#121: Is fluoride good for your teeth, how to get rid of yellow stain on your teeth, and what's the best organic toothpaste to use? With Trina Felber!
October 28, 2019

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Let’s welcome back to the podcast Trina Felber! She is one of America’s leading experts on natural oral and skincare wellness and the Creator and CEO of Primal Life Organics. The last time she was on the show, she discussed skincare and how to immediately identify toxins and certain ingredients in skincare products. Today we’re going to switch gears and discuss Dental Health and the Oral-Systemic Connection and learn how to create a healthy mouth that protects you 24 hours a day!!
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Video Version: https://youtu.be/NL6XMc_GzEU
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Hey, guys, welcome to this week's episode and welcome back to the podcast, Trina Felber. We have a second edition today, and she is America's leading expert on national oral and skin care. And she is the CEO and creator of Primelife Organics. And we talked before tons about skin care. If you look at her face, it is flawless. It's unbelievable how good her face looks. If you're listening to this, you've got to watch it. Go to our YouTube channel. But welcome, Trina. Thanks, Chantel. And that's so nice of you to say. So today we're talking all about our teeth and our oral care and our healthy mouth. So can you talk a little bit about the oral systemic connection and the role it plays in your overall dental health and your regular health?
Yeah, we forget that the the mouth is where it all starts. It's the beginning of not just your digestive system, but your immune system. We have talked a lot. We've heard a lot of conversations about the gut health, about leaky gut syndrome and malabsorption syndrome and what that does to your immune system. And if you don't have a healthy gut, you don't have a healthy immune system. We talk to you a little bit yesterday about how your gut affects your skin. But what I need to tell everybody, what you need to really hear is probably what your mom and your dentist might have told you a long time ago is that good health starts inside your mouth and we hear that. But we don't quite understand what that means. But I'm here to tell you what that exactly means. Once you get it, light bulbs
go off, you can make a cool, easy switch and you can turn your immune system back on inside your mouth. So good health starts inside your mouth because that is where your immune system starts. We have been using products, antiseptic products on the market that aim to kill all bacteria inside your mouth. We have been brainwashed into believing bacteria is bad when that's only 50 percent true. The other 50 percent is that there is good bacteria and you are you are basically a walking bacteria load. You carry bacteria from point A to point B, and the good bacteria actually is what keeps you healthy. So when you think about the the microbiome inside your gut, if you don't have the right microbiome inside your mouth, you are actually missing about the first twelve inches of your immune system because your immune system actually starts inside
your mouth. H. Pylori E. coli, the common cold, the flu virus, all of that, when you're exposed to it, doesn't get exposed in your gut. It actually gets you get exposed to it inside your mouth, your nose, your sinuses. And by the way, whatever's in your mouth is also the same bacteria that's infesting your nose and your sinuses. So if you suffer from a lot of sinus conditions and sinus infections and colds, the reason might be that you are destroying the good bacteria inside your mouth. So, you know, go ahead. Sorry.
Yeah, no, I was going to say, if you think I heard someone give an analogy one time, that if you think of your gastro intense gastro intestinal track as a river, then the mouth is the source of that river. And what you do in the mouth, it basically sets the stage for everything that's going into your gastrointestinal tract and into the rest of your body.
