339: How To Do Alternate Day Fasting, Intermittent Fasting, Keto, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Healthy Lifestyle, What To Drink When Fasting, and more - with Alex Yehorov!
April 12, 2021

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Welcome back to the podcast! In today’s must-listen episode, Chantel got to speak with Alex Yehorov. Alex Yehorov is a fitness enthusiast, personal trainer, and content creator for his Youtube channel and his Podcast show.
After his almost 9 years of weight loss and body transformation journey, he has decided to share lessons he has learned about Intermittent Fasting, Keto, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Healthy Lifestyle, and how to do it all in the right and healthy way so his clients and fans can get good lasting results and keep them life-long while avoiding pitfalls and seatback and saving their time, money, health, and efforts on things that simply do not work. Alex Yehorov shares his knowledge by coaching people with his 1-on-1 Online Body Mastery Coaching program.
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Chantel Ray: Hey, guys, welcome to today's episode and we have Alex Yehorov on the podcast. I hope I didn't butcher his last name too much. It's why he h o r over. And we're going to be talking about intermittent fasting, nutrition, weight loss to a healthy lifestyle and also about Keto's. So, Alex, welcome.
Alex Yehorov: Oh, hey, everybody. Hey, guys. Hey, Chantel. I'm really, really happy to be here with you today. And I hope we can add some value to your audience and have some fun down there. OK, let's see.
Chantel Ray: So tell me a little bit. I know that you've had about nine years of weight loss and body transformation and you've learned all about intermittent fasting, keto nutrition and weight loss. And so I want you to kind of tell me, like the biggest tips that you've learned and kind of what are some of the pitfalls that you have found and in helping people?
Alex Yehorov: So when it comes to nutrition, when it comes to weight loss over the last eight, nine years, you were right. I've been express a lot of downside and a lot of struggles with gaining weight and losing it back like me dozens of times. I'm not a and so many times and I wasn't like overweight big time. So it's like thirty five pounds or something, but it's stuck in my belly fat. I didn't feel comfortable with that. You know, different people has different emotions attached to that. So I felt uncomfortable and inconvenient. So I decided to lose it and actually stick to that to keep it consistent. We probably know that a lot of the people that are losing weight and after that, most of the time we're getting it back. So when it come with me over the last years, I've learned the main things is to probably focus is obviously intermittent fasting and working out cardio, your low carb diet and healthy nutrition. It's all good stuff. But when it comes to the weight loss and keep it long term, all five, I found for myself that instead of focusing on the losing weight on the scales, which we all want, I got it. And instead of focusing on this weight loss pounds each and every week, I start shifting my focus to the health component of it. And this is where the biggest game changer, what happened with me personally, because what I noticed, if it's not only the body look, if I really want to get longevity like health, energy level increase and things like that. So when I start shifting my focus on those goals and while, of course, doing intermediate fats, also healthy nutrition, that's a part of it all. I'm just saying that when you shift your focus from breaking yourself everyday on scales and focusing on getting healthy, getting energy, then you might notice that as a bonus, as a result, you will be losing weight and will be able to better maintain it all for long term because you're going to build their life. What's that? You're going to build the lifestyle and not just the diet. And in fact, I don't really like the word diet. And even though I've done the literal diet, paleo diet, intermediate fasting, which is not actually died by the time restrictive thing I've done keto on multiple days before, but I don't really like the word diet. It even sounds like you're dying or something like that. You know, I like mostly a lifestyle. And when you find it, regardless of what you're doing right now, guys are tuning into this episode. You might be doing different diets. You might be not doing even intermittent fasting. I don't know what you're doing, but I do recommend you stick into those and find what really works and resonates with you so you can stop dieting and actually take it as a lifelong approach. So that's what will make you happy. And that's what's going to that's what's actually made the biggest difference for me and for my clients and the people I've worked with and even my parents and friends.
