130: Should I Get Breast Implants, Pasteurized Dairy, and Are You An Orchid or a Dandelion? - with Diane Kazer!
November 6, 2019

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Welcome back to the podcast! Today's guest is pro soccer player turned Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Holistic Health Coach, Diane Kazer. She is the founder of dianekazer.com, and the creator of CHI program & podcast: CLEANSE your body, HEAL your hormones, IGNITE your life, which includes the T.I.T.S. Method to help women reverse Breast Implant Illness, by addressing Toxicity, Infection, Trauma and Shame. Enjoy!
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Hey, guys, welcome to this week's episode and I can't wait to talk. Today's guest, she is a former pro soccer player, a functional diagnostic nutritional practitioner and a holistic health coach. She is the creator of my program and podcast and was named a top nutritionist in California. Welcome, Diane. Cayzer, thanks for having me. It's cheap. That's just wondering if it is cheap to tell us a little bit more about the TV program and what's its mission and what do you focus on?
Yeah, she it stands for clemency, like cleanse your body, killer hormones, ignite your life. And she also is the life force energy that flows through you, as you may have heard in traditional Chinese medicine. So if you've ever gone to an acupuncturist, which I'm not, but I love the tons of traditional Chinese medicine. But if you've gone to an acupuncturist, they'll say fu, your chai is a little stagnant and you're like, what does that mean?
And they may say you have some Trappes energy that is inside of your body and that could be in your liver. And according to TCM, which is one of the most ancient types of medicine around that's still being practiced but is not as common, it's not the forward type of medicine. They'll say that if you have trapped energy in your liver, then you're an angry person. You need to let that go. And then they'll say that if you have trapped energy in your kidneys and you have issues with your urinary tract, let's just say then you've got some fear that you've got to deal with there. So I love to approach and that's the holistic health coach aspect of what I do and what we work with. And she is that we look at what do you feed your mind? What do you feed your body? What do you feed your soul? And what do you feed your heart? Because all of those things, those four quadrants represent who you are or who you think you are, which is the collection of all the stories and thoughts and the beliefs and the values that were raised. Some of us thinking that we're stuck with our genetics, too. You're never going to get out of this disease because your parents had it in, your grandparents had it, or, oh, I'll never lose weight because my mom was also overweight. But these are all stories that keep us stuck and those stories stay stuck inside of our organs. So once we're able to release the toxins in those organs, as well as the trauma on those beliefs that are keeping you stuck, then we start to actually see the person heal, which some would call a miracle. But in our world, it's day to day.
So I know that you also focus on nutrition, what you wish Americans understood more, all about nutrition.
Oh, good question, Chantel. That nutrition is not. It's not the thing that's going to make you healthy.
It's a very unconventional and unpopular answer, but you can eat a very healthy diet with a really I don't know if I'm allowed to swear in here, but crappy or I would say, is she diet? You can have the worst intentions in the world but or have good intentions, but be doing it with a very limiting belief, self sabotaging mindset. And you're like, I don't understand. I'm eating these really healthy foods, but nothing is changing in your case and your followers, the scales not budging or my energy is not shifting or I'm sleeping a little better, but I still hate my life or I still don't like my life. I'm still not where I want to be. On the other side, on the flip side, you can have a very positively intentional life. And the things that you choose in terms of food, maybe they're poisons, but that person may not gain weight. They may not get sick. You will know that person that eats everything they want and the crappiest food, but they still look good. And then I still question how do they feel? So food could be a weapon. It could be also our greatest ally. But it really depends on the emotions and the mindset that we're carrying when we do it. So the fusion of those two could actually be that when you're feeding, like I said earlier, when you're feeding your body a very and I wouldn't just say positive because I look at things like light shadow. I don't look at things like bad or good because it's all a judgment of the ego depending on your past. So I would say that if you have this this authentic, this authentic spirit that you're carrying around and you're like, I'm comfortable with who I am and I'm just going to own right now that I'm just going to eat that piece of cake. I'm just going to own it and enjoy it rather than not owning it, beating yourself up about it. The beating up you're beating up yourself about that choice can actually be more toxic than the actual food itself. And by no way am I saying go eat the cake, enjoy it. It's just not going to hurt you. But when we love our body so much that we want to feed it things that we that we know we're doing out of place of self love, then that fusion of eating things because we love our body and actually being resonate with that choice. That's when the magic starts to happen.