And it's two ways it either gets in through your gum tissue or you swallow it. So and I say the same thing. My analogy is that it's a tube that we have to stop thinking about our digestive system as inside our body. That entire tube that runs from your tip of your tongue to your tail is really outside of your body, outside of your internal environment, and it starts with the health inside your mouth. Think about it this way. And I like to do this analogy. I talk about pregnancy a lot and I talk about when I take you back to when you were in your mother's womb, where it was dark and it was cozy and there really was no infection. There might have been some bacteria in there to keep you healthy, but the bacteria was good bacteria. Your immune system, when you
were born, you had no immune system. You didn't need one. There was nothing in there that was exposing you to send anything bad that you would need an immune system. So when your born babies that are born through the vaginal birth canal, the very first exposure to bacteria is through the vagina, the vaginal birth canal, the bacteria in their. Is what sparks your immune system, so when babies born, they have bacteria from the canal in their nose and their mouth, they first take their first breath, that that throws that bacteria inside. And then when they swallow, they they swallow the good bacteria inside their mouth. And that feeds and seeds their gut, which is pretty much sterile at this point. That is how they develop their immune system. That's why babies that are born vaginally have a stronger immune system than babies that are born
through C-section. So C-section babies, there have been there has been research that has shown as long as moms of vaginal canal is healthy, doing a swab, a vaginal swab into the nose in the mouth of a newborn baby, and that can help spark their system. That's why your immune system starts in your mouth. Leaky gut syndrome, which is what causes malabsorption. It causes a lot of inflammation and it can cause immune system problems. Leaky gut does not start in your gut. Leaky, leaky gut starts inside your mouth as leaky gum serum. I talk about the gum health. If you have any bleeding inflammation, any issues with your gum tissue, that is a way for inflammation to get inside your body. There has been the link between gum disease and heart disease and Alzheimer's and diabetes. All inflammatory diseases start from inflammation that most likely has
entered through your mouth. So by keeping your mouth healthy, you can prevent not just gum disease, but you can prevent internal inflammation. You can prevent digestive issues. So you have to stop and think you swallow. Your saliva is what protects you. Twenty four hours. Your saliva is what carries whatever's inside your mouth. Even when you're not eating, you swallow your saliva all day. So whatever is inside your mouth is what's feeding and feeding your gut bacteria. And if you're swallowing bad bacteria all day because you've destroyed your good bacteria, then you're not setting yourself up for success in your gut. You're actually probably working against yourself. You're probably taking probiotics. You're probably trying to eat good foods, maybe drink some some kombucha and things like that. But if you're swallowing the wrong bacteria and you have the wrong environment inside your mouth, you're probably not
helping the situation out. You're actually making it worse. And it's a really easy switch of the environment inside your mouth. So I usually talk about breaking bones. People people always tell me, you know, you can't heal a cavity, you can't heal gum disease, you can't heal these things. And what I usually tell them is if you believe you can heal a bone, a broken bone, then you really should believe that you can heal a cavity and heal the inside of your mouth because there's no real difference between bone tissue and your teeth. So your teeth are actually made up of the same mineral content. Your teeth are actually stronger than bone. And it's because the environment that it is in, when you think of your bone tissue, your bones are internally housed, which means your P.H. inside of your body is typically neutral. It falls
somewhere between seven point three, five and seven point four or five, and it doesn't really vary outside of that. So when you have an injury inside, when you put minerals back into bone and back into teeth is during an alkaline situation, it has to be alkaline. If the condition is acidic, minerals leave and go towards the acid. The minerals leave the bone, the minerals leave the teeth. The reason your bones usually stay hard and firm or you can replace the minerals and heal a bone fracture is because the condition in your body is typically a neutral condition where the minerals can go back from your blood and your your internal structures into your bone inside your mouth is completely different. If you're using the wrong products, you're compounding the issue. Most of the foods that we eat are acidic by nature. Most of the dental
products that we're using are destroying our own ability to neutralize those acids inside our mouth. What you want is to create an environment inside your mouth where your good bacteria can live because good bacteria inside your mouth lives in a more neutral to alkaline environment. When that happens, your saliva, which is very neutral, can can also neutralize the acids in your food and then the minerals that are in your saliva and your food can. Go back into your teeth and heal your teeth while this is all happening, your gum tissue will get healthier because during those conditions is also when your gum tissue can heal, increase blood flow and decrease inflammation of your gum tissue.
So let's talk about mouthwash, because maybe you're like me. I love mouthwash. I love my mouthwash routine, and I love the fresh feeling that it gives me. And a lot of people I know have transitioned into using a more organic toothpaste. You know, they like that super minty flavor and they want to use mouthwash. And unfortunately, with mouthwash, the traditional mouthwash has so much alcohol and they have so many ingredients, which I want to name a few of those ingredients, like alcohol, chlorine dioxide, parabens, formaldehyde, saccharin. So do you do you know of or do you guys carry I know you've got some amazing toothpaste that are phenomenal. Do you guys actually carry mouthwashes as well?
