetic dentist. So she’s not only gorgeous, she’s also smart. And she’s got some exciting things coming up. So Catherine, tell us a little bit about some new revelations that you’ve got going on with cosmetic dentistry.

Catherine:        I am super excited to reveal it, but I can’t yet.

Speaker 1:        Okay.

Catherine:        As you know I was in Virginia before, but I recently moved back to New York. I can’t release it because I’m working with a couple of celebrities who won’t let me do it yet.

Speaker 1:        No problem, we’re going to have you back on and you’ll reveal it.

Catherine:        [crosstalk 00:01:20] because I’m so excited, but just a little bit of a clue.

Speaker 1:        Awesome. Okay, well we’re excited to learn about it. What we want you to talk about today is, I want you to tell everyone some of the things that you’ve told me. Describe to me kind of what does a typical eating day look like for you? Do you eat breakfast in the morning?

Catherine:        Okay, so I want to preface it with this. You’re super sweet to be like, “Oh you have the perfect body.” But honestly I am a human being like everyone else. I sometimes fall off the wagon, sometimes I’m doing a little better. I remember when you were asking me about the book, I’m trying to think, okay, I made my little … I call it my pageant diet, but it’s not really a diet. It’s just a lifestyle. But I’ve noticed that we started off our meeting today and kind of a little bit of coffee, but when I wake up in the morning, I’m a busy person. I drink my coffee in the morning and then I go to work. I’m usually drinking coffee on the way to work while doing my makeup in the rear view mirror. Don’t tell on me. And then I get to work, and I’m like go, go, go, go, go, go. And by the time lunch comes [inaudible 00:02:32] working so hard that I don’t get a lunch and then I can literally feel

my stomach shrinking. And I told you that. I have extra energy because of it. And I also feel like my body isn’t eating the fat off of itself. By the time I eat, I try to eat a very small lunch just so that I don’t lose energy, but there’s been times in my life where I start eating breakfast and then I call it my relationship weight because if it’s in front of me, I’ll eat it. But I notice that I gain weight. I’ll feel a little bit fat [inaudible 00:03:06] now because you get that little bit of breakfast weight on you.

Speaker 1:        You feel like when you’re in a relationship, let’s say the guy that you’re dating might say hey, let’s go have breakfast and you don’t want to be rude, so you’ll have breakfast and you’re saying when you start eating that breakfast, that’s extra calories that are coming in that you are not normally used to eating. And then you end up gaining some weight when you do that.

Catherine:        Yeah. I just feel like calorie … I tell everyone it’s kind of like calories are kind of like your money. How are you going to spend your money? It adds up. If you spend some money on breakfast and you spend some money on lunch and then you spend more money on something in the afternoon and then you spend more money on dinner. That’s a lot of money that you spend.

Speaker 1:        I love that.

Catherine:        [inaudible 00:03:56] day. When I start eating breakfast, I’m like you have breakfast in the morning and then your metabolism starts going and then you get hungry again quicker, I think. And then I eat more food. And I’m like wow, these calories really add up. I mean, I do have a science [inaudible 00:04:13] of course, but at the end of the day, just kind of going to have to find out what works for you, and I’ve noticed that when I eat breakfast, I eat lunch and then I kind of get a little bit lazy and more lethargic. I have less energy to go work out. The calories add up. I mean, it’s simple addition and subtraction. Subtract when you go to the gym. You add when you eat. It’s really not rocket science.

Speaker 1:        Talk to me about when you want something sweet. Let’s say you’re … I just have a sweet tooth. I have a sweet tooth right now. You know I have a sweet tooth too. But when you have that sweet tooth, what do you do to curb it?