Chantel Ray: So what is a typical day look like for you as far as your
Alex Yehorov: guess is far? We're talking about not businesses. We're talking about the foods and things like that, right? Yes. And so is depending dependent. Am I doing some fat fast and some am I doing standard intermediate fasting or do like twenty three hours fast depending on that. But if you will ask me for the last six month or so, I start doing alternative fasting instead of every day fasting. I make this shift already almost one year ago. So I've been faster for about five to six years and I've been doing it every day, every day. And then I kind of start learning and driving even more into this whole thing and start finding a resource where people get better results with alternate fasting. So let's say today, actually, I do the fasting I did already. I broke my fastest three p.m. correctly my time. But anyway. So where do you live today? Located in Ukraine. I was born in Soviet Union and we're Russian. Their family, just my parents. We've been immigrated to Ukraine and the Soviet Union collapsed. So that's basically where we are. I've been growing. I'm currently located. And so my general date would be starting like that. I would wake up about seven a.m. I would go would go through my day, meditation, whatever you have, business dealings and whatnot. And then I would break out, of course, I would do most of the time working out and Khaja on a faster state or at least in an empty stomach. So if it's the fast and again, I will repeat one more time, like today I would do a workout, then I would break my fast or I would fast a bit more. Depends on the goal if it's weight loss or muscle building to be different things, different topic, and I'm going to dove into them. But after that I kind of break my fast around three p.m. with bone broth and lean chicken or shrimp, some kind of lean protein to help digestion and are things like that. And then I would have my main meal. That's usually twenty. Three hours fast now, 16 hours fast to be different would be obviously, but generally speaking, that's how would be going my day. Normal day. Few times a week I do. Twenty three hours fast. Sometimes I do 16 hours fast, even though I can go push for a further. But I purposely change things around and playing around, sometimes skipping breakfast and have dinner or bad even sometimes I skip both and just have in the middle of the day. So I'm always playing with my routine, with intermittent fasting, with nutrition as well, to find what works the best for me based on science and based on my own experience. So that's usually how it goes.
Chantel Ray: So I love that you're saying that because I do think when you see the results is when you just mix it up a bit. So talk about what you do on a twenty three. Let's say you do a twenty three hour fast. What does that look like and what are some things that you do to keep your mind occupied so that you can easily do the full twenty three hour fast.
Alex Yehorov: OK, so so first of all, as I told you already, I've been fasting for quite a while and at that point, at that moment of my life, I don't suffer. I don't fast. When you go twenty three hours fast, I don't think about food at all. So I don't need to keep my mind occupied with anything, to be honest, because I just I just go about my day that OK, it's time to eat. Already forgot about it, you know what I'm saying. So this is where I've trained myself. Although when I first started with intermittent fasting, I started. That's what I recommend with my clients or with the people know people who are trying to start with intermittent fasting. I try to teach them to start slowly and see based on their feelings so they can go slowly and adjust, even starting from 12 hours fast. I know it's not that fast, but still abstaining from food for 12 hours and then 13, 14. And as you go, what's your feeling? Because you need to be a little bit more stressed and not too much, if you will push yourself too much. Again, it's not going to be for everybody. I will make it clear. But if you will push yourself too much or if you will die, you might just have the problem that I have gone through, which is binge eating disorders, multiple, multiple food disorders. And that would be very hard for you to get back with that and fix those emotional agents and whatnot. So for me right now, twenty three hours going really easy. I just go about my day. I record YouTube channels, I record podcast, I go for a walk for a run. I do work out my brain isn't thinking about much about the foot of water is different. This could be in different hormonal response, like leptin and ghrelin. Then hunger hormones might treat me right. But generally speaking, I don't even think about food as I go through the day. And I want drink basically green tea or black coffee, obviously without sugar, without anything added to that plain black coffee or just water. That's it. There is no secrets as you keep on practicing. I think it gets easier. At least that's what's happening with me and all the people that I talked with. But we're all different. So for somebody, they can just jump and do right away. Forty eight fast hours fast and feel incredible. It wasn't for me. I was pushing too much and a couple of years ago and I was doing like for long fasting for forty eight hours. Seventy two hours. And it, it, it brought me big time because of them. At that point the coach didn't actually the coach that I hired did not walk me through this process slowly he said OK now seventy two hours. So I put in my mind and my willpower like no I'm going to do it. And you know what, I didn't do it. I broke it. It was sixty nine hours. So instead of breaking the fast and the right way, I start binge. And this is where I start creating this mentality of fasting and the and then fasting bingeing. And so I've learned that dieting, it's very dangerous too. And you need to. That's what exactly I said. Well we just started this whole I said that make the lifetime and not the short term dieting. Don't do those two weeks crazy diets or something. You need to find something sustainable for yourself and slowly you can increase. If we're talking about intermittent fasting, definitely increase it and find your time, your schedule for that which will be better and more adaptable based on your work, based on your feeling with your kids at home, you know, with your lifestyle. Yeah.