So mine's not a mouthwash. Mine is a gum serum which does the same thing. So like here we're talking about those ingredients and mouthwash. Mouthwash destroys your bacteria and it sets you up for bad breath. Bad breath is the very first sign that you have an imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria inside your mouth. I have not. You needed to use mouthwash. I got rid of that a long time ago, but I have not needed to use breath mints or gum. And at least five years I don't I can't remember the last time I popped a mint in my mouth to make my mouth feel fresh. When you have the right condition inside your mouth, the good bacteria is inside your mouth. You will not really suffer from bad, bad breath. In fact, most of my customers report when they wake up, they don't
wake up with morning breath anymore. Their mouth is actually clean and still feels clean. And they don't grow the bad bacteria. They don't grow plaque because the condition is right. Mouthwash sets you up and actually promotes the breakdown of your teeth and your gum tissue. And it prevents your your saliva from working the way it's supposed to work to protect you for twenty four hours, regular toothpaste and even a lot of natural toothpaste. So what you want to look for in in oral care products, you want them. There's, there's two or three things that you really need to look for. I, I always say I believe the ADA has explained brainwashed into believing that we brush our teeth to clean them. It's really not true. It's it's really not true. If you're using a toothbrush and water, you are effectively cleaning your teeth and you
are actually cleaning them without destroying the bad bacteria. If you just if you have a normal production of saliva, your saliva is actually meant to wash your mouth out continuously. It's supposed to remove the food particles. Obviously, things get stuck. You do want to brush your teeth, you do want to do some flossing. But overall, the products that you're using to brush your teeth need to do two or three things. They need to be alkaline if they are not alkaline. And by alkaline, I mean by a P-H. They allow minerals to go back into your teeth and they also allow the growth of good bacteria so that when you get exposed to something, you're getting like you're getting exposed to things through your your your mouth and your nose when you're exposed to something that is a virus that grows in an acidic environment. If
you have a more alkaline environment inside your mouth, it's not going to be able to survive. Most of my clients last year it was really cool. I had I was doing a Facebook live and we were talking about oral wellness. And there were a bunch of customers of mine that were saying that for the first time in a really, really long time, they went a whole season, flu season and cold season without getting sick. And it's because we restarted the immune system inside the mouth. When you're using the wrong products, you have literally destroyed the first 12 to 16 inches of your immune system. And then you when you go when it gets down into your digestive system, that's completely different. You don't have the right microbiome down there to fight off the common cold when the common cold or or the flu virus gets
into your mouth and you can't fight it in there, your sinuses, it can start to harbor in your sinuses and then you get the sinus infections and things like that, taking care of your mouth, using the right condition, allowing the right bacteria to grow can actually restart your immune system. So you want your dental products to first be alkalis for your mouth. And second, they need to have minerals in them. If you're brushing with something that doesn't have any minerals in it, you might as well be brushing with water. Because it's not going to do anything to promote the dental health, the hard enamel, the strong enamel, you're just setting yourself up for a breakdown because under most conditions, we do lose minerals from our teeth almost every day. If we're not replacing those minerals, you end up with sensitive teeth to hot and cold.
That's the first sign that you are losing more minerals than you're replacing. And by the way, you cannot take there's no dental supplements out there. You cannot take a supplement to increase the enamel of your tooth. The way that this happens is all inside your mouth.
You have to either be brushing with something that has minerals in it or you need to be eating the food that has a high content of minerals. And I'm talking about vegetables and fruits and meats and things like that that have a high bone broth is great, has a high mineral content. The only way your body can mineralized your teeth is through your saliva. And that's an indirect way for you to take a supplement. So you do want to take your vitamins, but if you have digestive issues and you have malabsorption and you're not absorbing all the minerals from your food or your supplements, your saliva content of minerals is going to be much less and you're going to have less availability to your teeth. And if you compound that with acidic foods and the wrong dental products, then you don't really have a chance
of criminalizing your teeth. Women that are pregnant, there's a saying that say people say women say one cavity for every baby born, which basically means that after nine months of harboring and growing, a baby mom ends up with a cavity. And people were asking me moms were asking me why that happens. That happens because baby is needing to take minerals from mom to grow teeth and bone for themselves. So Mom happily gives baby those those minerals. So her body, her content of minerals is depleted, her saliva is depleted. And after nine months of depleted saliva, you're not replacing those minerals inside your mouth. So mom ends up with a cavity or a sensitive tooth post delivery. It's an easy fix. All you need to do is brush with an alkali using toothpaste or tooth powder, use a gum serum that's going to support your gum
health and it has to have minerals in the product that you're using.