Catherine:        I mean, I’m probably the worst do as I say, not as I do. No. Just kidding. I mean, I’m a dentist. Everyone always jokes with me because I love candy. I love it. I have since I was little. I literally used to stick chocolate bars in my pocket when I was little and it would melt, and I had brown stains on my pants. Ask my Mom. But I have always loved Skittles since forever. My boyfriend used to run to my house when I was in middle school and bring me a bag of Skittles, and I thought it was the cutest thing. But my Mom jokes too. I literally have Skittles in my purse. I think that you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the things that you like because I think then sometimes it makes you eat other things. Whenever I have a sugar craving, I try to go after something that I know … and this is just in general. I try to eat things that I know that if I completely engorge myself with it, it’s still not that

many calories. For example, if you’re eating a meal, and you eat an entire plate of vegetables. You can eat and eat and eat and eat and still only eat a couple hundred calories. And you’re engorged with it. You’re like I can’t even possibly eat anymore vegetables if I tried. I have the same thing with Skittles. I can’t eat an entire bag of Skittles even if I tried. I’ll eat a couple Skittles, and after I have a couple Skittles, I’m like that’s too much sweet. I’m over it now.

Speaker 1:        Describe how you’re eating because I loved when you were kind of telling me you don’t just take the Skittles and go I’m going to just take the Skittle bag and go boom, I’m going to put it like … eat it like that. Describe as detailed as you can how you eat Skittles.

Catherine:        Okay. I mean, some people say to lose weight you’re supposed to savor your food, and I agree with that. I think Bethenny Frankel said something like you shouldn’t eat food while sitting on the couch because you’re mindlessly eating it, and you should savor every bite. She said it on Real Housewives or something like that. And that’s what I do, too. Obviously, it’s not because I’m savoring it, although I am since I love Skittles. But I used to make this little game when I was a kid where I would … I was doing it while I was watching TV [inaudible 00:07:19]. But I would sit in front of the television, and I would put a Skittle in my mouth and not look at what color it was and then I would try to figure out what color it was, and then I took it out of my mouth and see if I was right. I have this little secret mentality that I can eat a Skittle, and I can … only eat a red bag, but I can eat a Skittle, and I can tell

you what color I was just eating. I don’t know. You can’t do it with M&M’s. They all taste the same. But anyway, so I literally go to eat Skittles. I’ll suck on the Skittles. I can tell you what flavor it is because the flavor typically comes from the outside, and so I’ll suck on the Skittle for a while and be like hmm, is this red? Oh yeah, it’s red. Okay. I mean-

Speaker 1:        Yeah. No, yeah, but it just shows that you’re … no, but it shows that you’re really embracing that and … because you are. You’re savoring every minute of that Skittle that it’s in your mouth.

Catherine:        At the end of the day, that is what is happening, but again, like I said, I didn’t [inaudible 00:08:24]. You’re the one who literally [inaudible 00:08:27] all of our friends, and I’m telling you our friends have all have way better bodies than I do.

Speaker 1:        That’s not true.

Catherine:        Virginia Beach women … I’ve lived all around the world, and if you go to the gym in Virginia Beach, these women … I can’t keep up. Are you sure you had kids? Are you kidding me right now?

Speaker 1:        Yeah. We got some really good [crosstalk 00:08:53] … good in shape women. That’s great. Talk about … what I’ve heard you say and you’ve talked to me about is if you had to describe how you eat, you kind of eat a … try to wait as long as you can to eat your lunch and then you’re eating a small lunch and then you’re eating a large medium size dinner. Is that kind of your routine that you’d say hey, I like to eat a small lunch and a medium size dinner or how does that work for you?

Catherine:        By default, that’s kind of what I’ve done for the last, I don’t know, like seven, eight years because I’ve been working. When I would drink coffee on the way to work and I’m like one of those people that’s usually 15 minutes late, not the best trait, but I’m trying to rush to get to work and so I’m eating my … I’m drinking my coffee on the way to work, doing my makeup, run in, start seeing patients and then 1 o’clock will roll around, and if I got a lunch [inaudible 00:09:57] working through lunch or seeing someone, then I would eat some … medium-ish lunch especially when I’m doing “pageant diet,” which is usually tuna with some … I like that broccoli slaw because it doesn’t weigh me down. If I notice when I ate a heavier lunch or I would go out to lunch with my other co-workers, when I got back to work at 2 o’clock, I’m dragging along. I mean, again, it wasn’t intentional but I would have a pretty small lunch and then when I leave work, when I’m being really good,

I’ll cook. I’ll go to the grocery store and have somewhat bigger dinner. And everyone always told me that you shouldn’t eat that late in the day this and that, but I noticed when I was living that type of lifestyle I was definitely thinner, and my schedule was more regimented, and I had more energy. When I had energy to go to the gym after work, that says a lot because working is pretty rigorous. Have even more energy than the gym, you have been eating calories. Taken from your budget. You subtract it from your budget when you go to the gym and then afterwards you eat … I eat a bigger dinner. People always told me when I go right to bed, not right to bed but shortly after [inaudible 00:11:28] that’s not good. But I noticed during those times in my life I’ve definitely been thinner.

