327: The Betty Body: How To Be An Intuitive Eater, Balance Hormones, and More - with Dr. Stephanie Estima!
March 3, 2021

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Welcome back to the podcast! In today’s must-listen episode, Chantel got to speak with Dr. Stephanie Estima. She is the CEO of Hello Betty, Host of the Better! Podcast, and Author of The Betty Body. Her life passion and mission is blending modern science with ancient wisdom to empower women's health and healing. She has a special interest in functional neurology, metabolism, and body composition.
In today’s episode, we discussed:
How to be an intuitive eater, balanced hormones and transformational sex.
Do women need more sleep than men?
How to work-out in a fasted state?
What is Keto cycling?
What is the best way to get rid of brain fog?
When is the best time of your menstrual cycle to do a longer fast?
Is DIM good for estrogen dominance and what time of the month do you take it?
What is NEAT low level exercise?
How good is cryotherapy for your body?
And more!
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Hey, guys, welcome to today's episode, and we are so excited we have Stephanie Estima today and she has written a book called The Betty Body, and our topic is all about how to be an intuitive eater, how to have balanced hormones and how to have transformational sex. So we are so excited to have you with us. Welcome, Dr. Stephanie.
Thank you for having me. It's a thrill to be here.
So first, I want to know you. Your title of your brand new book is called The Betty Body. How did you even get this kind of name of the Betty body?
Yeah, this is such a fun question to answer because people are like, but your name is Stephanie and why is that, Betty? And I don't get it. Yeah. So I have a like you I have a podcast called Better with Dr. Stephanie. So we started calling our better fans are Betty's. So just sort of stuck and it actually just organically took on a life of its own. So people started when they would review the podcast, they would say, I love being a Betty and I want to be a Betty. And so the name of the book, I mean, we talk about which I know we'll talk about today, but we talk about all these different parameters that are important for female health. And I just you know, everybody's goal is always a little different. Right? So it might be weight loss. It might be energy. It might be sleeping better. It might be, you know, just feeling good in your own skin. So everybody has their own unique sort of path and their own journey. So I wanted to call it the Betty body to be able to adapt to any wherever anybody is in their journey. So that's that's sort of the origin of of the name.
So let's talk about balancing hormones, because I agree. I mean, you can do everything right and then your hormones are a mess and you're just not going to have weight loss like you want if you don't get that piece right. So explain what were some really practical things that you did to get your hormones completely in check.
Oh, this is a great question. So this I talk about this extensively in the Betty body in the book where I had years and years of horrible menstruation like I felt every month I was being punished for being a woman and like any, you know, type a high achieving, very driven woman. I would silence it. I would ignore it because I had bigger mountains to climb. I had to go and achieve. And and I didn't have time for this pesky menstrual these menstrual cramps. So for me, I really saw a profound change in my menstruation. It was a couple of years ago I had just finished my clinic had it was a very couple like a couple of years that were very difficult. So my clinic had burned down and I had to rebuild the clinic. I was going through a divorce with young children. And for any any of you listening that I've ever had to even if you didn't have children, a divorce is painful no matter which way you slice it. I mean, thankfully, I'm I'm great friends with, you know, my my ex now. But at the time it was it was not so great, like we were, you know, as any couple would be having having a tough time at it. So I was really stressed and went took my kids to Italy for a few weeks, took my family to Europe. And, you know, I started like sleeping in and going for walks every day. So I'd go walk to the little coffee shop to get my cappuccino in the morning. And then we'd walk after dinner and I'd spend time at the beach and, you know, lots of activity during the day. And towards the end of that trip, I got my period. And normally it would have been that would have been the thing that would have ruined the whole thing. So I would have been holed up in the hotel room, you know, mask on all the medications. But it wasn't like that, you know, because I had spent the previous three weeks really like a lot of movement, getting rid of a lot of stress, breathing fresh air, being out in nature, getting sunshine. My my period was great. It was it sort of came in. It did a thing. It went. And, you know, I first I was like, well, it's just because, like, everything's better in Italy, you know, everything's better in Europe. But you know, what I also knew is that my body also did this right. So, yes, I changed environments, but I also was changing some of my habits as well. So I came back home and I said, OK, how can I, like, replicate this? How can I continue to do some of these practices that I sort of was naturally doing on vacation? How can I do this in my everyday life? And so I started experimenting with myself, started with my patients in the clinic at the time. And what is sort of what is you know, now the book is really just my working body of knowledge in terms of how we balance our hormones. So in the book, I talk about a whole different subset of hormonal derangements. We talk about estrogen dominance, so women who get like super PMS see lots of distention and bloating and their, you know, their rings don't fit and they have mood disturbances we talk about and androgen dominance, which is commonly like too much testosterone. So testosterone is not being properly aromatase to estrogens. And we talk about PCOS, which is the most common sort of presentation of polycystic ovary syndrome. We talk about too much cortisol. So what happens when you're chronically stressed? You have this chronic low grade stress and inflammation. What are some of the pathways that are activated y that prevents you from losing weight? And we talk about low estrogen, low test, like every sort of permutation that a woman might go through, particularly in perimenopause through to menopause. We cover with some strategies in terms of how you can heal. And the book is really all about foundational basics, like you can take pills you can take. You know, I was just speaking to a friend of mine. We were talking about bioidentical and not not against them. You know, I think that they can be really useful. But if you don't actually fix your hormones, if you don't actually do some of these foundational basics that we outline in the book, like stress reduction and nutritional changes, like fasting, like supplementation, like exercise, like, you know, getting sunshine and fresh air and proper sleep, then, you know, you can take the hormones, but you're not actually, it's it's you're sort of putting a Band-Aid on it. So really wanting to think about how we can create some mastery in these foundational pillars and then go up from there.
