342: MATURE CONTENT: Hormones And Fasting, Are Your Testosterone Levels Too Low, How Testosterone Can Affect Your Sex Life, and more - with Dr. Matt Chalmers!
April 22, 2021

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Welcome back to the podcast! In today’s must-listen episode, Chantel got to speak with Dr. Matt Chalmers. He has been a chiropractor in the Frisco area for nearly 10 years now, and holds a success rate in the upper 80% of patients not needing surgery. He holds certifications in Clinical Chiropractic Neurology, “CCCN”, as a Chiropractic Sports Practitioner, ”CCSP”, Spinal decompression, and teaches regularly on these subjects. Dr. Matt Chalmers loves Chiropractic and the enjoyment and satisfaction of being a Chiropractor.
Dr. Chalmers has been an athlete all his life and really enjoys working with athletes and their families. Nutrition is a very large part of a healthy lifestyle and as such Chalmers Wellness offers a wide range of dietary counseling from weight loss to weight gain. Chalmers Wellness also offers a large variety of nutritional supplements to help improve the overall wellness of the whole family. If you ever have any questions feel free to call at 214-446-5300 for a free consultation.
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Chantel Ray: Hey, guys, welcome to today's episode, and I'm so excited to introduce to you Dr. Matt Chalmers, and today we are going to be talking about wellness. So, Dr. Matt, welcome. Tell listeners a little bit about yourself.
Dr. Matt Chalmers: Absolutely. So we got we got started doing the wellness thing as I just a personal thing. We started going through and I had a patient come in who is early 60s, just sold his company for 20 something million dollars, and at the time is the most money I'd ever heard of anybody making it once. And the guy was still pretty young at 60. And so, I mean, that's awesome. What are you going to do? I said I will go to Italy. There's this really cool tour where you start in Normandy. You do this this World War Two tours. This stuff is my knees hurt so bad when I get to the top of the stairs because I got to sit down and rest. So when I walk my dogs around the block is I get tired, I guess unarrest. I'm not going to Italy. He said I'm going to there's some restaurants I want to try this because I want to catch up on. So that's what I planned on doing. And I was like OK. And I left the room and I thought, oh my God, that is the worst hell I could imagine. You're here early, you're young, you're 60, you have 20 million dollars. But your body and your health is so destroyed that all you're to do is watch TV because honestly, the most scary thing I've ever heard. So that's when I decided that's not going to be me. That's not going to be my family. I'm going to do whatever it takes to figure out all the ins and outs to not be unhealthy and to be the highest quality of life I can as I get older. So that's kind of where my my wellness journey started.
Chantel Ray: Awesome. Well, I'm going to jump in and ask this first question, and this is from a girl named Mona in Tennessee. She says, I'm going through menopause and I've been having trouble with frozen shoulder and neck issues. I wonder if it has to do with my hormones. I listen to a podcast that said frozen shoulder is directly related to your hormones. That seems a little bit odd, but could that be any revelant relevance to that? Mona from Tennessee. I can relate. I've been having some neck issues. I went to Costa Rica and when I have, like, this really great pillow and I keeps my head perfect. But obviously when you're travel, I didn't bring it with me. And so I feel like I kind of got like a crick in my neck and I haven't been able to go through it. But anyway, I got on a sidetrack. So let's answer Mona's question about could frozen shoulder or stiff neck or anything be related to your hormones?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: Technically, there could be a very small hormonal component to that, I wouldn't go directly to hormones on that. Generally, we look at neurologic tone for frozen shoulder. So is there too much activity going on in the chest, in the front of the shoulder that's not allowing the back of the shoulder to function as well? We can relax the chest musculature, activate, exercise the back, and it will rebalance. The other thing that we see a lot is if you go see a chiropractor, get your neck and shoulders and ribs adjusted, that helps tremendously. So I wouldn't really lean on that one for hormones. When you talk about a hormone thing, that's more of a systemic issue. So if you just have my shoulder hurt here, that's not necessarily going to be hormonal. If you like. My entire body hurts, all my joints hurt. That's more of a that could be hormone driven, but one specific spot is more going to be more biomechanical.
