138: Antioxidants and Probiotics, Spore-Based vs. Non-Spore-Based Probiotics, and Should I Give My Kids Probiotics? - with Tina Anderson!
November 14, 2019

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Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Tina Anderson, former attorney, and current CEO of Just Thrive, a supplement company specializing in gut health. She has discovered how incredibly important gut health is to overall health, and that an imbalance in the gut leads to the majority of diseases and illness out there. In founding their company, she and her husband Billy also learned that, in order to rebalance your gut, you need to take a daily probiotic that actually works, meaning the friendly bacteria (probiotics) win out the every day battle over the bad bacteria. Enjoy!
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Hey, guys, welcome to this week's episode, and today's guest is Tina Anderson and her and her husband Billy are the creators of Just Thrive Probiotic and Antioxidant. And it is a supplement that helps with all your gastrointestinal and immune health, along with getting your body to produce antioxidants naturally. So tell us a little bit about your own health journey and how did you get to where you are now?
Well, actually, my my journey has to do not as much with health. I was an attorney for many years in litigation and just in order to stay home with my kids and spend more time with my kids, I wanted to go into the go into a field that was a little bit more had better hours.
So I went to a I went into our family pharmaceutical business and I was able to have better hours and and be in health care, which I thought was great. I was like, oh, this is great. We're helping people. But after several years of being in the pharmaceutical world, we started to realize the abuses in the industry and we started to realize that, you know, it's not it's there everyone everyone's just treating symptoms. Nobody's getting to the root of the problem. And we saw that with a lot of our you know, I'm just like a lot of relatives, for example, you know, they would be on one pharmaceutical in the next. And, you know, eight months later, they're on 12 different pharmaceuticals. And then one of the biggest abuses we saw was that we actually saw a pharmaceutical rep come into our office after we had won this huge bid. And he said to us, oh, my God, this is great. Now my job is to lower the number of the don't lower the number that the doctor will prescribe this medication so that more people take the medication. And it was like a part of us were shocked. And then another part of us was like, oh, my God, this is exactly what we see going on with our relatives and with people that we love. And so we just said I read a lot of Wayne Dyer, Norman Vincent Peale, Joseph Murphy. And I just I really was like, we are not doing our life's work. And my husband felt the same way. And so we just started into a journey of the natural illness world. And how do we get to a point where we're finding products that are actually going to the root of the problem, not going to just treat symptoms and all of that? So fortunately for us, it was not a health journey of our own. We never actually even had issues, but we we found out about how important it was and all of that.
So that's awesome. Well, this is a question I like to ask all of my guests that come on my show, walk us through the day in the life of like, what did you eat yesterday? When did you eat it? And are there any foods that are off limits or that you avoid?
Yes. OK, so I start my day out generally pretty early in the morning and I do breathing exercises. I just think deep breathing, especially as an entrepreneur, we stay calm. So I do the breathing exercises, then I do meditation and then I have a cup of coffee and I get my son up the door. He's already in high school.
My daughter's already one's out of college, one's in college. But I try to get just kind of get started with the day and then I go work out. I do a my workout is normally walking and running, so I do one song walking, one song running. And now I've switched to listening to podcasts. I'm addicted to listening to podcasts. They're filled with amazing information like yours. And and then I come home and I intermittent fast. But I actually do eat three meals a day, which is kind of funny. I eat breakfast at like ten o'clock in the morning, but then I stop eating dinner by six o'clock every night. So I have eggs, eggs every almost every morning. My husband's like, how can you eat eggs every morning? But I eat eggs and then I have a salad, usually for lunch with some leftover organic chicken or red peppers, broccoli, whatever vegetables I have in the house. Yesterday I had red peppers and broccoli in my salad and then for dinner I had organic chicken and a big salad. So it was a healthy week. I can't say I'm always that healthy, but it's been a healthy week. I've been traveling a lot.
So it is there any foods that are off limit to you or you just do everything in moderation?
You know, pretty much about a couple of years ago, I stopped eating sugar. I mean, like, I really like no sweets, no sweets. And they were off limits for, like, probably two to three years, only just because I, you know, you read in your research about how damaging should be.
And so I stopped eating sweets and that was pretty good. But then I started realizing, like, my kids would say, oh, let's go for ice cream. And I'm like, no, I don't need ice cream. And I thought, you know, it's not always good to be so rigid like that. So every once in a while I'll have, you know, ice cream or something like that. But for the most part, I don't eat sweets.
Awesome. All right. Let's jump right into the listener questions. This is from Kelly in Seattle. I started getting a little more in tune with my gut health. Lately, I've been eating yogurt and probiotics just about every morning for breakfast. I typically eat a serving cup of Activia brand yogurt. I haven't really felt much of a difference, though. Am I getting enough of it? And is that even the right kind of probiotic I should be taking? I have to say something before you say this commercial, this Activia really did a good job on their advertising and marketing because so my husband loves peach yogurt and he's like one time I think I got him some organic bran. And he's like, Babe, I need Activia because that's what's good for my gut.