Speaker 1:        What’s crazy is the people … you know how many people I’ve interviewed. It’s crazy. What do you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner? But the people I have seen that are the thinnest, that is their recipe. They eat a small lunch and then they eat a medium sized dinner. They’re eating two meals a day and that’s kind of their recipe for-

Catherine:        My [inaudible 00:11:59] is an undergrad too, the same thing. They would eat … I don’t know if I should mention names. My girlfriend, Justine, an undergrad, she’s the most fit person I know. She would literally … she would eat the same bar. She ate a bar for lunch, literally some sort of protein bar.  And she’d run during the day, and then she would eat a big dinner.

Speaker 1:        Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Catherine:        [crosstalk 00:12:21].

Speaker 1:        Medium to large dinner, right.

Catherine:        [crosstalk 00:12:24] after that. And she was like this all the time. I don’t know.

Speaker 1:        Talk to me about what kind of self talk that you do in your mind to kind of … let’s say you feel like you’re in a rut, and you’re like I need to kind of pep myself up for either losing a couple pounds or anything like that that you say to yourself that’s super positive to encourage yourself each day as far as your weight goes.

Catherine:        Like you said, I like to focus on the positive aspect of things. I don’t ever want to feel like I’m depriving myself. I mean, when I had pageants to look forward to, I would start visualizing myself walking on stage, and I would visualize what I wanted to look like, and I would feel that feeling in my body. If you know that you want to feel great when you do that turn and you’re like oh, I look awesome, abs are popping. I really would visualize that. That’s one of the things. I feel like when I would get that feeling of being on stage and being like wow, I feel confident right now. I feel like I look good in my clothes. I feel like I look good in my bathing suit, and I’m just going to kill it, it just gives me a feeling in my body that would make me feel motivated. That’s more of like going to the gym, getting motivated and in the mindset, but in addition I also don’t want to feel like I was ever depriving myself. Instead of focusing

on the food that I couldn’t have … I love French fries.  Who doesn’t love some real good French fries? But those things are kind of hard, and it’s a slippery slope. I feel like when I have French fries, especially the McDonald’s, I think they put crack in them. But I feel like if I have French fries, I will want them. I can’t think about the French fries I can’t have. I’d rather think about the things that I can have. I actually start really getting into cooking. When I’m starting to lose weight, I start thinking about all the things like okay, what can I have? I can have things like mustard. Mustard is something that’s so flavorful, and has like no calories. Things like capers. Capers are super salty, and I know there’s a little bit of controversy about that. Capers, super flavorful. All the spices, so many spices that you can use and so many things that have so much flavor that bring flavor to things like white meat chicken, white fish, vegetables. I love vegetables, but they’re so much better with butter and

a whole lot of spices on them. I won’t deprive myself with butter or oil. I think if things are flavorful and you enjoy eating them, then you don’t feel like you’re deprived. I literally will sit there and start thinking what if I put a curry on this and if I make it like that? All these things that you can eat. I start thinking about that, and then I get excited about it and it’s … you don’t even think about the French fries when you’re having these amazing fish tacos.