Well, now the question I ask all my guests take me through a normal day in the life of Diane. Like, what did you eat yesterday? What time did you eat when?
Oh, I have this thing every morning, so do a lot of your listeners drink coffee, Chantel? Yes. Do you drink coffee? Chantel.
I don't I, I used to and this is how I am with coffee. I've I'll have coffee and then I wean myself off and then I'll have some and then I'll wean myself up. If I do drink coffee it's one cup a day. But I haven't had it in quite a long time and I just completely wean myself off. I am, I do things so natural. I'm just such a natural. Like if I have a headache, I don't even take Advil. And so because of that, like I feel the absolute best when I don't have any caffeine at all, because, like, even if I had like let's say at ten o'clock in the morning, I had one cup of coffee, I'd have trouble sleeping that night. Like if I had it at eight o'clock in the morning, I wouldn't have trouble sleeping that night. I'm just very everything's very sensitive to me.
Yeah. That's a good thing. I mean, that's that's that's a.
I think that's a life thing and that's something worth celebrating, because that means that you're you're in tune with your body, you're trusting your intuition. And that's one of the biggest things I love imparting upon the women that we work with instead of Cheers is to learn to listen to the whispers of your body that we know as symptoms, realizing that that's actually self-love coming from the soul, the symptoms that you feel. And it's your body's way of saying we like this or we don't like this. And maybe if it's a symptom like, oh, I got a rash, we might judge that is bad because that's what Western medicine might say, is that we're going to cover it up with some cream. It's not good to have a rash, but that's actually what your body's way of communicating to you. Oh, maybe they're actually maybe pushing out some toxins. So maybe that's actually thing like let it go. So it helps to understand to work with someone who knows how to help you decode these things. And speaking of coffee, it's the thing that everybody does, right. And I've never been someone who follows the herd. I'm always questioning everything will just because everybody's jumping off that bridge. Should I also say I've never really been a follower? And the coffee thing, it's not very popular for me to say this, but it can destroy females, hormones. And a lot of science today is predicated on the science and the data of mostly males. And I'm not I'm not saying that this is all about and terrible, but it's just no where your research comes from to know that the really when I've looked at women that we've helped, they come in and they drink a lot of coffee and they're destroying their adrenals because of it. So I don't start my morning like that. I did. I used to when I was a financial planner for eight years, I was like, I got to get on Wall Street. I got to do all the things. I got to be I got to I got ten times more things to do than my physical body will allow. And that that wasn't working for me. Super dehydrated. When your body's dehydrated, you gain more weight. You crave things. You don't want to get injured. Your hormones are not responding the way that you want them to and you get super acidic. And so your body craves things are alkaline, even though we don't know what that looks like. So I drink what's called a metabolic moka. That's a recipe that I actually created to get myself off of coffee. And now it's one of the things that so many women are craving themselves because it gives them this all the energy kick off. And how you start your morning is really how you end the day two and then how you end your day sets the tone for how you start the next morning to. So I'm always thinking ritualistically and intentionally when I'm doing this. What is the point behind it? And Chantel, I'll just tell you, flat out last night I was eating some big marshmallows. I was coming out, I was like, oh my God, my day today. Oh, I had some big marshmallows.
And I said, you know what? My entire six year old, she was so big and marshmallows. I'm going to give her some big and marshmallows right now.
So are you vegan? No, I just I just I have an entire six year old, an eight year old and in her thirteen year old.