Chantel Ray: Let's go right into our listener questions. We have one. I'm going to ask both of these at the same time. And one is from Marista from east towards Michigan. She says, does drinking flavored herbal teas like Peach break a fast or flavored black coffee like hazelnut? Break your fast and too. I heard you talk about your supplements and wonder what brand of probiotics you take. I heard you say it's great to have one hundred and fifty billion, but I didn't catch the name. Thanks so much. And I'm really enjoying your podcast. And the second one is from Cam from Buffalo, Michigan or sorry, Buffalo, Minnesota. What is them in Minnesota? I think Buffalo, Minnesota. I have a don't ask me. I know I didn't do well in geography. It's going back to haunt me. I have a question about drinking and drinking an elixir during my fasted state. I have read that an elixir, four ounces of hot water with ginger, cinnamon, honey, lemon juice, cayenne pepper dissolved together has many health benefits as well as boosting your metabolism. I've noticed great results doing this in the AM and PM. My question is, do the spices or honey and lemon juice kick me out of the fasted state enough that I should consider stopping this? So I guess that sums up into.
Alex Yehorov: Right, so you go ahead, yeah, it's into one question, that's why yeah, I think that's really, really nice tight into one question. So I think I will start answering this question with the interesting point of view of that, because a lot of us know that even if you observe one calories of doesn't matter what, you technically break your fast. And we've talked and people have many debate on this regard, and I'm sure that one calorie doesn't matter. What's that is is it even to be honest, coffee, black plain coffee has a couple of calories to begin with. But we have apple cider vinegar, a couple of calories. We have obviously, honey, obviously every like cinnamon and every spices has some calories in. But is depends what you're taking and what you're going to gain from it, because some of those spices like or even apple cider vinegar is not spice obviously, but they're actually trigger some of the hormonal response and some of the things in our body that actually makes us to burn more fat and go deeper into the autophagy, into the ketosis, deeper into the fasting. Right. So it all comes down to what's your goal? Because for me personally, I know that black plain coffee technically, again, has some calories, but I know it's going to give me more benefits down the road and put me more into fasting. So I'm going for the black coffee. In terms of apple cider vinegar, answer would be the same. It technically break a fast, but it gives me more benefits. Same with a lemon juice if you don't drink like a leader of it. Right. If you drink a little bit of that, that will give you more benefits during the fast and some of the other things that person mentioned before, which is like cinnamon and ginger, of course, ginger has to go in a different ginger has a lot of carbs into that. You probably know that. So technically, it will kick you out of the ketosis. But the side effect of sort of ketosis from the fast. But but if you use a little bit of it is definitely the way to go. In terms of the honey, it's the only one thing that I can just say that I would avoid, obviously, because I've been doing a lot of low carb diets and keto and not ketones and intermittent fasting, of course. But I would not go with honey because there's tons and tons of fructose. And I would just stay with the cinnamon, with the ginger, with the apple cider vinegar, green teas. And let me answer right away the second question, which was about the peach inside of it, like fruit, those teas with those fruit inside with like berries. I generally speaking, don't drink. I would rather go with the plant juice, green tea or even black one, but without fruit, because, yes, this one also has calories in it will it will break your intermediate fast and will break your fast. But at the same time, I'm not going to give you much of the benefits I'm talking about like peach flavor. It depends, again, what the flavor is. It's a real peach. Or is this some artificial artificial? I stay away completely, even if it's not spiking insulin, even if it's not doing anything, I stay away from artificial sweeteners, anything like that, and colorings. But if it's peach in the tea, if it's some kind of flavor coming from the fruit, that I would stay also away from it because it's not going to give me much of the benefits, but it will break fast at the same time. Yeah.