Speaker 1:        And one of the things that I’ve heard you say is as far as rating your food. Let’s just say that if you had something that was a five stars in your book, this is the best thing ever and then if you had something that was four stars where you’re like this is really good, but once you start kind of going like this is only three stars, it’s not that good, you stop eating it. You’re like if it doesn’t taste good, and it’s not absolutely amazing [crosstalk 00:16:20]. Yeah, talk about that. Talk about that that you told me about-

Catherine:        [crosstalk 00:16:25] five stars. You can call it whatever you want it [inaudible 00:16:29] smell is sweet. Isn’t that the saying? I always like [inaudible 00:16:35] it’s like money. Money or calories is really the … what is it? The currency at the end of the day. But you have to think about okay, so if I eat this, is it worth what I’m spending on it? French fries, for example. I love French fries [inaudible 00:16:55] calories, and in addition, I’m going to crave them again and again and again and again for days until for me, when I’m trying to lose weight [inaudible 00:17:08] all the time. I’m not trying to be like … but-

Speaker 1:        Let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about when just your regular eating, not when you’re getting ready for a pageant or getting ready for something that you’re hey, I just want to … I want to trim that and lose a couple.

Catherine:        [crosstalk 00:17:26] things. Catherine completely off the wagon just going haywire, and then I’ll eat French fries and this and whatever and breakfast and bacon and whatever I want. And then I notice I’m all right. I don’t like this. And then there’s like okay, I got to reel it back in so let me be good. And then there’s the in between. I mean, I feel like there’s three. It’s not like two avenues, not like oh, pageant ready and then regular. It’s completely indulgent. Okay. Let’s reel it back in. Let’s be normal again, and let’s be really good. It’s like a pendulum. It swings back and forth. If you want me to talk about [inaudible 00:18:09] just like in the middle, you can go ahead.

Speaker 1:        Yeah. So that’s good. Let’s talk about those three different levels. Because here’s the thing. You can … let’s relate it back to the money example. There are times where you just say you know what? I’m going to spend a lot of money on this purse. I really love it, and I’m going to indulge in this. But if you had to just kind of-

Catherine:        When you have been saving, when you’ve been really good, when you’ve been dieting … right after Miss USA, I’ve been saving for a really freaking long time, and I can afford it right now. You know what I mean? I’ve been saving my money. I’ve been saving my calories. I can afford to indulge right now. And then I indulge, and I’m like ooh, I’m getting a little poor right now. I’m [inaudible 00:18:59]. I think I may start saving again. It’s a pendulum swing. I love purses. Everyone [inaudible 00:19:06]. I can afford it. I’ll go indulge on a nice purse, but then I’m like let me reel it back in. I’m not going to go buy another one. I’m not going to go buy a new car. It’s like … you kind of have to gauge where you are. If you work out a ton and you’re one of these people who do a ton of crossfit and a ton of muscle mass, and you have your high basal metabolic rate, you’re rich. You can afford to eat these things. That’s kind of what …

Speaker 1:        Yes.

Catherine:        Can’t afford this right now.

Speaker 1:        Let me give an example of something one of my friends told me, and it was a really good example, but I want you to expand on this. She said when I see people who really struggle with their weight, this is what they do. Pretend like this is point A and this is point B. Let’s say that I was going to your house, and we were going for a walk. Yeah. Let’s say this is my house over here, and this is your house. And I was walking to your house and then I took a couple steps back. Let’s just say I tripped and I took a couple steps back. What people who struggle with their weight is, they go like this. They go, oh my gosh, I kind of fell off the wagon a couple a little bit. And then they go all the way back and then start going this way instead of going okay, I took a couple steps back. I’m still going to move forward.

Catherine:        I think that what you focus on is what you get. I think it’s a mental game honestly, and I’ve seen it so many times. People struggling with their weight, they’re like I’ve been getting really, really far and then [inaudible 00:20:55] this is really hard. So then they’ll fall off the wagon a little bit. And then they’re like it’s really a slippery slope. This analogy with French fries, once you start eating badly and then when … I think you get what you focus on. Have you read the book, The Secret?

Speaker 1:        Yeah, I’ve heard of it, yeah.