Chantel Ray: Let me go into our next question about thyroid. This next one is from Anonymous and it says, I've tried all kinds of different things with my thyroid. I've added T three and I am on. I think it's I think that says Ahmer Thyroid and I'm on Ahmer thyroid right now, but I'm still not feeling good and I'm still tired. What are some suggestions of what I can do to really ramp up my thyroid?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So thyroids actually kind of we see more syndrome's with IRA than we do actual thyroid issues. So what we have to understand is that the thyroid sits in the top of the gut adrenal thyroid pyramid. So oftentimes what we see with the thyroid isn't working in its optimal position. We have got issues. We have adrenal issues. And so by increasing the nutrients to the get to the adrenals, the thyroid starts kind of waking back up. But one of the things that we think is we also see a lot with thyroid is that if we even if we get the levels back where they're supposed to be, we still have the symptoms. It's other hormones. So the first thing I like to look at, especially in women, because nobody else looks at it, is testosterone. Testosterone is going to give you tons of energy. It's going to heal your bones and muscles, regenerate your heart, get your brain functioning again. So I would look at testosterone as well, because you're already on medication T three, and that's the thing for Armer or whatever for the thyroid. But you're not getting back or you need to get out. I would look at is my gut functioning or my adrenals functioning and where is the rest of my hormones, specifically testosterone. So those are the places I'd start first.
Chantel Ray: And the testosterone I just saw a friend of mine and I had saw her and she was probably lost like maybe 15 or 20 pounds, she looked amazing. And she was like, really? Like I could see her. She was wearing like a tank top and I could see her muscles popping out. And I was like, oh, my gosh. I was like, you look amazing. And she's like I said, what did you do? She's like, I just started taking a low dosage of testosterone. And she's like, everything is helping. She's like, my sex life is better. She's like my testosterone was like at a negative point too or something. I don't remember what she told me it was. And she is like, I started taking a low dosage of that. And so I'll ask the question. You know, I know a lot of women are like kind of skeptical because they're like, OK, I don't I don't want to start adding this, because if I added, you know, then this is going to be off and then you start adding this and then your progesterone and your estrogen are kind of crazy. So talk about what some of those fears can be and how someone could start slow so that they're not growing hair on their face and stuff like that.
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So that's there's a couple of reasons when we talk about female women, female athletes, and another thing is. So when you don't have enough testosterone, you're not going to have blood flow and nerve function to the genitalia, so sex function, sex drive is going to be lower, you're not going to enjoy it as much. That's one piece. But the bones have a cell phone and called the osteo blast, but also to blast response to testosterone and then regenerate bone because the testosterone tells it to. So there's a bunch of different things that are in this we need to look at. So the first place to start is get your blood drawn by someone who knows what they're doing, your testosterone. I like to have our patients between 80 and 150 or female patients, and they tell us that they just their energy comes back, the fat falls off of them, their muscle regrows. Everything kind of gets back up. It's it's the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth. So I prefer injectable testosterone over pellets, you creams. But the big thing with with women is that everyone likes to give women estrogen, which if you're having trying to have a baby, that's a different conversation. But if you're not trying to have a baby, I'm always very wary of estrogen because that's if you do read the research, that's where all the cancer came at. So what we look at for women is the other headaches, joint pain, have vaginal dryness. You have hot flashes, night sweats. If you don't have these, we don't need to give you any more estrogen and testosterone will naturally convert into a small amount of estrogen. So oftentimes, even if you do have some of these things, you start taking testosterone. Stipulate, for example, then your body will convert some of that to estrogen. And most of the time all those issues go away. If they don't, I prefer to use an oil from young living called progestins. Plus it's a progesterone based natural oil and that helps balance those hormones as well. But go get your levels tested by somebody who, again, who works with women in hormones and see if they can't figure out where your testosterone levels are and then they can pump them back up to where they need to be.