Not just my husband's not a help, not by any sense of the means. And so, like, we are like kind of extreme opposites and I slowly move him over to to the more healthy side. But I just think that's so funny because, man, this Activia really did a good job on their marketing because they're like all about good health.
Yes. Oh, they really are. And some other friends, too, who are not really big and they are obsessed with their TV.
So, you know, that actually goes to our what we did when our product is we did studies on it.
So we studied our product. And one of the first studies that we ever did with it was we tested the survivability of our probiotic strains versus other problems, the majority of probiotics on the market that are made up of Lactobacillus individual factor and then yogurts and then Greek yogurt. And what we found is that the probiotic supplements, most of them on the market, the yogurt and Greek yogurt, all die before they ever got to the intestines. So ninety nine point nine nine percent of the strains died before they ever got to the intestines. That's what we're finding with a lot of yogurt, is that yogurt is not really surviving. In order to be defined as a probiotic, it needs to arrive alive in the strains.
Most of these strains are being killed by the stomach acid. The stomach is a very acidic environment, as you know, and it just kills off the these these strains. And so our strains are very, very different. So there's spore forming bacteria. Spores had this nose for it's not like a mushroom spore, but they have a nose for around themselves and then and for actually protects itself. And when it's in the worst state, it's dormant. So it's not live bacteria. A lot of these probiotic companies as well as yogurts are saying, oh, you know, oh, they're live bacteria. And the problem when they're like, first of all, with the cold chain and trying to get from the store shelf to home and then into your body and then but your body temperature is ninety eight point six. Like how if they can't survive the room temperature of the store shelf, how in the world are they going to survive your body temperature then? How are they going to survive the gastric system, which is so acidic and unfriendly and is meant to be a gastric barrier? And the answer is they don't. I mean, ninety nine point nine nine percent, the strains in the study that was done showed that they die before they ever made it to the intestines because they actually, like I said, have this endos for Shell and they're not alive when they're in the capsule. They're actually in there, dormant state. And so when they hit the intestines, they recognize it as their home and they take their shell off. And that's when they go into their live vegetative cells. That's when they become a lot, though the reason maybe she's not feeling much difference with A that she's taking is that most of the strains are dying. Now, some people will find that dead bacteria will help with some like symptomatic really. People have been on probiotics for many, many years. And they said, well, it helped me with this help with that. And it is true, they may give some symptomatic relief, but that's dead bacterial therapy. Basically, they're not getting live bacteria. They're not having a while. And that's what we that's why we want to take probiotic supplements. That's why we want to eat foods that are probiotic strains and things like that, because they will go into the intestines and they will they're alive and they're going to actually make a. Change in the gut.
All right, this next one's from April in Westerley, about 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with IBS, I did some research and found out probiotics can help treat IBS. So I've been taking them for a few years now. My symptoms of IBS have really decreased so much and I recently got flare ups. I'd love to get my kids starting to take it as well, but my son takes asthma medicine and I'm worried that they might counteract each other. Is it OK if I give my children probiotics? How much and how often should I be giving it to them?
Well, yes, I definitely think you should be giving it to your children and your children need their guts are more basically our gut is being attacked every day by the glyphosate, the antibiotics that we take, antibiotics and chemicals rest sugar. I mean, we are being attacked on a daily basis, but especially are so vulnerable because of the world that they were born into.
I mean, you know, when I was a child, there was one person in all of my schooling years that I knew that had an allergy. There was one person you didn't know about people, kids who were on the autism spectrum. And and now it's like these kids are being they're being born into a world that's so contaminated. And and so kids especially need to be on a probiotic Asfour based, high quality probiotic. So, yeah, I think it would be great, especially if she has a history of this listener, has a history of IBS. I mean, her microbiome, a mother passes her microbiome on to the child. In fact, that is when you are inoculated with the main strains in your gut are Lactobacillus and Baktir. That's when a child is inoculated through vaginal childbirth, through close skin to skin contact, through breastfeeding and all of that. But the problem is we didn't ever get Lactobacillus in different Back-Door from our environment. We only got it through natural childbirth and through skin to skin contact and all that. So and nowadays we're not kids aren't getting that. I mean, and they're being born into the sterile world where we're trying to take away the bacteria when the bacteria is what's so important. So I would definitely suggest that ever take a high quality spore based probiotic and even if you take it every other day, you just get these strains is bacillus strains into your system. It's really important for kids.
All right. This next one's from Anonymous.