Catherine:        You get what you focus on. They say that your mind is a light … what is it? A tower of energy that’s putting things into the universe. But you want to think about it on the left spiritual level [inaudible 00:21:30] just I don’t know, a level of if you’re constantly focusing on oh, I fell off the wagon a little bit, oh look at this roll. I don’t like the way this looks. I was doing so well, but I can’t ever do it. Look. See I tried so hard and then I fell back a little bit. As you continually focus on the falling back, it demotivates you. It makes you not feel good about yourself. If you focus on the negative, it’s going to continue to demotivate you. And so I think that’s one of those things. If you focus on the food that you can’t have, you’re constantly thinking about that and then that’s where you put your energy and then you feel good. You don’t feel good because you’re not depriving yourself. When you don’t feel good, you

don’t want to go to the gym, and you don’t think … when you’re thinking about what you can’t have, it’s taking up space in your brain that you can’t think about things that you can have. It’s killing your creativity on all these creative meals of the great spices and things you can do to your vegetables and lean meats that you can have. I think that’s why a lot of people will go … they’ll try to get here and then they fall back a little bit and then they end up going all the way back. It’s also habit too.

Speaker 1:        I love this idea that you just talked about because I haven’t heard you talk about this one before, and I want to expand on it. Let’s say we have three phases. We have the indulgent Catherine. We have the medium Catherine where you’re kind of mostly maybe 80 percent eating clean, 20 percent eating a little something here or there, right? And then we’ve got this other Catherine, we’ll call it Perfect Patty Catherine where you’re really dialed in. We’ll call that Pageant Catherine. The first phase will be indulgent Catherine. The medium-

Catherine:        [crosstalk 00:23:33]. We can call it [crosstalk 00:23:35].

Speaker 1:        I didn’t-

Catherine:        Happy.

Speaker 1:        Happy Catherine?

Catherine:        Sometimes it’s just you get so ah.

Speaker 1:        Happy Catherine.

Catherine:        [crosstalk 00:23:46], my [inaudible 00:23:47] self.

Speaker 1:        Oh, fappy. That’s what you’re saying. Okay, got it. Fappy.

Catherine:        Fappy.

Speaker 1:        Okay. So that’s Fappy Catherine. And then this middle phrase, that’s kind of the 80/20. You’re 80 percent. You’re really eating clean. 20 percent you’re eating a little bit. We’ll call that one the 80/20 Catherine. And then over here we’ve got the third phase, which is pageant Catherine where we’re really dialed in. We’ve got a special occasion or we’ve kind of maybe overindulged a little and now we’re trying to get back on track. I love those three tracks that we’re talking about. How many days if you had to kind of predict out of 30 days out of the month would you say one or two days you’re in this Fappy Catherine mode? How many days are you in this 80/20 mode and how many days would you say that you’re in this pageant mode if you had to estimate?

Catherine:        I don’t know if it would go for months. I would think it’s almost per year because I think I kind of go in three month increments. There’s a good maybe six weeks where I’m just being fappy and nothing’s really happening but then maybe eight weeks in I’m a little bit there, but I’m not really paying attention because I’m fappy. And then maybe 12 weeks in I’m like okay, hold on. I would say maybe it’s probably 50 percent of the middle, 25 percent of okay you’re fappy for the three months and then oh crap. That goes to I’m going to swing the pendulum to the other side so another [inaudible 00:25:46] three months of being really good and then I’m like okay, it comes back to the [inaudible 00:25:52] another six months. If we had to put it in terms of percentages, that’s probably what it is. Probably 50 percent of the time in the middle, 25, 25. When I’m being [inaudible 00:26:04] I gear more to the side. I don’t have anything coming up, it’s the middle of the winter, and I’m like [crosstalk 00:26:12].

Speaker 1:        How many pounds [crosstalk 00:26:14]. How many pounds would you say I’ve heard other people kind of say I have a three pound limit. I get on the scale and I kind of go okay, once I’ve gained two or three pounds, then I start getting into that [inaudible 00:26:35] okay, now I need to tighten my belt a little bit. I kind of need to move over from being fappy into being over into this side that you need to get into more pageant material there. What would you say is yours? Is it two pounds, three pounds, five pounds? Where are you at?