And sometimes they're throwing a fit. And I will let them to calm down, but I'll give them the healthier version of the thing because I'm not denying that like food should be enjoyed. Right. So I'll just in moderation, let them have the healthy thing. But there are a few things I could stay away from. I stay away from pasteurized dairy, the kind of dairy that makes our body pretty sick to respond to reacts. I'll eat raw, unpasteurized dairy. Tell me about what kind of dairy you do have. Yeah, like raw unpasteurized dairy dairy from North America, because the cows here are generally not fed and treated very well. I want to make sure that the cow any food that I that I consume primarily dairy, I want to make sure the cows are taken care of. So I'll look at the label, see how the what the label says in terms of the values, the principles. It's tough today to find food. One hundred percent across the board is treated well, is one hundred percent organic, a super clean, non GMO, it's like impossible. So I just do it within reason because for a few years I tried to be militant about it and I was like, this is exhausting and annoying and I'm losing my mind. So I just went, I'm going to do my best. And as a nutritionist, I teach this to I just soy sauce. No way. My body hates it and I know that. So I just don't don't give it to it. I don't do gluten because I also run labs and help women on this all around the world because we ship them labs. It's like, oh, wow, look, you are incredibly reactive to gluten and it's not a celiac thing. I also know that gluten is sprayed with lots of glyphosate, Agent Orange. So I stay away from that. My body just does not like it. And like you, I'm sensitive. So if I eat something, my body goes, we don't like this. And it's either within a minute or two or three days, it could be like a little acne right here. My body's like, no, we didn't like that. Three days later, it's like, well, what did I eat three days ago? So every day is different. I'm like you. So yesterday I had a big salad. I had my metabolic moka, I had some bone broth. I had some carnitas from this company that I have shipped here who makes a lot of food sometimes. Do that sometimes I don't. It just depends on the week, you know, I'm in flow a lot. So some people who like structure maybe like to hear a more solid answer. And that is kind of my structure. I make big salads on Sunday. I have food delivered so that every night I have one of those and it's organic and it's sustainably raised and the packaging is non plastic and it's awesome. And it's Paleo is a great company for that. And then also of the morning, so you can't be a creature of habit. But just doing it in a way that you're like, you know what, I'm going to give myself a hall pass. I'm going to some vegan marshmallows here and there. It's just fine. And you do it with fun.
So where are you getting this your dairy from? Like, do you have a certain brand that you buy or where do you buy it from high school sprouts like the local stores?
That and I do. I've done grocery store tours for clients before, so I'll go to Sprouts and I'll say like, hey, I'll ask because there's lots of cheeses there. So say, do you guys have an area for pasta for non pasteurized raw dairy? And you're going to see the label will say, oh, this could cause there's all kinds of crazy warnings on there, but their true warning is buying cheese that has been pasteurized, homogenized. A lot of these cows have been fed lots of hormones, lots of antibiotics. They've been fed GMOs, plastic straws, newspaper bubble gum wrappers. These cows are just not treated well. So if we're eating the same stress that the cows ate, then we eat the same stress. So I would rather it be wrong because it hasn't been separated apart. Our body knows what to do with that because it's straight from Mother Nature and non filtered and there's probably maybe two brands.
I don't even follow brands. It's hard to anymore. But if it's as raw, unpasteurized from a dairy from, let's say, New Zealand and I read the label and it's pretty healthy, then I'll get it. It's just very rare. I don't I don't really go for cheese, but sometimes it just sounds good to me. I might need some calcium depending on the time of the cycle. I'm in two.
Right. It's funny because I went out to eat with a friend of mine and I was like modifying my my salad was like none of this, none of this extra this.
And she looks at me and she said, you know, you are an orchid, not a dandelion dandelion. And I was like, what? She's like, have you ever heard of this book? It's called The Orchid and the Dandelion. And it says, why sensitive people struggle. And it's talking about children and how some people are like an orchid and they are they don't thrive in any kind of climate. Like if you think about a dandelion, it's a very resilient flower. And they can grow in the cracks of concrete and thrive in almost any climate. And but yet an orchid is very sensitive, like if it's too cold or whatever. And so she was just funny because the book that is The Orchid and the Kid Dandelion is all about kids and how some kids are orchids and some are dandelions. And it was just so cool that she said when it comes to food, you are an orchid, you're not a dandelion.
And I thought, man, that is such a good example because why there are people that some people look, they're doing well and they could eat whatever they want. Some people are orchids. It's they're very sensitive to all of these different things. What would you say? Are you an orchid or a dandelion?
I'm I'm pretty sensitive and I'm proud of that. I'm proud of that.
And I think that there would be a bit of a hybrid. There's a bit of hybridizing hybridizing for each person, because if I move into a different place, this is what this is all sort of thing we talk about our program is that is the concept of Viravaidya. So if you move to a different area or you're visiting a different area and you're there in the seasons are completely different there. The weather is completely different there. Your body is going to create something else, too. So if you're in flow and if you're listening to your body, I think that we're all dandelions. Wait, dandelions are the ones that are sensitive in the body?