When I walk into my local Wholefoods grocery store, I find so many different probiotic products with so-called beneficial bacteria that are supposed to treat everything from constipation to depression to obesity. I went to my doctor and my doctor said that there's no evidence to suggest that people with normal gastrointestinal tracts can even benefit from taking probiotics. And he said that if you're not in any distress that you can actually count on that he wouldn't recommend them. I do feel like all the claims that are made are really inflated.
And I really wonder how helpful all of this talk it really is. Can you tell me, do you think all of this is just a hoax with so many different probiotic products on the market yet?
This is a tricky question because a lot of doctors are very anti probiotics. And I get it because that's the story we've been telling for years now, is that most probiotics die before they ever get to the intestines. Most probiotics are not making a change in your gut, bacteria in your microbiome. The thing is, with spore based probiotics, they are making a change and we've studied it.
I mean, we have a double blind human clinical trial and leaky gut. And that study is leaky gut, we know is responsible for all of those issues that this listener mentioned in her question. I mean, we know the gut is this is what I think. You know, let's not even talk about probiotics for a second. Let's just talk about our gut. I mean, we know there is it's hard to find any health condition that's not associated with an imbalance in your gut. I mean, so when you're looking at of course, we look to our gut when we're talking about, you know, anxiety or, I'm sorry, bloating and gas and things like that irregularly. No constipation, diarrhea. You look at your gut, but we're not thinking about anxiety and depression. I mean, our gut and our brain have this huge X called the gut brain axis. It's one of the largest nerve systems in the body or it is the largest nerve system body. And it's literally there is a communication going on with your gut in your brain. So your gut health is responsible for your mental health, for how you're feeling. You know, if you're sad, if you're happy. That's why when they say the gut feeling, there's really truth to that. And we always say, like it is my gut, then maybe eat a cupcake. You know, it's like the gut dictates what you eat. I mean, that's why people who have taken the product aren't like our product, for example. So, like, I have more energy. It's like you there are so many things associated. There was just a study that came out that an EL toxin level, a heightened toxin level is attributable to a likelihood of developing Alzheimer's. So we know that heart disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, cancer, diabetes, all of these conditions are stouts. They stem from your gut health. And if there's an imbalance going on, your gut helps. So, again, I can't stress that. It's hard to find any health condition that it's not related to the imbalance of your gut microbiome. So so the claims that are being made on some of these probiotic benefits, I think what they're trying to say is that when your gut is healthy, it's going to help with all these things, with skin issues, with anxiety, depression, those types of things. But it's really what's the problem with the doctor is probably talking about to this particular cause our listener is that most probiotics aren't working. They are dying before they ever get to the intestines. They don't get there and really make a change. So the best way I can describe the spore based probiotics versus the most conventional out there is if you envision a garden and the garden's been stepped on and trampled on and those weeds growing all over. So you analogize that to your gut. Your gut is the start and it's got good bacteria and bad bacteria and good bacteria is just like overflowing. And the bad back and the good I'm sorry, the bad nectar is overflowing and the good bacteria is like you stepped out of trampled on. So the spores are like the gardener of the gut. You go in there, all you throw the seeds in there, they get there one hundred percent alive. They attach to the soil in the garden and then they have the capability of getting rid of the weeds in the garden. And then they have the capability of bringing those plants that have been stepped on and trampled on back to life. So they're not just throwing the old approach of Lactobacillus in the back door is to throw them in the garden. Most of them never get there and maybe they'll plant a plant here and there. So maybe the garden looks a little bit prettier, but it's not getting rid of the weeds. It's not doing anything with your all the old the plants that belong there that we're already there and bringing them back to life. So I definitely think it is the most important thing for your for your health overall health is to take care of your gut and to take a high quality, spore based probiotic. It is it's ground zero for health is where you start for health and it will affect all of these symptoms. I just had somebody over I met with somebody the other day and she's like she just started taking. And she's the one that I'm like, is this a placebo effect? I don't know what's going on, but I have so much energy. I actually thought there was caffeine in the pill because I had so much energy. And when you're getting rid of those toxins in your body, it gives you more energy. So it's really it is really that. And maintain your gut. Health really does affect all of those types of conditions.
All right, Danielle, in Fairfax, about seven months ago, I was diagnosed with celiac disease, so I decided to totally cut gluten out of my diet. Good thing I've been feeling OK, but some days my symptoms are so bad I figured cutting out gluten would be enough to help ease my symptoms. But I guess I was wrong. But recently I heard so much about pro and prebiotics and how they can possibly help me with my symptoms. Is that really true? And should I start looking at taking a pre or probiotic? Yeah.
Well, when you have a gluten free card, you have a you have like you got I mean, when you have any food sensitivities or you have an autoimmune issue, you pretty much have a leaky gut. We know that. So just so people understand, I'm sure your listeners are pretty knowledgeable about this, but leaky gut is basically exactly what it sounds like. It's basically holding the intestines and toxins from your gut that really are not problematic, start to seep into your bloodstream.