Chantel Ray: So that progesterone plus that that I think I've heard of that that's a really good just essential oil, right? Isn't it like from wild? Yeah, something like that.
Dr. Matt Chalmers: It is. It's from wild. Yes.
Chantel Ray: Mm hmm. So let's say that let's talk about that. So let's say someone is, you know, going maybe they're perimenopause and they're just going into that state. Would you say that your first defense would say, let's try a little bit of testosterone before we put you on any estrogen to see if that helps things along?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: Yeah, if their testosterone less so whenever we do a lot of our wellness packages hormone, we pull hormones all the time. And, you know, women I've seen women who are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, depending if you have high stress, you're going to have low testosterone every time. So what this is will pull it in. If you're in the teens, we'll be like, look, we're going to start with testosterone and we're going to see how your body functions and how you feel. Then we'll start talking about needing other medications and things like that. So my team will then evaluate that and then put them on the proper dosage of testosterone for them and then if their symptoms go away, fantastic. So that's generally where we started with the testosterone.
Chantel Ray: This next one is from Wall Menagh in Houston, Texas. I love, love, I love, love your podcast. And I'm down from doing intermittent fasting. I currently eat in a six hour window and I'm down 20 pounds, but I still have 20 pounds to go. I am forty six years old and I am convinced that it's my hormones that's not letting me lose that last bit of weight. What is your suggestion on doing some different tests? My doctor wants me to do a saliva test and a blood test and all these different ones and a hair analysis as well. It seems overwhelming to do all these different test a which is the best, and B, what are some different hormone hacks that can help me lose that last 20 pounds?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So there's a couple of things the I don't know which tests he's doing, but the saliva I usually do. It's called a cortisol 24 hour cortisol study. And so that shows me how much stress your body is under. And so that's going to play a completely different role in how I structure your day, your supplementation, your food, all the sort of things. The blood test is going to be probably the best for just normal hormone levels. So your testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. So both those tests are important if they're doing the cortisol and the disaster to make sure they're looking at your testosterone. Lots of times doctors will pull estrogen and then think they can just give women estrogen that solves problems. Too much estrogen, men or women holds water weight on the body. So if you have more estrogen than your body needs to function, you can end up with water weight, water retention. So that's and then there's other things, PCOS and then mistresses and things like that. But if you're in your 40s, they're probably going to give you enough to really cause that. So watch those. So those are the places that I would start, you know, if that's if that's what your those tests are very worried about. However, if you really want to lose those last 20 pounds, go get what's called a resting metabolic rate and RMR test that will tell you how many calories your body needs to function in a day. And then you can build a macro set based off of that, depending on your amount of time. So most people who are trying to lose weight and having a hard time or more and know more, so we just take the sugar out. You add in the fasting, fasting, phenomenal for A.M. ASOS or Animorphs. And so that little addition to the pieces will help you drop those extra 20 pounds. Just, ah, my hormones. Right. Am I eating the right calories sometimes not eating enough calories causes problems too. So that's why getting that test for the resting metabolic rate is a really important piece.