No, no organs. Like if you think about an orchid, an orchid like the ones behind me.
Yeah, orchids. And then I'm more of an orchid. My body is more sensitive. And I think that most of us are that way. It's just are we listening or are we listening is the question.
That's a good point. Now, in your program, you talk about your tight ass, your tits method and how it helps with breast implant illness. Can you talk about that a little bit?
Yeah, that's a funny shift.
We're going to go see the flowers that the flowers, the blossoms. Because I was looking at your orchids. I guess you think of that. I know. And I like the transition Chantel.
That was weird because we talk about these things blossoms and it's true I the method and dare I say the word tick's because it's supposed to be kind of cheeky and cute because it actually spells something, it spells toxicity, infection, trauma and shame, which these are the things that for. So many women and there are now millions of women Chantel, four percent, it's said the numbers are as high as 10 percent. But we know for sure that four percent of the women currently have breast implants. And I'm not saying this with judgment and shame because I had that. I know what that feels like. And the reason that I got breast implants 10 years ago was because I was ashamed of myself and I wanted my body to look like the magazines. And we're all blindly, culturally led and to the stigma that says you have to have breasts, large breasts like Marilyn Monroe. And then it was Pamela Anderson and Jessica Rabbit and all of these these fictitious or non fictitious but wearing fictitious boobs. We have to look this way in order to attain power. And that is an agenda of the ego. So I know that you had Sarah on a previous another episode or wherever. That's where you guys positioned this. And Sarah is my partner. She talks about the toxicity and the infections that so many women today who have breast implants are unknowingly exposed to breast implants, have 30 plus toxins in them. And I'll refer to that because I'm sure Sarah has talked about that and a big one. Of course, we say that silicone is just like the body and it's like DNA replicated similar to ours. So we shouldn't reject it. But the body actually does. And there's a silicone outside of the implant. Our body actually forms a shell to protect us from and keep us distant from this implant because the immune system goes. I don't know what this is. This is non self, just like it would do with gluten, just like it would do with genetically modified organisms as the science shows, just like it would do with heavy metals, things that are not our body. Our immune system goes, hey, security guard attack or dog attack. And it's the immune system's job to clear that from the body because it's a foreign invader and it can hurt us.
So what happens with women, with breast implants and every woman is the body forms a shell around it. So that's how we know that everybody reacts to implants now, how it looks to every woman down the road on how sick she gets. And what we see is a lot of autoimmune disease, lots of allergies, lots of bloating, lots of depression, lots of suicide, lots of hair loss, lots of skin rashes, disruptions, brain fog, irritability, super chronic fatigue, inability to sleep, miscarriages. What else? Yeah, really having a difficult time breathing Paines across the chest, sharp pains, what feels like heart palpitations or heart attacks, many heart attacks, not knowing what it's all about and discussed with your audience, just real difficulty losing weight because it costs a lot of inflammation around the body. My body I was at one hundred and fifty two pounds the day before my surgery, my thirty first of this year. And here it is now, September twenty six. I'm a little bit more puppy than usual because I actually ruptured my Achilles tendon two months after my breast implants removed. And that's a big part of this whole thing because doing excessive antibiotics and painkillers is known to actually aggravate tendons. So my my tendons got weak and it snapped. So. So I'm going to back up a little bit when I had my surgery as 150 to about six weeks after my surgery was one thirty eight. So I had lost almost 15 pounds. This whole process, the breast came out that I had one point two pound five hundred breast implants for ten years, took those out. Of course I was two point five pounds, but all of the inflammation that dropped was the rest of it. And part of what we're doing in our program is helping women to cleanse their body, healing the hormones, healing the gut so they can ignite their life and reconnect to the solid gold they came here to express in the work that came here to serve in the world. So when we're when we're super busy, like I was trying to look a certain way, we're not thinking about being in service to others. We're thinking from our egos perspective of who's looking at me and how can I impress them and how can I gain their attention. And what I realized to this whole process is this whole journey is I am not these implants. And when women come to our program, we've got lots of different celebrities, women who are models, women who are leaders who have also fallen to the victim story that we need to look a certain way to be seen as powerful and so working really deeply in the heart and understanding what we really came here to do and connect to our hearts and to each other and to Mother Earth. We can strip the ego away and learn that we don't matter from this body. We matter from this heart and how we're serving others, but starting with ourselves.