All right. Well, let's jump right into the questions. We just got this question today, and it's very fitting. It's for Sally Jo, marketer in Houston, Texas. I read an article that said you can make your own homemade mouthwash very simply with distilled water and baking soda. And the article said, no need to add essential oils as it kills bacteria and it could be harmful to your health. I don't understand how essential oils is bad for you. That doesn't make sense. And it said to add sea salt to the mouthwash for more mineralization properties. But then I can't drink it. It's disgusting. I need a recipe to do my own DIY mouthwash. Do you have any or any brands that you suggest?
Yes, my my gums serum is what I produced. It's right here. Dirty Mouth Gums Hyrum and it's an olive oil based. So first off, if anybody is familiar with oil pulling oil pulling is really good for your mouth. It's really good for your gum tissue. It helps to get rid of toxins. It increases blood flow, which is going to get rid of toxins internally. The problem with oil pulling and I think we talked about this in the last episode is the pain point of needing to do it for twenty minutes. Yes, it is a twenty minute process. So what I did was I created my gums here. It's an olive oil base and it has eleven essential oils in it. And I do get that question a lot like, you know, it has essential oils in it. It's going to be killing all my good
bacteria. So there's the knowledge base of good bacteria and bad bacteria live in different environments. They're completely different. Your good bacteria loves alkaline. It's different than bad bacteria that loves acidic. So what this does is creates that alkaline environment. And most essential oils are not going to kill all bacteria like alcohol and things like that. It's really going to just target more the bad bacteria. It's setting your mouth up to be more alkaline, increased blood flow, decreasing inflammation, healing your gum tissue and supporting your good microbiome inside your mouth. So that's the difference. I'm baking soda is great. I know I get this question a lot to Kenyon brush with just baking soda or straight charcoal. So my answer is in a short let me let me tell you a little bit about my my products and how I created them. And this will make
a little bit more sense as to why straight baking soda and charcoal are not great. To be brushing with on a daily basis, so when I created my oral wellness products, I created them to do the things that you need to do to create internal internal oral health and allow your immune system to start inside your mouth. That's where it all starts. If you change the environment inside your mouth, you can then rematerialize your teeth and you can heal your gum tissue, decrease the inflammation and decrease the chance of that inflammation getting inside your mouth. So when I create created my tooth powder and my toothpaste, I created them with a blend of three different clays. Clays are very beneficial for the mouth. They're beneficial for the skin. They're beneficial as an internal cleanse. A lot of people and I do a detox cleanse once
a month drinking bentonite clay. You have to make sure it's a food grade, clay, if you're ingesting it. But for my tooth powder, what I did in my paste is I blended three different clays, a bentonite clay, kaolin clay and a French green clay. So a lot of toothpaste, natural toothpaste on the market do not contain any minerals at all. A lot of them will only contain one clay, which is usually bentonite clay, which is great, but it's not all inclusive. So when I blended the three clays of mine, I blended them so that they have a full spectrum of all the minerals that your teeth need. And the French green clay is from the sea. So it actually has the nutrients from algae and other plants that grow in the sea. So it's actually green and it has the vital nutrients. LJ and phyto
nutrients are also analgesic and antiinflammatory. So it's also really beneficial for decreasing inflammation in the gum tissue. So by blending those three clays, the other missing link from a lot of a lot of different natural tooth powders in toothpaste is that the clay itself is localizing. It's not alkaline enough inside your mouth. Remember, your mouth tends to be more acidic because of the foods that we're eating and even red meat, coffee, most of the things that we're eating are acidic in nature. So if you're just using something that's more that's a neutral to slightly alkaline, it's probably not going to be alkaline enough to kind of change the condition inside your mouth so that your saliva can work for twenty four hours. So what I did was created it with some baking soda. So I've got the blend of three clays with a little bit
of baking soda to make it more alkaline so that you can then alkalis your mouth while you're brushing. And those minerals are right there. So let me show you, I have anybody that's watching. So I highly recommend if you're listening to go back and watch because some of the props that I use help to really show. So this is your tooth right here and this is your enamel. The white part of your tooth is your enamel underneath your enamel. The blue part is your dentin. Your dentin is the fluid filled part of your tooth. It's fluid filled so that it's kind of like the shock absorber or the cushion. For every time you bite, you're not feeling pain because what's housed inside your dentin is the pulp, which contains your nerves and your blood vessels. This is why you can't take a supplement to directly