Chantel Ray: I have one more for you on testosterone, and this is from Kelly Ian in. I don't know what city that is, but it's in it looks like so from Kelly and she says that I Googled what are the right testosterone levels for male and for female? My husband seems like his testosterone is too low as well. It looks like the ranges for male testosterone is between 280 and eleven hundred, which seems like quite a range. And for females, it says, I Googled it and it says it's 15 to 70. That seems like an astronomical range. I know that with wellness, sometimes they give too long of a range. If they're a traditional doctor, what are these really should be? And what are some tips on whether I should take injections or take creams to increase both me and my husband's testosterone levels? Kelly, so
Dr. Matt Chalmers: so generally what we like to do with men is get them around a thousand nine hundred to thirteen hundred is generally the goal. We like to do two injections a week so that the the spike is smaller. So subpena, which is what everybody uses most of the time as a set day, half life. So if you give a thousand on Monday, by the time Monday rolls back around, it's a five hundred. So if you do Monday, Thursday injections, they'll be a little bit higher, you'll maintain a little bit more even levels. But so then like I said, eleven hundred and nine hundred to twelve hundred come where we want it to be. Injections are usually the best for men, for women. We've seen them kind of be really good at 70. We've seen some women who need to be at two hundred. So we just kind of play with those numbers and get them up a little bit higher. Generally that 80 to one 50s. What we like for women, I prefer injections for women because you can usually get by with one or two injections instead of rubbing cream on your legs and up into the vaginal vault for every single day. And they have to lay there for 20 minutes not doing anything it can. Gels and creams can work for women. It's just in my opinion, it's kind of a giant pain and most women don't put up with it. But one or two shots a little bit easier. So those are the those are the two big pieces now. And the only thing you have to worry about when you're looking at higher levels, whether you're where they're 60 or two hundred for women or whether you're at five hundred or fifteen hundred for men is what's called the age, which is the hemoglobin in the that that's how thick your blood is getting. So the levels are OK. As long as the age don't get too high, it starts getting a little higher. You have to donate blood. So do you watch those that women, 80 to 150 men. Nine hundred to twelve hundred is generally a pretty good, pretty good shot.
Chantel Ray: And I think that testosterone replacement therapy or they call it TRT or whatever. I think it's like a really big thing that like, you know, is kind of targeted to men and everyone's like testosterone, testosterone. But I think that it's actually underplayed for women. And I think that more women are low in testosterone.
Chantel Ray: And, you know, like the normal aging process,
Chantel Ray: just like men like women's testosterone diminish naturally with age. Right. And so that is an issue. And if you have any issues with pituitary glands or your ovaries, that is going to kind of effect it as well.
Chantel Ray: So what if like let's say someone obviously, where are you located again?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: I'm in Frisco, Texas, but we do hormone stuff virtually all over the US.
Chantel Ray: So let's say that someone wants to do a zoom call with you. Right. And they can see know you see people everywhere. Are those shots something that you can mail to people and they can give themselves the testosterone? Or do they have to actually come see you for that?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: No, no. The way that my team likes to do it is that we send them to you because people most people I work with are very busy. So they're traveling. They've got you know, they can't steal two hours out of their day to go the doctor wait around and get a shot and then drive home. So we send them all the information, we send them all the stuff, and they do their own injections. And everybody we have prefers that sometimes the first injection they'll have a friend do or they'll come up to the office and we'll help them out with it. But after the first one, they're like, oh, this is super easy. And so they just do it at home. So that's generally the way that we play it.
Chantel Ray: So as far as the lab tests go, I know that, you know, sometimes different lab tests ask you to like, you know, I know I've taken lab tests and they say, OK, you have to take this test on day twenty one of your cycle when you have these different lab tests. And I've seen some different ones that are on your side when it comes to testosterone and your hormones, do you have to wait for the twenty one days after your period or for you to test that for your time, for your testosterone as well?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: Now you can pretty much test it whenever you want to. We generally like it in the morning. And so if you if you can test it sometime between 7:00 o'clock and 11 o'clock in the morning, that's really good. And so what we normally do is we'll send the rec to lab core and then you just find the closest lab to you and then you just call, make an appointment or just show up and you go and get your blood drawn and you're good. You don't have to wait for a cycle point because we're not really worried about items. When you're looking at cycle points for women, you're looking for very specific hormones, especially when you're trying to like baby stuff. You're looking for very specific points and very specific ovulation points. OK, how high is its highest point? We need to push it from there. So but with testosterone, with women and men, you're not going to really have a high point. So that's all. You can do it whenever you want.