Love that well, let's jump right into the listener questions in the first two, I'm going to read together because they're very similar. This one says, I do have breast implants and I've read some articles about some of my symptoms, which I have all of them. But these same symptoms also match thyroid and autoimmune. How do I know if it's autoimmune thyroid or it's an implant issue? And the second one is from Jessica in Charlotte. How long would it take me to start having symptoms if I did have breast implant illness? I've had my implants for about five years and was completely fine just in the last couple of months. Something has changed. I'm fatigued all the time. I have a lot of joint inflammation, unexplained headaches. How do I know if I have breast implant illness? Justice Scalia.
OK, so Charlo was the first one, right?
The first one was Juniper in Roswell, New Mexico.
Juniper, her name is Juniper. Another flower is that I think is that a very you thing?
It's a berry, but it comes out of flower third flower day. OK, hi, Juniper.
So her question is, is that she's got a lot of symptoms that mask that match autoimmune like how do we know if it's thyroid? How do we know if it's something else? And that's that is the number one question. Right. Like how do I know that it's my breast implants and what if it's not and I take them out and I don't get better? So the first thing I would say to that is that when we see women take these things out, eighty percent of their symptoms go away now. I have to be honest with all of you, because there's a lot of hype and there's a lot of words and myths and things that are being passed around, is that that's all you have to do is take your breast implants out and everything gets better. But I totally disagree and here's why. So when we do this, remove the breast implant thing and you start to see pictures of women before and after and their faces looking completely different. There's three different kinds of antibiotics that are typically used during this procedure, and it's a lot of them. So antibiotics, as we all know, we feel great on them for 10 days. Most of the time we might have some side effects like diarrhea and stuff like that. But for the most part, it gets rid of the bug that's causing the symptoms. Right. But then after 10 days now, we've got to deal with a gut that's unbalanced and we've got to go back in there and add healthy flora and everything. So what we're seeing is a lot of women feel better for a few weeks until they don't. And the reason why they don't is because we're talking like there's a few guys join my Facebook group that why don't we have a serious call reversing breast illness with Sarah and Diane. We talk about a lot of mess and there are a lot of means that I'm known to make. And you can see this on my Instagram account to Diane Cayzer is that I know it's not just your breast implants. It's also and I list 10 things, and that's just the top ten. You know, it's the diet, like we talked about earlier. What do you feeding your body? We still see a lot of women who come into our practice. They're still drinking a lot of Diet Coke. They're still drinking lots of alcohol. Sorry, ladies, but one glass maybe a week is healthy. But one night is not to a night is certainly not. We also have to ask a question of what alcohol, what we're doing with it. Most of the time it's a numbing device. We're doing it to disassociate from the root of the problem. We're never angry or upset about what we think. We're upset about what we're doing with sugar and alcohol and people and things, maybe even sex or children even or disassociating and numbing out what we're really upset about, which is down here in the anger and the guilt and the shame and the things that we have never addressed since a little kid. Lot of trauma that we're still carrying that burden and it's expressing itself and feeling we need to adjust our bodies and alter our minds and gain more wisdom and knowledge. But really, it's matters of the heart. So what I find is that the breast implants are right over the heart and a lot of us and the number one cause for breast cancer is depression. Depression about what? What are we depressed about? So that's why I talk about trauma and shame a lot. So really, the root of autoimmune disease is that there's some kind of internal self attack happening. You could be attacking yourself because you don't like yourself from a conversation that you had with your parents when you were eight. That could be one of it. You could also be really ashamed of yourself for not being enough to save your parents when they had a divorce, when they were nine. There's all kinds of different reasons why we would internally self attack, it could be toxicity, it could be trauma, could be thoughts, it could be a personal care product that you're using. So we have to go in and ask the questions of all of the things that could be contaminating your aura and your physical temple. And it's not just the breast implants, however, your breast implants are living inside of you. Twenty four seven sunscreen that might not be super healthy for you is not a food that you eat like flows that your body is not. So we have to ask all of those questions. But what I do find is that for every single woman who removes her breast implants, she feels better afterwards. And then the ones who are not getting better, it's because they're not addressing all the other things. How you feeding your mind? How you feeding your body? How you feeding your heart? How you feeding your soul so that when we work with them, we clean all that stuff up and they're like, oh, now I feel even a lot better. So it's it's the definition of autoimmune disease is a foreign object in your body that your immune system attacks. And that is the very definition of what breast implants are inside of the body.