Catherine:        It’s probably … I mean, if [inaudible 00:27:01] monthly thing and I pay attention to it more, probably like five pounds. I know [inaudible 00:27:06] 15 pounds. But I don’t own a scale. The only time I really weigh myself is when I go to the gym. But mine is less of a weight thing. It’s more of a … when I gain weight, I gain it in my hips and my butt first. I gain in my boobs second and then I gain it in my stomach third. When I start noticing that if I’m sitting down and I have … [inaudible 00:27:33] show it to you right now. But if I feel like my stomach is sticking over the top of my jeans, I start to get that little roll in my stomach like right in the center and I stop seeing my abs, I’m like oh no Catherine. When I know when its reached … when it’s gone from the butt to the boobs and then it’s in the stomach, I’m like [inaudible 00:27:55]. But everyone gains weight differently. Some people hold it in different spots

and people are all over the place. I just know myself. Even at my legs, skinniest when I was probably way too skinny for Miss USA, literally my chest bones were showing. I wasn’t unhealthy. I was just eating super clean and working out twice a day. I still had a butt on me. I [inaudible 00:28:18] no matter what. I’m not going to look at my butt in the mirror and be like oh, you have a butt. You need to lose weight. Even when people called me anorexic, I still had a butt. For me, when I can feel my stomach, when it reached that point, I’m like okay. Same thing when I go in reverse, like the first thing that gets tone on me is my stomach. I cannot lose these saddle bags if I wanted to. It’s not a pound thing. It’s a [inaudible 00:28:53] test thing.

Speaker 1:        Yeah. It’s funny because my husband, I gain weight in my butt and my boobs. He always … for me if I’m in my thin mood, he loves it. He doesn’t … he actually doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like it when I’m too thin. He actually is like, “Hon, I’m just going to tell you you’re a little too thin right now.” He’ll be like, “Here’s a cheeseburger.”

Catherine:        Yeah, can I get my boobs back?

Speaker 1:        Yeah. He doesn’t like it when I’m too thin. Any other tips that you can think of that you kind of say to yourself or kind of favorite foods that you go these are things that I eat where I feel like this is a treat or some people have said one of the things they do when they’re hungry … I want you to talk about that. How do you know when you’re physically hungry? What are some of the signs that you feel when you’re physically hungry?

Catherine:        Okay. I don’t really want to call it hungry because I kind of like the feeling. But I told you I have [inaudible 00:30:04] for breakfast and then I kind of go through my day. When I’m not working, I’m running errands and then I’m like … all of a sudden I get thirsty and I drink some water. It’s good. But I mean, after a while, your stomach will literally shrink, and you can feel it. I can feel like when I can feel my stomach shrinking and I can feel … I feel like I’m burning calories. It’s kind of like … your stomach has little ripples in it, and so it’s expanded and when it shrinks, that’s when your stomach is growling. I think that’s what’s happening. I’m a dentist.

Speaker 1:        Yes.

Catherine:        Your stomach has little ripples in it, and it’s kind of like a balloon that’s inflated. The balloon has wrinkles in it. That’s the same thing what’s happening with your stomach. It shrinks. But similarly, that’s when I think that’s when your body is going into lactic acid fermentation. People who do these keto diets, the way your body burns … I don’t know how detailed you want me to get into this, but I can give you the science behind it. I call it [inaudible 00:31:18] of you body which is calories. But really if you break it down in a molecular level, the currency of your body is ATP. Adenosine triphosphate. When you hear people who work out a lot and they take creatine phosphate, what creatine phosphate is basically doing is when your body runs out of energy or ATP, ATP turns into adenosine triphosphate to adenosine biphosphate. What creatine phosphate does is instead of your muscles going to lactic acid fermentation, lactic acid is what makes your muscles sore. What people who take creatine do is they put the … they get a phosphate

and then you get more energy for your body. My thought is okay, if I’m sitting here and my stomach is growling and it’s shrinking, I almost feel my body losing weight, and I’m pretty sure that’s when your body is going from the [inaudible 00:32:20] cycle basically utilizing glucose which is calorie is glucose. Glucose breaks down, produces ATP. ATP is what your body lives off of. When your body is deprived of glucose or of calories, and that’s what makes these Atkins diets or low carb diets work, when it’s deprived, when that cycle is deprived and it produces, I don’t know, 28 ATP, it goes into lactic acid fermentation. People who are diabetic go into it or people who are going into ketosis for their bodybuilding or like me not intentionally, just not eating throughout the day, I feel my stomach shrinking and then I also … I can feel my body going from the [inaudible 00:33:08] cycle into lactic acid fermentation. As a dentist, you can actually smell it on people’s breaths. It’s like a fruity smell. It’s