Chantel Ray: So as far as the thyroid goes, I want you to kind of touch on that a little bit of let's say someone's maybe kind of with that first question that we answer, the girl was like, you tried this with my thyroid. I've adjusted it here. What are kind of some tips that you see with people? Maybe they say, you know, I'm on thyroid medicine. You know, I still am not. I feel like we get tons of questions into our podcast and just kind of just sums it up. It says, you know, I was on this. I went I listen to the podcast and then the doctor, maybe they were on Synthroid. They kind of move to like an armored thyroid and then they still feel like they're not 100 percent there. If someone came to me like that, what would be kind of your first test to kind of get them
Chantel Ray: where they need to be?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So the first thing that we do, we practice a little bit differently because we're we're very holistic. And what when we talk about holistic, it's I want to know what's going on in the entire body. So I want to know where your testosterone is. I want to know, do you have any parasitic infections with the inflammation in your gut? Is I know how strong your adrenals are. So we'll go through I want to know what your stress levels are throughout the day. So that's we start with a very broader scale because a lot of times what happens in Western medicine is they look at like a car. So they'll kind of look at me like, hey, you have your brakes or you have a thyroid or you have this, you have a steering wheel. And that's not how the body works. Everything works together. So if you have something that like the thyroid and you're like, my thyroid is not working very well, the bigger question is why is it not working? Is it not getting the nutrients absorbed through the gut? So we need to fix the gut. Is it not getting the support from the other hormones? The adrenals is not getting the support from testosterone, is it? Not getting everything else? Because if you're on if you get to the point where you need medication, you take it, but you're still not where you need to be. That's not the thing that makes you feel that we need to understand that if, for instance, testosterone, we have low testosterone, you take testosterone, you feel tons better. It was because of the low tech. If you have a thyroid problem and you take thyroid medication but you don't feel all the way better, it wasn't only the thyroid that you have problems with. And the problem we get into again with Western medicine is that they'll run a test because I have this problem. Can they run this test to make this diagnosis? OK, well, they're not going to prescribe a drug for these things. Now, we're not it's not the best way to treat people. We need to look at it from a holistic standpoint and be like, how's everything functioning? Because we have six things that are low normal. We need to bring all six up to make the whole body function as a better hold. So that's generally where restart is. What's going on with the whole body and what kind of bringing that up? Bring the liver up, bring the adrenals up and that helps out quite a bit.
Chantel Ray: So let's talk about supplements for a second. What would you say when people kind of come to see you? What what are kind of the top three issues that you would say that people are kind of coming to you right now? And what are some of the best supplements that you have that seem to be really kind of taking people to the next level?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So one of the things that we see with all of our athletes, and I'd say 90 percent of other patients, is they have a mineral issue. So what happens with our food is that we don't have enough vitamins and minerals in our actual food. And then when we take supplementation, we take vitamins. And sometimes we might take calcium, magnesium, potassium, those those minerals, but we don't take a wide spectrum mineral. And so we use a black Fulda Tumeric mineral base. That's seventy seven essential minerals in it. And so that works really, really well. So for instance, I had an athlete who came in and she'd taken everything to make her leg cramps go away and nothing would help her. She'd wake up in the middle of the night, terrible leg cramps. It was horrible. And she came in, like I said, she'd already taken everything. So that day she was like, I can already feel my legs tightening up, like they're going to be really bad tonight. So I gave her the minerals. And I talk to her two days later and she says I took them when I left her office. She's like, I haven't had cramps since. And so she's like, it's the first time in years I haven't had cramps. So that type of thing with the minerals is a really big one. Q10 tends always a really big one, especially if anybody is worried about their heart and heart issues and then fully methylated B vitamins are really, really critical. Outside of that, the only other thing is high doses of D three D three really helps to absorb nutrients and then send them where they need to go in the body. And so those would probably be the ones that I think if everybody got on, we'd have a whole lot healthier population.