affect your enamel because your blood vessels are deep inside your pulp and they're not connected to your enamel. Everything to fix your enamel has to happen on the outside, through your food, your saliva and what you're brushing your teeth with. So this tooth has a cavity in it that actually dips down into the dentist. What's happened is the mineral loss has gone so far that it is now down into the dentin. That's when you start to feel the pain because your nerves and your blood vessels are right there. When you're brushing with my dirty mouth, tooth powder or my toothpaste, what you're doing is cleansing the surface of the tooth. Most toothpaste, including natural toothpaste, include an ingredient called glycerin. When you're talking about harmful ingredients, glycerin, and I get this all the time, it's not toxic. You're right. Glycerin is technically not something that's
going to cause internal health issues. But for your tooth, what glycerin does when you're brushing with it is it puts what I call either saran wrap or a Band-Aid on top of your tooth. It puts a coating on. So a lot of sensitive products out there for sensitive teeth use glycerin so that you don't feel the damage that is being created. So while you're not feeling it, that Band-Aid is also not allowing minerals from your food or your saliva to heal that portion of your tooth or any portion of your tooth. If there was a study that said it took 20 hard switches to actually remove glycerin from your teeth, which basically means for a lot of people, they brush their teeth in the morning, they put their glycerin coating on their teeth, feel great around the evening time. They start to get a little
sensitive. They start. Feel a little sensitivity, it's time to brush their teeth again. They brush their teeth again. The sensitivity goes away and it's just a cyclic thing that happens. Eventually they go to the dentist and the dentist says, oh, you have a cavity. How can I have a cavity? Well, the cavity is there because you're not allowing even if you're eating good food and minerals and your saliva has minerals in it, you're not able to mineralized that tooth. So what I did with my toothpaste and tooth powder, what happens for some people is when you start brushing with it, it's actually going to clean your teeth really well and it's going to clean off that glycerin coating. And when that happens, any sensitive spots that you have probably are going to sting or burn or tingle a little bit until you get those minerals
back in. But while you're cleaning them off, the minerals from my tooth powder and my toothpaste are right there and it's like a lock and key, they can fit in and start laying down the building blocks to rebuild that enamel so that you can actually heal a cavity. So I had a customer one time that had six cavities and needed a root canal, and she purchased my dirty mouth tooth powder as a last resort. She thought, you know, if I can try and heal my teeth or help my other teeth, then I'm going to try this. So she tried it. She brushed with it for a couple of weeks, went to her dentist to have a root canal, sat down in the chair and the dentist took one look in her mouth and he said, you know what, Mr. Gibbs? You only have one small
cavity. Your root canal no longer needs a filling or a root canal and your other teeth have healed. So go home. So she was super, super excited about that. I mean, imagine like sitting down in the dentist chair. This is what happens for a lot of my my patients or my customers. They sit down in the dentist chair. Their gums are no longer bleeding. They get a really good score on their gum tissue. They don't have any plaque buildup because plaque grows in an acidic environment. Plaque is actually the bacteria eating the sugars from your diet, creating a biofilm. And that's what plaque is. And it lives in an acidic environment. And if you break that down with alkaline solutions, then you no longer have plaque. So they sit down, they get their cleaning and they go home and they don't have the costly dental
bills. Their teeth are clean, their teeth are strong, their teeth are white.
Awesome. Well, let's jump right into the next question. It's from Janie in Seattle. I'm confused about fluoride in water. I've always heard that fluoride in our water was good because it protected our teeth. Now I'm hearing it can actually cause other health problems. Do we need fluoride for healthy teeth? Janie in Seattle.
Oh, that's a good question, Jamie. So so the answer is, were you born with fluoride in your body? That I mean I mean, maybe a little bit because your mom but honestly, nobody has fluoride in their body. Naturally, it's all artificial. So when you go back for me and being a nurse and getting back to nature and getting back to our health aspect of our body, I believe that healing the body happens when you give the body what it really wants, which is what it was born with so fluoride doesn't do anything for. Here's what fluoride does and anybody that uses peroxide for cleaning. I can talk a little bit about that, too, but fluoride, actually. So when I talk about the minerals initiative, I'm talking mostly about calcium, phosphorus. There's other minerals as well. But those are the primary ones. There's no fluoride in
your enamel and there's no in your dentin. There's no fluoride in your bone. But what happens when you start brushing with fluoride or drinking chlorinated water is that the fluoride kicks out your minerals and replaces your minerals with fluoride.