All right, this next question comes from Lydia in Nashville. I'm tired of being in a cup and I'm definitely getting breast implants, but I want to make sure I'm getting the safest ones. Which do you recommend?
I thought this would be a funny question. That is a funny question. It's like a trick question, right? Because she's like basically saying, I'm getting up well.
I don't have an answer for you.
I don't I see so many women sick from breast implants that I if it's what you want to do, there really isn't a safe breast implant. That would be like a woman saying, hey, what kind of birth control you recommended? I'd say the rhythm method or family awareness method. There really isn't a safe breast implant. But if you want to put something inside of you that's never been tested and studied and approved over a 10 year time period, that's up to you. But I would urge you to go on our Facebook group and see the conversations in there. I understand you're in a club. And what I would say to you is this. There is the possibility of doing what's called a fat transfer. So I would say if you're going to do breast implants, I don't have an answer for you because I have seen so many women damaged from them and we're recovering women. And there is no there is no currently known time frame on how long it takes to clear silicone from the body. For all we know, it stays in us forever because every one of these implants bleeds and all of them eventually rupture.
After 20 years, some of them will slowly, slowly have a leak in them, but they all bleed, which means that the stuff I've seen come out of my body and many of the women's body than you want to do is look in the toilet.
What is that long, stringy thing that looks like silicone? What is this? So they're not safe. They've never been tested and approved for that. In fact, there's a 12 18 study that came out last year. One hundred thousand women were researching this over the time your time period of 10 years. And you can see all the data on my website. There's you can put this in the notes, Chantel. It's a thirty three reasons not to get breast implants your doctor didn't warn you about. And this is the data that I compiled. It took me a year to write this article because it was from all these different studies. I really went deep in the science and the data and the research that was out there or not. And I said, what? Let's look behind the curtain. And so I put all of those statistics out there. So if you read the article and you still want them, I would ask you to question yourself, what if breast implants mean to you? And who are you trying to impress? What are you trying to gain now that you don't have or that you don't perceive that you have? And then go through all those questions, but it sounds like you're decided, so I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm trying to open.
Let's do this. Tell her you just said you have those three reasons not to get three. Give her the top three. Or you say, here's my three reasons why.
I would just recommend that you don't or give her some tips of what can she do that, you know, some different, like, bras or anything that. Oh, yeah, I feel more comfortable. Sure. Sure.
So the top three reasons would be an I don't know if you're every person's different, if you're going to be if you're aspiring to be a mom. We see tons of mothers in our practice who have said they're babies or are currently feeding their babies or are going to stop now who've had breast implants and even the sickest babies that we've seen and we're doing lab tests on them. These babies are extremely sick. There are lots of skin issues, lots of gut issues, lots of acting out issues, rage. So that's if you're going to be a mom. This is one where I would say you're going to dump your toxins into the baby. Every baby is born with two hundred and fifty plus chemicals inside of them. And there's a reason why autism and allergies and autoimmune conditions in small children are on the rise. And that's because we're either the wastebasket or the warrior for our children. And unfortunately, now we're the wastebasket. Unbeknownst to us, we're not taught this stuff right. So before anybody gets pregnant, said, please close with us for three months, maybe even a year, because it takes a long time to clear these things out of the body. So I don't know if you're aspiring to be a mom, maybe you are. Maybe my intuitions on with this, but I would say consider your baby, because even if you had them for ten years, then took them out and had a baby and then breast implant and still breast fed them, you still have who knows how many years of silicone in your body. Right? So that's one. I would say the other one would be, is that autoimmune disease, autoimmune disease increases up to a hundred percent. And women with breast implants, we found with rheumatoid arthritis being a very common one, Hashimoto's being another common one, sojourns syndrome being another one, I couldn't even type anymore because my fingers and my my hands, my fingers on my feet were so cold and it was annoying. I type for like five minutes and then I had to pull away again. So it takes you away from what you really want to do with your life. It starts to crumble and Detriot your body, which to the point of we now know that women who have breast implants are body attacks, our own collagen.