Chantel Ray: So where is
Chantel Ray: that mineral one? Because I think that is so true. Where would I find that if someone was you know what I think the mineral deficient wear on your website, would they go and what would it be called on to that?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So we're developing it right now with a lab, and so we have it only in the office and so they can call the office and ship it out, but we should in the next six months, have it on the seawall. So we should have it on our website. So if they join the Facebook group, the Charmeuse Wellness Group, Facebook group, we'll make sure we post all it all out and make sure everybody has access to that information. But the reason we had to develop it was because I work with so many pro athletes. We have to when we get it pushed through, we have to get endorsed by checked by the NFL and by the MLB so that they because if it's not certified, these athletes won't take it because it has to be on the list of things they can take. But we're getting it put together properly in a lab in San Antonio. So it should be ready to go in the next couple months.
Chantel Ray: Gotcha. So they can just call your office and they can ship it out.
Dr. Matt Chalmers: Absolutely.
Chantel Ray: Let's talk about testosterone and stress, so let's say someone's got a really stressful job, is that going to be related to lower testosterone? Do you see that?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: Absolutely. Men and women. So when we have higher stress, we have lower testosterone. They're indirectly proportional to each other. So, you know, and it doesn't you don't have to have a big CEO job. The hardest job in the world is having two little kids at home or three little kids at home. So if you're a mom, there's a good chance your testosterone is lower than it should be. So everybody needs to get a check.
Chantel Ray: I love that. Now, one concern would be like, OK, kind of like with thyroid, right? So when someone starts taking thyroid medicine, they pretty much end up staying on thyroid medicine for the rest of their life. Have you seen it where people go, OK, I'm going to take testosterone. I can start I want you to really explain how the shots work and how can you increase it. But also, is that something that when once they start taking testosterone, like, do you check it? OK, now we can stop taking it. Or is this like, OK, I'm going to start taking this testosterone and then my own body's not going to produce it. And then I now have to take testosterone with the shop for the rest of my life.
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So that's actually a really good question, the answer to that is yes and no. So if you come to me and you're a 40 year old woman or a 30 year old woman and you're Testosterones eight, well, if you got on testosterone for three years, then decided, you know, I don't want to do this anymore. And it goes from one hundred and fifty down to eight, again, you've lost nothing. But the only difference is that if someone let you borrow a Ferrari for a couple of weeks and you've got to drive this Ferrari for a couple weeks and then went back to your Toyota Corolla, there's nothing wrong with your Toyota Corolla and it's not a Ferrari. And so all of a sudden you're going to recognize the difference. And so that's really the big piece. Now, the reason I say yes, it's an issue is because if you're not already low and then needing to the medication to get back, you need to go. And let's say you're a 17 year old kid who decides to take the medication when you don't need it and you're already at seven hundred, but you push yourself to three thousand because you want to be a bodybuilder and then your body just quits producing it on its own. Then in that case, yes, you I don't need to term broke yourself, but you didn't need it and then you used too much and then your body quit producing its own. So in that case, that person would need to be on it to feel normal for the rest of their lives. Now, once you need it medically so that we test you and you know, hey, look, your testosterone is a third of what it should be, there's not a lot that's going to push it back up. And that kind of goes back to that stress. So I ask people like, OK, are you going to get rid of your kids? Are you going to get rid of your job or you get rid of your spouse or you're going to get rid of the stress of normal life? And if you say no to those, there's nothing that's going to allow your testosterone to come back up natural. So we've tried for years with all sorts of different supplements and meditation and all sorts stuff. And it's it's not gotten us where we want to go. So the biggest piece is that if you need it, you're going to need it for a long time. So I just tell people, just assume you're going to be on it forever.
Chantel Ray: So my husband and I just watched the show last night and one of the lines, it was like this dating show and the girl says, I'm trying to keep this really PG, but your eyes are looking at me like it's rated R, so we're going to go from being PG and being rated R. So I want you to talk a little bit about how testosterone really affects your sex life and orgasms.