The thought behind that is fluoride is harder and fluoride will keep your teeth cavity resistant. If that were true, why do we still have so many cavities? Why do we have worsening dental health, not improved dental health? We shouldn't even have cavities if that was the case. But that's not the truth. The truth of the matter is cavities are actually increasing, not decreasing, after fluoride was introduced into our dental products and our water and whatever else they're putting in it. The other interesting finding is once it starts to get down into your dentin, it starts to enter your body. You're swallowing it. It's going to get absorbed into your body. They're finding fluoride in bone, tissue in your bones as well as other tissue. Fluoride is a neurotoxin and it causes issues with your pineal gland, an overdose of fluoride, too much fluoride causes issues
with your teeth. So fluoride is not needed. If you are replacing your minerals with something like my toothpaste or my tooth powder. If you're using something like that, you're replacing mineral for mineral.
Fluoride, in fact, my kids, I've never gotten any kind of fluoride treatments for my kids. We have a whole house water filtration system. Fluoride is something that they might be exposed to minimally when they're eating food outside of our house. But on a daily basis, they're not exposed to it and have never had a treatment with the dentist. And my kids have never had a cavity, never had any dental issues. In fact, the reason I started creating dental products is because my daughter was born at the age of two. One of her molars came in and had a natural cavity in it. That was something, something like this. And we took her to the dentist and the dentist said that in utero during the development of that tooth, I probably had like an illness or a fever or something like that. And so she ended
up with a molar that had a nasal cavity. He said the defect was pretty significant at the age of two. He was just going to put a temporary filling in it, hope for the best, but we were probably going to have to pull that tooth within a year. So I started doing my research. I came across Dr. Weston Price, who was a dentist in the early nineteen hundreds who was way before his time. He studied Third World countries. When I talk about how the immune system starts inside your mouth, if I go back to Dr. Westons Price Studies, you can totally see the difference between the US and the American diet. And in Third World countries, when you look at the pictures of these people, their mouth is huge. They have big white teeth. They are usually not obese and they don't have heart disease.
They don't they're not they don't have diabetes and things like that. As soon as you bring them to the U.S. and start supersizing their food portions and feeding them all processed foods in the wrong kind of fats, the first thing that suffers is their oral wellness that goes downhill immediately. Then they start to get yellowing teeth, their gums start to bleed. Following that, they start to get obese. They have heart disease. Now they're diabetic. And we've started the whole chain of events that happens for us. But if we go back to what Dr. Weston Price was teaching, what I learned was that the minerals in the soil, the alkalis, zinc, things that they were eating and using was what was keeping their mouth healthy, their immune system inside their mouth, their teeth healthy and their gums healthy, which invert only affects the inside of your
All right, Jeff in Greensboro, I'm a coffee addict. I drink about three cups a day, but now my teeth are starting to get stained yellow. Are there any natural whiteners I could try?
Oh, yes. This is a great question. And I wish I had my teeth whitener with me. I don't see it on my table. Hold on. Let me look for a second.