Chantel Ray: Yeah, I agree with everything that you just said, and I think that, you know, a cup of coffee, you know, has between four and five calories for a black cup of coffee. Apple cider vinegar has about three calories. And like you said, the one tablespoon of honey has sixty four calories, plus a lot of sugar. So I think it goes back to the cup of black coffee. I would go for that, the cup of, you know, a little bit of apple cider vinegar. If you love it and you you want to take it, go ahead and take that. It really makes that much of a difference. And the one thing that I think people, you know, really go back and forth on is cream in their coffee. And so I want to address that. So I will tell you what I personally do. Now, one of the things I've done is I've interviewed over a thousand women who've been thin, who've never been on a diet. And I will say this, as I've interviewed them, a lot of them have coffee with cream in the morning, but they put a little splash of cream and they put no sugar and they don't count that as they're eating. And so as I've interviewed all these women, it's like this is what they do. They still stay thin, that little bit of cream. And again, they're putting a very little splash of cream in their coffee and they're still staying thin. And they're it's not for them. They're they're it obviously is breaking a fast right. Because if you're putting those calories in, you are breaking a fast. But for them, it's not affecting their weight loss. And so I think that it's got to be something that you do individually, that you have to make that decision of what you do is important to you. And is is it are you losing weight, yes or no? Like and I feel like sometimes people get so caught up in, like, you know, OK, this has hazelnut, should I have it or this has peach. Well, I also don't want people to get so obsessive compulsive about it that they go, oh my gosh, I can't have that. I can have that. If it's working for you, then go ahead and do it if that's not affecting you. But at the same time, I agree with you. I do everything I possibly can to stay away from anything that's artificially flavored like it doesn't for me. It doesn't benefit me. I know I don't feel great doing it. And you will train your body to like I have green tea. That's that is an unsweetened unflavored anything like that. And I also do do a hibiscus tea and I have a continuous blood glucose monitor and I look on it and I see my glucose go up at all when I drink this. It's a hibiscus tea and green tea. It doesn't change at all like it literally my blood sugar stays as stable as can be. So I know that it's not affecting me. And to be honest, when I have caffeine, when I have the green tea, it keeps me very, very stable. But when I do have a cup of coffee, even with no cream in it, it actually does raise my blood sugar a little bit. Just that blackish black coffee. So so getting a continuous blood glucose monitor. I have a great episode with a girl who who just did it a couple episodes back. So if you haven't listened to that, that would be a good one to listen to. But I definitely think, you know, not getting too too obsessive, like with with Kym, with that elixir that she made, I would I would see how maybe doing that in your eating window. So, like, let's say you're eating window is twelve and six. If you think that is really benefiting you and you're feeling great results, go ahead and do that at twelve o'clock. And one other tip that I do for myself personally is I have green tea. Until, say, about 12 or one o'clock, but then I don't love black coffee, I'll have it in the morning sometimes, but I like to have one or two cups of coffee sometimes in a day, and I actually prefer it with cream. So but I do that a little bit of cream, but I do it when I start my eating window. So let's say at 12 o'clock I'll have one cup of coffee and that's when I start my eating one. Then it gives me another hour or two to extend it a little bit later, if that makes sense. So it allows me to fast a little bit longer.
Alex Yehorov: Yeah, I totally agree with you until you yourself really, really well in terms of that, they're not stressed out because we are, most of us human beings, we're very perfectionist. And, you know, when we're trying to get this the best, the best from everything and stick to every every rule out there from every YouTube channel and everything like that and make it ideal, we actually put us in the position where we're stressing out even more. And when it comes to stress, we probably know that when you're stressed out, you turn on your autonomic nervous system and you start incorporating from the sympathetic nervous system instead of the parasympathetic nervous system. And what's happening is you release your adrenal gland, release adrenaline and release cortisol and things like that. So your blood sugar actually increases. So you're basically breaking your fast by stressing out. So sometimes, in fact, almost all the time, it's better to go easier with different rules so cold and things like that and wait and see what works for you. And again, you said for many, many women that you interviewed, they said that sometimes most of them having this a little bit of just a little bit of green in their coffee in the morning. And they don't count as a meal, obviously, and it works for them. And I can say that, OK, it has 50 calories, let's say, in this thing. And yes, it's totally break your fast, but you're not going to get overweight. And most of the time, if you're going to just consume this what have this one coffee in the morning once in a while with 50 grams of creamer. So go and do it. Go ahead and just find that what works for you and what makes you and happy and get your results and obviously which makes you happy at the same time. This is the key from no matter what dieting you follow, no matter what pattern of eating. I do believe that good, healthy nutrition and intermittent fasting are really, really key. But to some things up then definitely supposed to be in the balance with your right mindset. So if you do something, you need to enjoy the process, like really enjoy the process and in this case is going to get easier to do your dieting or whatever you do. So if you want to have this black coffee in the morning with a little bit of creamer, no, it will break your fast. But don't stress it too much because you're not most in most cases you're not going to get overweight. So, yeah.