funny, my girlfriend did bodybuilding, and she would joke that they all had the worst breath in the world. It’s the funniest thing about pageants and bodybuilding. We look so pretty on screen, but you can’t smell us. Yeah, so you can’t smell the breath. It’s ketotic breath, but it’s a fruity smelling breath. Basically you’re going into lactic acid fermentation, and your body has to go through this in order to produce only a few ATP as opposed to the [inaudible 00:33:50] cycle. I mean, I can feel that time when I’m going into lactic acid fermentation. I can feel when my body is literally burning the fat. To me, I actually have a lot of energy during that time. It doesn’t really make sense, and I don’t understand why. Maybe because fat is so high in calories. I’m not really sure about that. But I can tell … I can literally feel my stomach shrinking and then I can almost feel … I feel myself getting skinnier.

Speaker 1:        One of the things I remember you saying to me is you said that to me, and you said I love to hear my stomach growl. I literally once I stop … if I go until 3 o’clock or 4 o’clock because I had a busy day and I just had coffee in the morning, and I love to feel my body burning its fat. It’s eating its own fat, and I love that feeling.

Catherine:        I have … after I eat, I have low energy. I just like that feeling, look in the mirror, you feel skinnier after. But at the same time, I could feel my body getting thinner. I’m higher energy. I feel better personally. I like that feeling. It’s different kind of feeling than when you’re hungry. It’s not that hungry feeling. It’s like you’re saying how do you know when you’re hungry? During that time, I don’t even feel hungry. After you put some food in front of me, I’m going to eat it, and then I’m like oh wow. I was hungry that whole time. But I kind of like that feeling. It doesn’t make me feel hungry. It makes me feel energetic. Makes me feel thinner.

Speaker 1:        And that goes back to mindset because what you just said is you can have the mindset of oh, I’m so hungry. My body’s eating itself. I don’t have the nutrients or you can be like wow. Isn’t this an amazing feeling? I’m feeling the fat burn off my body right now. It’s that mindset. You’re like wow, I love that. And when you said that to me, I had a real shift there. So when I started getting to the point where I was like okay, it’s 2 o’clock, I haven’t eaten or 3 o’clock, I haven’t eaten and now I’m like wow, I feel like a million bucks. I do have more energy. I feel great. I’m not getting weighed down by food. And that mental shift is so powerful.

Catherine:        It is. I’ve had a ton of friends tell me similar things. You can either again focus on the negative. If you’re focusing on I have to lose weight, I have to lose weight, you’re depriving yourselves whereas when I’m at work and I’m doing things and I’m helping other people and I’m getting energy from other people, and uplifting myself in other ways than food, I’m not even focusing on losing weight. I’m not even focusing on that. And then … I’ve literally, I sit and a patient is literally right there on my stomach. They’re the first ones to hear when my stomach is growling. And I just joke with them. I’m like oh yes, someone’s talking to you. Hello.

Speaker 1:        That’s great. That’s great.

Catherine:        I was going to say it’s like moving around. I don’t mind that feeling. I like to think oh I’ve been doing something. I’ve been being so productive that I haven’t even thought about food. I’m like good on me. I didn’t even have to go to the gym for this feeling. I mean, I guess it is just a mindset of the way you think about it. You think about it like oh, I’ve been so busy at work. I didn’t even get a lunch. Oh, I haven’t had this. That’s going to bring you down. I think your mind is controlling your body. If you focus on the positive, oh wow, oh my gosh, I was so productive today, but I didn’t even think about food and guess what? I didn’t spend any money so I can go home and have a nice dinner. Things like that. I think it keeps you motivated.

Speaker 1:        That’s great. It’s funny because everyone that I … they kind of each have their own thing. For you, I remember it’s Skittles. For Missy, she likes chocolate covered raisins or chocolate covered peanuts. That’s kind of her thing. Any other things that you go these are things that I have on a regular basis. I don’t deprive myself. I love it, and I eat it in very small portions and describe that.