So yellowing teeth happens for a couple of reasons as we get older. When I was talking about your enamel, if you're not brushing with the right products and if you're not criminalizing your teeth, if your saliva is not able to criminalize your teeth and your diet's not. So as far as diet goes, even eating a healthy organic diet isn't the same as it used to be. So probably 50 years ago, our grandparents could our great grandparents could eat one carrot and get enough minerals to criminalize their enamel and keep their mouth healthy. Today, you probably have to eat it because our soil is so mineral depleted. So you do need to supplement even when you're eating healthy, you do need to supplement and make sure that you are taking your supplements. Your digestive health is healthy so that you can eat. Your saliva has a
good amount of minerals as well as that. You're brushing with something that has minerals in it. But when you're talking about the yellowing of your tooth, what happens as we get older is our enamel starts to wear thin. That's the main reason that you start to see the yellowing. When you look at the dentin, the dentin is the layer beneath the has more. It has minerals in it, but it has a lot of fluid in it as well. That fluid makes it look yellowish or bluish. So as we get older, the thinner our enamel, the more we see our dentin through our teeth. And if you're seeing like the yellowish and the bluish tint, it could be because your enamel is really thin. And if you re mineralized your teeth and rebuild that enamel, your enamel is the whitest part. It's going to cover up
the dentin. Your teeth will naturally look thicker and whiter and be stronger. Coffee itself is going to put coffee itself as acidic. So by drinking coffee, you are. And if you're not using the right products, the acids are going to wear away at your teeth and reduce the enamel content, the minerals. And it's also going to cause staining on the outside. So what a lot of people do is they use peroxide treatments. This is how peroxide works to whiten your teeth. It's the opposite of what you really want. So peroxide works by dehydrating the fluid out of your dentin. Remember, your dentin is yellowish or bluish tinge, so. Dehydrating it, it's going to make it more opaque, so you don't really see the color and it looks more clear. So that's how peroxide makes your teeth look whiter is by pulling the moisture out. That's
also why peroxide treatments hurt, because once it gets into the dentin, you're in your palp, which houses your blood vessels and your nerves are right there. And peroxide is a nerve irritant. It's also not good for your microbiome inside your mouth and it's also not good for your gum tissue. And when you swallow it because you will swallow some of it, it's not good for your esophagus and your digestive system as well. So peroxide, the other key point, anyone out there that has amalgam fillings, the silver mercury fillings still in their mouth. And by a study, a lot of people over the age of 40 still have at least one or two mercury fillings. You should not be using anything with peroxide in it, toothpaste, any whitening systems or anything like that, because peroxide actually breaks down the amalgam filling and can leach the mercury
into your body. So what I did was created a system. It's called the real white teeth whitening system, and it contains the gel itself is black, trying to see if I have.
I know I have some. Give me one second. I'm going to scooch over here and grab my black gel so you can see it.
So while you're grabbing that, I'll just ask another question. So on the whole talk about, you know, getting rid of those mercury fillings, there have been people who talked about the fact that after they've removed those amalgam fillings, their health has gotten worse because the when they take the dental fillings out, that mercury is going into your body and that makes more health problems. Have you heard of that at all?
Oh, yeah. You definitely want someone doing you want to go to a dentist? Probably a biological dentist is probably your best bet, but someone who specializes in removing amalgam fillings, you don't want to just go to a regular dentist and have them removed. You want them done by a specialist, someone who knows how to remove them because there is a special way to remove them. My teeth whitener my red and blue led teeth. Whitener actually plugs into your cell phone. It's a mouthpiece that fits inside your mouth. It has red led lights and blue LED lights. The blue LED lights light up and help to widen in your teeth and kill the bad bacteria. The blue or the red lights help to increase. So red light therapy, it's the same red light therapy that people use for their skin. It increases blood flow, increases or
decreases inflammation. And that when you're talking about one place in your body that you want to decrease inflammation inside your mouth is probably the number one place that you want to do that. Decreasing the inflammation in your gum tissue is going to keep your gums healthier and reduce the inflammation internally. So the red lights are going to help reduce the inflammation in your gums. But my jaw was created. I created the gel. So it's peroxide free, so it's pain free. So anybody that has issues with pain, this will help. It's going to do the exact opposite of what peroxide does instead of working to dehydrate your your dentin, what you really want to do. If you want to increase the whiteness of your teeth, which basically means you want to increase the thickness of your enamel, which means you're going to be cavity resistant. You
want to use something that's going to rebuild your enamel. So what I did was I created my olive oil base because olive oil is gentle on your gums, gentle on your teeth, but helps to pull toxins and has nutrients in it for your gum tissue. It has activated charcoal, which is going to pull toxins from your gum tissue, keep them super clean, but also remove the surface coffee stains, red wine stains, red food stains, things like that that immediately will help whiten your teeth. But over time, this is not like a I'm going to do it today. My teeth are going to be bright white tomorrow. This is a process when you buy my kit, you get 20 treatments. That's a one month supply of the gel. It has minerals in it. So it has two different clays in it that while you're doing your
treatment, the minerals are going to actually be able to rebuild your enamel, strengthen and thicken your enamel, and over time your enamel is going to get thicker and your oral wellness is going to be better and your teeth are actually going to be wider for the right reason, not because you've dehydrated the the dentist and made your teeth weaker. So what the recommendation is, is to do five, 20 minute treatments for the first month each week. And then after that you can do two, sometimes three treatments a week, just depending on your oral health and your schedule. But two to three treatments a week. And I say that's for life. It really does help your your gum tissue, your mouth and your teeth stay stronger and wider.