Dr. Matt Chalmers: OK, so this is a really, really this is this is a fun piece because, I mean, you want to talk about quality of life. I mean, sex, good quality of life. So what's happened with a lot of the female patients we treat is that their testosterone is too low for too long, not like a week, but six months, a year, something like that. The blood flow in the in the nerve function to the clitoris actually starts stops going there. And so it'll actually shrink. And you won't have very much sensation from it when you add the testosterone back in the the blood flow and everything comes back. And so what happens is that sometimes women will come in and say, hey, things are getting bigger down there. Is that OK? It's again, it's not going to it's not going to keep growing forever. It's just taking like a dry sponge, putting it in water, and it inflates back to the size it's supposed to be. And so they come back and they go, I've had an orgasm for the first time in three or four years. Like, this is amazing. I guess because of the testosterone, the answer is yes. Or people come and say, I'm having better orgasms. Is it because of the testosterone? The answer is yes. Men with erectile dysfunction. It's the same idea. The blood flow is not going to the air. So a lot of times men who have E.D. can actually get harder, better erections if their testosterone is because that's a bit so. Yeah, from a sexual function if testosterone is. I don't know if it's the only thing that is going to restore function to some of these people, but it's probably the biggest 80 percent biggest piece. So if you if your sex is not where it once was, one hundred percent, get your testosterone checked.
Chantel Ray: So I want you to talk a little bit about the shots and kind of how they work, and I know that you said instead of taking them like once a week, you take a twice a week, like what you wanted just a little tiny bit. Can you take it, you know, a little tiny bit each day or three times a week or how does how does that work?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So testosterone Severeid specifically has a seven day half life, so if you if you're at 10 on Monday night and Monday rolls back around, you're going to be at five. So a lot of times what we'll do with people is we'll do multiple doses throughout the week. Two or three just depends on how well they like or don't like injections. And then that what that will do is it makes that little that gap between the top point and the bottom point smaller. And so you can do multiple shots so that we can use less medication. We have a lot of women who will do that because they want to stay in that 150 to 180 range. They want to push a little bit harder, but they also don't want the hair that's already on their face to darken. They don't want any acne or things like that. Men will do that if they don't want the conversion of DHT. So they don't have they don't lose their hair, things like that. So doing it multiple times a week will oftentimes you can use less medication and get to the same position that you wanted to be. So multiple injections a week is definitely a thing that people do.
Chantel Ray: So how often do you test to see, like, OK, am I taking too much or am I taking too little? So let's say let's say someone took a testosterone test. Let's say a woman came in and she said, OK, I'm at 20, my testosterone is at 20. What would that dosing look like and when would you check it say, OK, we want to make sure it's not too high and you're not having some of these side effects of acne or dark hair or so forth?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: The the general the general dosage my team gives is somewhere between 10 and 20 milligrams a week for women. And that will usually put them, like I said, between that one hundred and that one hundred fifty one hundred eighty range. If you get a little bit less, that's totally fine. If you go a little bit more, you want to watch the symptomatology. So just talk to your doctor, whoever is going to work with you on this to talk about that. But that's generally where we're at is in that that 10 to 20 milligrams.