Catherine:        Anything with sugar or cream. I’m not the kind of person who deprives myself of … I don’t do this black coffee thing. I put full on, full heavy, not full like half, real half and half or creamer. I don’t do the diet creamer, anything with cream. I love crème brulee [inaudible 00:39:02]. What do I have on a regular basis?  [inaudible 00:39:05] I always have creamer in my refrigerator, and it’s not the diet. And I don’t [inaudible 00:39:10] on it. I put full on creamer in my coffee and sugar and whatever else I want to so it tastes like melted ice cream.

Speaker 1:        Talk about as far as some things where you’ll say … on some things you might say okay, I’m going to have full fat ice cream or whatever. This is what I want. I’m going to make sure I get the best of the best and just eat a little bit versus eating kind of the … when do you kind of make that differential where you’ll say you know what? Instead I might have sorbet or something like that.

Catherine:        I think about if I were to completely indulge, not deprive myself whatsoever, how much of this can I possibly eat? For example, you said you use the thing about M&M’s, and I actually know a lot of people. Missy loves her Raisinettes, and I know a lot of the pageant girls at Miss USA, they would literally carry bags of peanut M&M’s and eat them. I know so many people who do the M&M’s. For me, that does not work because I can literally … I can’t suck on an M&M. I literally can … if I indulge on M&M’s, I will eat five bags in one sitting. That’s a lot of calories. But talk about ice cream, if I eat Haagen Dazs [inaudible 00:40:49] ice cream, that stuff [inaudible 00:40:52]. It’s so good. I mean, it’s really high calories, but if I … I don’t [inaudible 00:40:58]. I literally eat it straight from container. If I eat that, I kind of do a little pattern. I scrape the top of it off. If I eat that Haagen Dazs ice cream until I

try not to eat anymore and I like ugh, this is gross. I don’t want it anymore.  I don’t eat that much of it. I’ll eat … okay, so [inaudible 00:41:21] probably like this big. If I literally I’ll scrape the top of it off and then I’ll eat it and kind of savor it because it’s so freaking sweet, and it’s so freaking good. I might eat a pint this big. I eat this much. I guess if you’re asking me … and at the end of that, I’m like oh, this is like I can’t eat anymore. This is too much. I have my friends tell me they can eat an entire pint of ice cream. I personally can’t. I probably could do that.

Speaker 1:        But I love that. I love that. Talk about that for just a second. Okay. If you’re talking about a pint of ice cream, you literally are taking it … you’re scraping the top of it off. So if you have a pint like this tall?  Maybe like half of an inch or an inch.

Catherine:        [inaudible 00:42:12] I’ll literally take a thing of ice cream, and I’ll have a spoon, and I’ll try to make the top of it as smooth as humanly possible while I’m eating it. I take the spoon and just scrape the top off and scrape a little bit off. I hate it when people go in there and they take all the good stuff out. But to me, honestly, that [inaudible 00:42:35] there’s little swirls of caramel on there. I feel like if you eat all that, it’s too much. I just scrape the top of the thing and then I literally eat it in shavings. It’s silly, but you’ll see the ice cream literally like the top is completely smooth. I’ll only eat maybe-

Speaker 1:        A half an inch.

Catherine:        Yeah.

Speaker 1:        And you’re satisfied. I love that.

Catherine:        Maybe it’s because I was playing with my food or savoring it. I haven’t really ever thought about it like that, but that’s … I mean, if I sit there and I’m like [inaudible 00:43:13], which I guess I am savoring it. But I never … I guess I never really thought about it like that. I literally scrape the top of it off and then eat it and then it’s like it’s really good [inaudible 00:43:26]. Just know if you ever come to my house, if you have a Haagen Dazs thing that’s already open [inaudible 00:43:32].

Speaker 1:        That’s awesome.

Catherine:        [inaudible 00:43:35] top of it off.

Speaker 1:        That is awesome. Well, Catherine, thank you so much for coming on this show today, and we are definitely going to have you back for our big reveal. Catherine is going to tell us her latest and greatest project, but she is keeping some things confidential with her celebrity clients right now. We will have you back on the show. And if you have a question that you want answered, go to questions@[inaudible 00:44:00].com. We’ll see you next time. Bye-bye.