All right. Last question, Megan in Dallas. I have a one year old son and I want to start brushing his teeth, but I want something natural, organic. Can you recommend any organic two places that are safe in case he swallows it?
Yeah. So, yeah, you know what, I when I created mine, I created my toothpaste in my tooth powders for kids. I mean, I made it because my daughter had a defect in her molar. By the way, that molar that was supposed to be pulled within a year, she just lost it naturally when she was turning eleven years old, when she was supposed to lose it so that original fillings stayed in place. The tooth never had any more damage to it. And we are we were able to keep that tooth for the life of the tooth. So when I create my products, I create them because I'm a mom and because I know my kids are going to swallow stuff. And in fact, my toothpaste, when I created my my my kids flavors are bubble gum. So this is my bubble gum toothpaste. And it's it
uses essential oils for the flavor. But the clay that I use is food grade and the baking soda obviously is food grade. So this is safe. To swallow the both of my tooth powder, all of my tooth powders, all of my toothpaste are safe to swallow as an adult, I recommend that you that you spit mainly because the clay is going to be pulling toxins. And as you're brushing for two minutes that you don't necessarily want to swallow those toxins. You can the clay binds really well and it's just going to carry it through. But spitting it out is probably the best thing. But for kids, my kids actually will take, especially when we first made it, they loved it so much that they would actually scoop it out on their finger and actually eat the toothpaste. And I made it that way because I'm
a mom and I know they're going to do that. So I want them to be safe. If you look at regular toothpaste, especially anything that has fluoride in it, there's a warning on the back that says if more than is the recommended amount is used, call poison control. And the recommended amount is the size of a pea. And when you talk about brushing your teeth, most people, when they're using toothpaste, are doing the whole swirl because that's what they show on the commercials. They show these bright white pearly whites. And there's a big swirl of toothpaste that's actually toxic, especially when you're swallowing it, especially as a child who's a lot smaller than us and doesn't have the right immune system and things like that. So technically, anything larger than a pea size is toxic to the body when you're swallowing regular toothpaste. But with
my toothpaste, I like I mentioned, I do a clay detox every month where I actually mix clay into water and drink it. So basically the only difference is that it doesn't have the baking soda in it. But I'll mix the clays and it helps to pull toxins. So that's what I'm fasting while you're doing that as well? Not necessarily, no. I usually do my clay detox the first, second and third of every month and I usually do a drink of the I'll mix a tablespoon of some clay and water before bed. I go to bed and a detoxes detoxes me out.
OK, so you're going to be able to get some of these amazing products at a discount if you go to Chantel Ray dot dotcom slash skin.
I just want to mention if anybody's interested, probably the most common package that people start with is my twenty one day oral detox kit. Yeah. Is actually a 60 day supply of toothpaste or it's tooth powder. So you'll get a white formula and that you brush with in the morning. And then the black formula has activated charcoal, which is going to help detox your gums a little bit better and your whole mouth tissues. You also get the tongue scraper, you get the toothbrush that has the activated charcoal infused right into the bristles and you'll also get the gum serum. So after I'm done, you get the deodorant for free and you also get the deodorant. You know, you also get my deodorant for free. So that's the bonus gift. So if you guys grab it now, while the children's for that's you know, that's probably
the best deal because the children's amazing. But after twenty one days, your your gums and your mouth are pretty much detoxed and it's a 60 day supply. So you just continue the same routine and the routine is easy. It's the same thing you do no matter what you're brushing with. You just brush for two minutes and then scraping your tongue takes less than ten seconds. You can do it once or twice a day. The gum serum is a quick little drop on your finger and rubbing it on your gum tissue. That's it.
Simple. Awesome. Well, if you have a question that you want answered, go to questions at Chantel Ray Dotcom. We'll see you next time. Bye bye.