Chantel Ray: So I know you do
Chantel Ray: intermittent fasting as well. Talk about kind of your daily routine with fasting and talk about if you're willing to share about that, what you do as far as the testosterone goes for yourself to help you. And how has that helped your life?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So I'm I'm 16, eight, sometimes I'm 18. Sex just depends on how much how long I can carry through coffee. By the way, with the Laquinta Monk, fruit sweetener has been my saving grace on several days. So, yes, I do try to do 18 sex as much as I can, but sometimes I don't make it. I'm 16, so I use that a lot. I use that for a lot of my patients. Anybody who does well with kids is going to do phenomenal with fast fasting. So all year, like I said, you know, morphs into measures, will do great with it. As far as testosterone goes, I have a kind of a funny story. So I was I've always been a big guy, but I was I was left and I was run and I was running and I broke my foot and I was like, well, that's weird. Have a really high end treadmill. I'm surprised I broke my foot. Must have landed real funny or whatever. Just a bad stress fracture. So that healed. I go back and I start running again, broke my other foot, same type of thing. And I'm like, well this is weird. And then we're testing out new labs and I got my blood drawn and my testosterone was one eighty. And yeah, it was just like, oh my God. I was like, well that's what my feet are breaking. And so I put mine back up too. So I do two things. I do testosterone and I do nandrolone beckoning. Now, Dacca or Najran is not a medication that I would ever recommend personally for a woman, but it's I like it for men because when it lubricates the joints and it doesn't convert to estrogen or DHT. So, you know, I don't have to worry about hair loss, but some guys are worried about it. However, DHT hits the prostate real hard. So if you're going to be doing, you know, a decent amount, you know, one to say one hundred fifty to two hundred fifty milligrams of definitively, you can sometimes talk to your doctor about splitting them into two different medications, separate, natural. And and so that's basically what I do. And that's my it's easier as a hardcore Animorphs. So that's super easy. But it's still easier to lose fat. It's easier to the energy is much higher. My bones aren't breaking what I run now. So that's that's the position that I'm purslane is that I've had so much head trauma and so like that that I don't know if that plays a role, but I also tend company. So my stress is pretty high. So that's what I've done and I've been doing it for ten years and I'm super healthy. So it's not something that you need to really worry about as long as you get with people who know what they're doing.
Chantel Ray: What have I not asked you that you want listeners to know about kind of the wellness, health and weight loss that kind of will take people to the next level?
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So the big thing that we kind of have to decide in in our health care is what model we want to be in. So the Western medicine or the insurance based model, the way that that works is you come in and say, here's my one problem or my two problems. Then from that they can make a diagnosis. Then they can run tests to confirm or deny that diagnosis. Then they can prescribe a treatment, whether it be medical drugs or whatever, for that issue. So that's the way that a normal Western medicine practice works now, a wellness or a holistic practice like mine, you come in and you say, hey. I want to be healthy. I want to be when I'm 80, I want to have a great life. So the difference is that we look at the entire body. So we run genetic studies, we run hormone studies, we run heart sticker studies before you have a heart issue. So half a million people a year die from heart issues. About 60 percent of them had no idea that heart issues before they die. And so we look at those things ahead of time. And so the major difference is you want to wait till you have a problem to go the Western medicine route, or do you want to find the problems when they're really small, before they present issues and fix them then? So if you decide, yeah, I want to find these problems before they become cancerous, before I have a heart attack, before they become really big, I want my higher quality of life. You need to start looking more for a wellness group than your standard Western medicine model. Just understand that if you want to work in the wellness field, you're almost always going to pay cash for it. Most of the time you're going to have if you want insurance, you're going have to go to the I have a problem, fix my problem. I want to have it root. So those are the two biggest pieces I like everybody to understand is, you know, we start looking at, you know, wellness options and that type of thing. It's going to end up being cash.
Chantel Ray: Ask them, we'll tell listeners where they can find you and where they can follow you.
Dr. Matt Chalmers: So on all the social media, I'm just Dr. Chalmers one, no period, just the charmeuse one and then the easiest place to place I. I spend the most time posting everything is in the Facebook group section that charmers wellness in the groups piece. And so we go there and in the book, Pillars of Wellness is out. And that's that's been fun. We hit best seller in 13 categories so far. So it's been that's been a good one. So if you want to read that, that's a pretty good read as well.
Chantel Ray: Awesome. Well, this is been amazing. Thank you so much for all you're doing to change people's lives with health and wellness and really not looking at the one issue and getting really right down to the root and fixing it. So that's been awesome. And you guys, stay tuned. We've got another episode coming up in just a few. Bye bye for now.