And that's why you have then you have this, like, inflammatory response from your immune system, and that's why people go and they have food sensitivities and and lots of other conditions are attributable to a leaky gut. So we actually have a double blind human clinical trial on our strains showing that the brains are actually dramatically reducing that toxin from leaking into the bloodstream, which is amazing. So as far as taking if you want to do things to help seal up that T-junction, so taking a SORBETS probiotic is probably the best thing she could do to help seal Appetite Junction, because that's what's causing the gluten sensitivity. Is this leakiness of your gut and this imbalance point on your gut. So yeah, and then prebiotics too. So prebiotics. One of the problems with probiotics is that probiotics have you don't know how to distinguish between good and bad bacteria. So there's so many people who are like, I take so many, I eat so many probiotic foods or I take a probiotic supplement and it's amazing. Oh, my God, it helped me so much. And and that's great. But then there's some people who just have really bad reactions with probiotics, and that's because most probiotics don't know how to distinguish between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria. So they're going into that garden and they're feeding the good guys, but they're also feeding the weeds in the garden. So the strains that are the probiotic fibers that we chose in our in our product actually are specifically targeted to only feed the good bacteria. Somebody with the gluten sensitivity or celiac should be taking care of their gut with a high quality, spore based probiotic.
And so just for people who don't understand spore based, explain that one more time of what the difference between a spore based probiotic and a non spore based is.
So S'pore based probiotics are have an end dose for Shell around themselves, they were found in the soil thousands and thousands of years ago. Our ancestors would eat off of the land. They would eat roots and tubers, and they would get these spores.
So the spores, while they were in the soil, they were dormant. They weren't live bacteria. But when you swallow them and they go into your intestines, that's when they recognize it is their home and they take their shell, their spore shell off and they go into their live vegetative state. So we're going back to this is these are the same strains our ancestors got. We're going back to the way we evolved as humans. Now, when you're talking about a lactobacillus individual back to her strain of probiotics, those were never, ever found abundantly in the environment. The only time we got them was through vaginalis child and close skin to skin contact and then breastfeeding. Once we are inoculated with Lactobacillus, Baktir never got Lactobacillus, in fact, or from our environment. Again, we now what happened is the science came out years and years ago and they decided to make it. They were like, oh, we have mostly in our gut. So let's make Lactobacillus a little baktir in a lab and create these lactobacillus. And that's how it came about. And it was well intentioned, well intentioned, well intended when they made a little bit of sense. But now the Human Microbiome Project came out by the National Institutes of Health and told us more about the gut than we ever knew before, about 10 years ago. And that's when the spores were finding out. That's the approach to be taking with the gut. So spores just mean they have an endless warshel around themselves. There was not a site like a mushroom spore or anything like that just means it has its armor like Shell, and it's not something we've engineered or these are actually just the same strains that our ancestors used to get from their environment. So we have an engineer. We don't do any coding or special types of delivery systems to make sure they get to the intestines alive. These are just nature's way of taking care of our gut.
And I know you guys have a product called Why Vitamin K or it's just called vitamin K to seven. But why should someone take vitamin K to seven?
Yeah. So our philosophy as a brand is to bring products to the market that are missing and needed in the market. So obviously our probiotic is our flagship product. It is what put us on the map and where we see incredible results. But we really and we have several other good health products. But we saw a real need with vitamin K to vitamin K to is so critically important. It's job in the body is to remove calcium and plaque from the arteries like your heart and push it into your bones and put it onto your bone.
So really, really important for heart health, bone health. It's one of the most important supplements because it's missing from our diet. We don't get it in the Western world where you find even with like prebiotic, you get prebiotics from food and you get a lot of prebiotic rich foods.
But vitamin K to your really there's not very many foods we used to get from and things like that, but we're really not getting it from other foods in our environment. And and now we're taking vitamin D, vitamin D is vitamin D is the darling of the medical world and it's important. But the more vitamin D we're taking, the more our bodies demand for vitamin K, too. And so that's why we're seeing people who are taking a lot of vitamin D, they end up developing things like osteoporosis or heart conditions that they're not taking quite well.
Thank you for being on our show today. And where can our listeners go to follow you?
And your work on our website is Just Ride Health dot com. We are on Instagram and Facebook, just thrive so anywhere. Come in with tons of amazing content but blog and you get our leaky gut study there and any other science and other studies on our website and we have a coupon code.
Tell us about that.
Yes. So it's Chantel ten for a 10 percent statewide discount. So you get 10 percent off and just put until 10, you'll get 10 percent off where we stand behind our product. One hundred percent.
And if you go to Chantel Ray dot com and click on things I love, that link will be on there. And you can use your Chantel ten coupon. Thank you so much for being here today. We really appreciate it.
You got thank Chantel. And if you have a question that you want answered, go to questions at Chantel Ray dot com. We'll see you next time. Bye bye.