So what do we know about college, it is that women are spending thousands of dollars I just did prep yesterday. That's why my face is a little bit swollen and my eyes are a little bit black because I did PRP and that's plasma, which platelets which have blood taken from your arm. And then they put it up in your face to boost collagen again, because I lost so much college in this process, I aged and it was like a one year time period Chantel I look like at age like 10 years when I had breast implants and I was like, what's going on? I'm not that old yet, you know? So I'm spending several thousand dollars or three thousand dollars a year long thing I bought to put collagen back in my face because I lost so much of it. So I would say that that's not an aging to get breast implants. So it's one thing to consider as well. The third one is that they're very expensive and many of us don't know this. So it's like ten thousand to get them. And this is also in my thirty three Reasons article, because I was a financial planner for eight years, so I also calculated this. It takes ten thousand dollars to put them in or how much your doctor charges. Then you then you're supposed to get MRI's of your breasts every three years to make sure that they're intact. So let's take that. And a lot of women's art, they move around, they have complications. They have to get them redone. In fact, I can't remove the percentage. I think it's like a third of women have to get them redone and the first three to four years because they have complications and I don't know, ten grand. But the MRI is if you didn't have to have them redone, I didn't have to have them redone MRI every three years, which I did not do. But we're supposed to for our health to make sure that they're intact and not causing problems. So that's another ten grand because of three thousand dollars to do an MRI. So three thousand times three over ten year time period, let's say nine years, that's ten thousand dollars, then you're supposed to get them redone every ten years. So now we're talking twenty thousand dollars every ten years if you're doing it the right and healthy way. But when you get breast implants, there's a fifty five percent reduced ability to see if you have breast cancer. So that's another stat. But I'm on three now. That's three. So so number one, they cause autoimmune disease and all kinds of problems. Number two, and sojourns in that take away from your ability to live. Number two is that is the collagen thing and aging quickly. And number three is the cost, the cost, expense, the solution to all of that. There is something what's called fat transfer now and they're doing PRP to the breasts. So I would say the technology is there that you don't have to inject foreign invaders into your body. You can do what I did, which is called fat transfer.
And my my breasts, my friends are like, hey, you look like you're twenty one year old boobs again. And I'm like, yes.
So they took fat from my inner thighs, my back and my belly, which I was only 18 percent body fat when I had it done and they moved him up to my boobs.
So I got like an extra cup size.
It's safer and go talk to your doctor about that work with a good, solid fat transfer doctor who knows what they're doing there and can actually reconstruct you. And there's so many women who are really happy with this, really happy with this. And it's healthy. It's your own tissue that's winwin.
I love it. Yeah. Well, where can listeners go to follow you and your work?
Yeah, well, I think I already talked about a couple of them, so you can type down Kaser and I'm sure you'll have my name in the show notes and you can find me on Instagram and YouTube and all the places. I'm the only dying Keyzer in the world so you guys can find me pretty easily. And when you get onto the website, if you are a woman who had the questions about toxicity or do I have my suffering from breast implant illness, what are my options, what can I do? We actually created a master class. It's really amazing. The top five things that every woman needs to know who thinks they might have breast implant illness. Or maybe you're like, you know what? Maybe I want implants. I get it. I love boobs, too. But maybe you watch that masterclass and it may change your mind. But there are women who we work with who don't have breast implants who have the exact same symptoms. So it's really hard to say, like you said, so you could watch either of those master classes there. And it's huge.
It'll open your eyes that that's about 10 years of my work that I've put into like a forty five minute little video that you can join me for. So that's one that you could watch and just blow your mind. It'll it'll hopefully change your mind about the way you think about your body symptoms and your health because your body is always there to protect you and symptoms are there for a reason to communicate with you. So it's time we stop numbing them and suppressing them and thinking that your body is trying to kill you or it hates you, it loves you. And so I'm here to help you love your body in a way that maybe you didn't before and see a different way. And that's that's easy. Thanks, Volcom. You'll find me everywhere from there.
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on our show today. We really appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Chantelle and Preston's. Yes. And if you have a question that you want answered, go to questions at Chantel Ray dot com. We'll see you next time. Bye bye.