Chantel Ray: Awesome. Well, this next question comes from William Mehta, and it's in Wilson Park, Arkansas. She says, I have a friend who lost a lot of weight, over 30 pounds. And all she did was do a 48 hour eating, went 48 hour fasting, 48 hour, not fasting, 48 hour fasting, 48 hour, not fasting. Then another friend that did the same thing with just 24 hours on, 24 hours off. I want to know more about alternate day fasting. What are some tips? I've also heard of some people where they're doing the five hundred calories during that eating window on the days that they're, quote, consider fasting. I've also heard of the five to diet. Can you talk about that a little bit more and explain it?
Alex Yehorov: All right, that's a good question, and to begin with, I want to say that I've been experimenting with most of those intermittent fasting dance patterns and methods and everything that you mentioned right now in there. This question and what I want to say before I start to explain is I, generally speaking, don't recommend anybody to cut your calories too much when you go and cut them too much for the extended period of time. Like, I think those people are talking right now, alternative Facenda to these off two days on the and they do for 48 hours fasting and forty eight hours. And I think it's a bit too much. Again, it might work for somebody. We have so many different people and so many variables, but I would not recommend to go that deep for forty eight hours of fasting and then forty eight hours eating. I think it's too much. And what if we're talking about 24 each, 24 fasting? That's a bit better. In my case it's more smoother. But long term we're talking about long term effect, right? If you're talking about one week or two, I think you'll get great benefits, weight loss benefits and whatnot, health benefits. But if we're talking about long term, what, 10, 20 years, then I would recommend to Ultranet it go easier to do 16 hours and then eat the next day, then the next day, go twenty three hours, then eat the next day, then again 16, 20, 30, something like that. And from time to time do seventy two or forty eight hours once in a month for example, or play with the fat fasting which I by the way just tested just like five days ago. I finished my first time in my life. I tested the fat fasting. And what it does is actually it's when I consume for five days one thousand calories worth of only fat. So it's no protein, no carbs at all. So basically eat coconut oil. And I ate all the oil, I mean a tablespoon of it during the day. So I'm not going to have to dip into that. But what I'm saying is, yes, as good this shortening amount or five days I've done it. One thousand calories is good. And then I get back to my normal routine where I alternate and do like that. But if you cut it long term, you would fast for forty eight hours and then the next forty eight hours you eat, you might get in. The problem obviously with your metabolic rate and your metabolism would slow down and things like that. I don't think long term that's good for health. But well again we are all different. What I've noticed in my experience in my own weight loss journey and all the people that I talk with, all the really different and so many things that you said, these coffee spikes, a little bit of glucose, blood sugar in your in your monitor or what you use in your glucose meter Chantel. And for me, it might not be the same. Right, for all the people even work. And I probably exaggerate and even work. Spike that insulin. I'm exaggerating what I said. We're all different. At the end of the day, it will work for different people differently. But from my experience and from the people who I've talked to, I would not recommend to do those fasting for a long time. So now the question was from the same question is five hundred calories a day. That's good. When you're fasting a few times a week and you go for five hundred calories a day, that's OK. But if you do it every day, five, 500 calories a day, I don't think you're going to get any good results. Right, because losing weight is not the most important thing in life. I think in all of this balance of be healthy, to have the energy to look good, of course, is one of the part of it. But you're probably not going to feel good if you're going to cut your calories that much. But again, just some something's up. We're all different if you do it and it really works for you and you feel great and your analysis, blood tests and everything shows great results, then you shouldn't listen to me or even Chantel. You shouldn't listen to anybody if you feel really, really good with that. So that's what I found for myself, generally speaking.
Chantel Ray: Yeah. So there is a diet out there and again, both of us are on the same page. We are not big on diets, but it's a it's an alternate diet, it's an alternate day fasting and it's called the five to diet. And what it means is out of the seven days, for two of the days, you eat five hundred calories, four women and six hundred for men. So, for example, Sunday, you'd eat 500 calories. Monday and Tuesday you'd eat healthy. Wednesday you'd eat five hundred calories. Thursday, Friday and Saturday you'd eat healthy. And so again, for me, if I'm going too fast, I'm going to fat, like I'm going too fast for that day. So I'm going to do a full twenty three hour fast and twenty four hour fast or something like that. Or maybe I'll do a forty eight hour fast. I've done three day fast so I'm a fan of fasting all the way. I do want to hear a little bit more about. The fat fasting, because I think that that is really unique and I want to hear more about your experience. Could you share that one?
Alex Yehorov: OK, so it's been quite a while since I've been practicing more than 72 hours. I kind of stopped doing prolonged fasting, to be honest, but I still wanted to get those benefits of the prolonged fasting. I'm talking about autophagy. I'm talking about mental clarity and things like that. Right. I'm not whatever I do, I'm mostly focusing on the health part of the whatever I do. But as a bonus, yes, I keep my weight off. I'm building muscle and losing weight, all of that good stuff. But so what I was doing with fat fasting is definitely going to help you guys to lose weight. But it wasn't my main goal to begin with. So why I was doing fat fasting and the whites were working so well is because simply first of all, fat doesn't spike your insulin that much as it would do or protein. And second thing, when we do observe the high quality good fats and about one and a half or one thousand calories a day, our body technically thinks that we're still technically into fasting. We still kind of fasting now, not in our different organs, different parts of the body. They go into autophagy antifascist in different time, to be honest. So what I was doing with this fat fasting is I was trying to steal Egin foods to eat in calories coming from only fat high quality fats while maintaining partially my autophagy and getting more like longevity. And all of this recycling benefits. Health benefits. Right. So and my experiments showed that, well, even though I did absorb those calories, I still felt physically weak because generally speaking, when I do prolonged fasting, I don't feel as good as what I do. Twenty three hours, as I told you before. Twenty three hours. For me, it's like not fasting anymore. It's just like, wow, awesome. Everything is great. I just do things and don't even fall. But when I do prolong fasting, there was a downside. That's why I did fat fasting. But what I noticed, I still, I felt way better. I could fall asleep and all of that would be easier on the fat, which is bonus. But I still felt physically weak. I didn't have that much energy. I didn't want to do workout, I didn't want to do cardio. And I kind of was more laying down in the bed sort of sort to speak from the physical point. Mentally, I felt OK a little bit down also. But in general I, I did it for three, three days and in a couple of days I want to try to go and push in a couple of weeks, sort of try to go and push to four days as it's supposed to be, maybe even five days. So I slowly tried to adapt my body. I don't go right away for ten days or something like that. I try to three days. I feel OK, OK. Next time I will push a little bit further. But that's what was my experience. And to be honest, I started also sharing it on my channel. And I want to people try and also get more feedback from the people who experience that. So in this case, I will have more data. And the science, different research supports the benefits of this, the health benefits and the weight loss benefits of doing so. But again, it's supposed to be periodically. It's not every day. It's maybe four days once in a two months in one month and three months, like periodically. In this case, those things will work really, really well, I believe.
Chantel Ray: So I want to ask you about muscle building for a little bit and kind of changing things up, so I'll tell you my experience today. I go to the gym this morning with a trainer, and I'm going to tell you, you know, I always work out in a fasted state, always. I can't even work out within a Fed state. I just can't do it. I've trained my body so much to work on fasted state. I can't. But he worked me out so hard today. I mean, I literally was having trouble walking out of the gym. I mean, it was leg day. And I mean, he just put me through the wringer and I got home and I normally don't eat until sometimes 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 o'clock, depending on kind of my schedule for the day. But at nine o'clock this morning, I was like, I'm having a protein shake. I'm just going to change my eating window today. So I kind of talked. Have you talk a little bit about that, about listening to your body and how you change things up when you're working out that extreme hard? Like I mean, when I tell you I burn through every glycogen I had today, I was like, I mean, it was probably one of the hardest workouts I've I've done in a long time. So talk about that a little bit.
Alex Yehorov: Yeah, very, very good question. I want to share my mindset around this thing related to the workouts and related to not even workouts your your your brain, your gym schedule in general, because it's all comes to the same. I have the basic philosophy where you do need to listen to your body and regardless of how you feel, you need to operate differently. And I will explain what I mean. So in terms of workouts, I do periodization in school. That means if I feel today that I didn't get enough sleep, I feel a bit weak, let's say, or a little bit sick, and I still want to do workout. Then I will go and do a workout, but I will not push to the very edge. I will not push to the very end. I will give my body a little bit more recovery. So but the next day, if I feel great, if I feel enormous amount of energy, I would go and I will really kill like as much as I can. Same applies not only for the physical activities, but I believe for the work. For example, if I'm not in the mood to record you to the it can be anything in that regards. Sometimes I try to do not stress out too much. I try to push, push, push. And if I see something that's working, I try to close my eyes, close my eyes and actually kind of meditate on it and ask myself important questions. Do I really feel like to do that? Is it laziness? And the important part of those question is, is it listen, is it my body lazy right now and I'm looking for the Earth, I'm looking into this old mindset, or is it my body really needs rest. For example, if it needs rest, I can lay down on the couch the whole day if it really needs a rest. But this distinction is really, really key here because you might get sick and really feel like you need rest or you might you might feel just lazy and like you don't want to go do things, but it might be just like an addiction, food addiction, watch addiction movies, whatever. So stay with the workout working out. If I feel great, I will give my body big stress. But sometimes I shift things around. Sometimes I do not always work. One hundred percent intensity. Sometimes, as I said, I give my body rest the same as the brain or mindset I rest. In this case, I know I can perform on the long run. Life is a long run, right? We tried to push all the time and it perfectionism and everything right now this very second. But it's not always like that. Sometimes you just wake up and you're not in the mood to do anything and you try and you push and you meditate. And you know what? Nothing works. It's like, you know what? It's OK. I will sit and watch comedies and not stressing out about that. And then you went through this day, then the next day, boom, you have tons of motivation, tons of energy back. So life goes like, yes, it's like a roller coaster. Everything I think in life, to be honest, is like weeks. It's not always you feel that great physically or mentally. So I try to listen my body, I try to listen my mind and I try to really understand is it really need rest or is just trying to fake it and just trying to be lazy because those are huge to do for different.
Chantel Ray: That's great advice, and I think that, yes, so for me, I felt like since I did such heavy lifting today that I just felt like my body needed to have that protein after my workout and having a little bit of carbs with, you know, I put a little bit of spinach and fruit and stuff like that in my protein smoothie so that because I work so hard, my body was so depleted. I felt like in order for me to kind of build that muscle back up, I needed to do it. So you're listening to your body is important? Well, this has been amazing. Tell listeners where they can find you and where they can follow you.
Alex Yehorov: OK, so there is a few ways. But one of the best way to find this, obviously, is to go if people or somebody want to work with me, one on one on their weight loss. Jordan, your muscle building or just getting health in general, then the best way is to just a book free strategical with me and see if there was a good fit. And the link for that would be it's a challenge that comes Alex, which is basically C, a, l, e, r and D Zell y dot c o m slash. And then my name and my surname, which is a l e x y e h o r o. So if you go to the scoundrelly dot com we can put
Chantel Ray: it in the show notes, we can put
Alex Yehorov: units at least Chantel put it in the señores. It would be much easier. So this is the best way how people can contact with me. But again, I understand it's not for everybody. And so there are other ways to contact with me. It would be to other ones. It's a podcast that I host and the YouTube channel, they have exactly the same name, which is Alex Yegorov, which I already said to you how to pronounce my email. Right. So Alex Keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle. If you type it anywhere, you will probably find something either YouTube or podcast. And I got it in my social media. So I don't really talk only about intermittent fasting or only about Ketut. I'm more into nutrition and fasting and weight loss and health and a little bit of muscle and longevity and a bit of my mindset and everything in between like that. So yeah, that would be the best places to find.
Chantel Ray: Awesome, will you guys stay tuned, we have another episode coming up in just a few, bye bye for now.