So I'd love to hear what a day in the life looks like for you. So I'd like you to talk about what your workout routine is, what you're eating window is, and also what supplements you take to really help you feel like a million bucks.
That's a great question. So that actually changes week by week. Depending on where I am in my cycle. I can give you sort of the basics and then I can talk about how I sort of nuance it through the month. But basically I wake up when the sun wakes me up so I don't wake up to an alarm. Women and I talk about this in the book. We have longer sleep cycles than men do. So if you are a woman who sleeps in the same room as our same bed as a man, you probably should be awake. If you're going to bed at the same time, you you need a little bit more sleep than he does. So I wake up with the sun, usually a little shot of espresso somewhere around seven or seven thirty in the morning. I liked. I am somebody who really likes to do her workouts fasted. So I like to train. I train almost every other day and I also do a lot of a combination of steady state cardio and then the occasional high intensity interval training. So I sort of have a program that I've created for myself or I'm alternating whether it's like upper body, lower body, you know, it's like back in chest or legs and back or whatever, whatever the split is that day. And then if I'm not doing a resistance training, then I'm doing that. I'm doing the bike. So I you know, there's many cardio options, but I have an outdoor bike that I never use. So I took off the wheel, put it into this. I don't even it's called the Takacs. So it's basically it it's like I've changed it into an indoor bike and I have an app that I just virtually ride through London or New York or whatever, and a lot of that steady state. And then I can also program in high intensity interval training. So in the summertime I do my hit stuff outside with the kids. So I like run up and down the street with them. We do puppies, we do push ups, we do all that stuff in the winter. I live in a I live in Toronto. So we have all four seasons here in the winter. My head stuff is usually indoors on my indoor bike. So that's sort of my workout routine basically. And I'll talk about how I nuance that to to adhere to my menstrual cycle. In the moment, my diet will fluctuate between either being a ketogenic diet or a high protein, more of a high protein diet. And I'll talk about why in a moment. And then supplementation again. I think every woman, foundational basics, every woman should be taking an Omega three. I think she should be taking a vitamin D three with a K two. And I think she should be taking magnesium like those are sort of the one, two, three that I think most women don't get enough of, or at least in the context of omega 3s need to balance out the omega six concentration with omega 3s from our diet and then D3 and magnesium like first and second, you know, and we think about mineral deficiencies and vitamin deficiencies. Those are number one and two. So I think that every woman should be taking that. And again, those can cycle through through her cycle, through her menstrual cycle. So that's sort of an overview. I you know, when you get into the details of the book, what you see in there is is what I have developed for myself and the. Like at this point, thousands of patients that I've worked with, so what we do is when we're thinking of like when we think about exercise, for example, a lot of people love a lot of women will come to me and they'll say, you know, Doc, I I've been doing like hit training like four days a week, five days a week. You know, I'm doing I'm working out twice a day and restricting my calories. And I just can't seem to move this belly weight like I can't seem to for whatever reason. I just feel like I'm gaining weight. And I know that his training is very popular with good reason. You know, it's really an efficient workout in a short amount of time. It stimulates different muscle fibers. But if you're always as a woman, if you are always doing this kind of exercise day in, day out, this is a stress response. Like your body's like, why are we always running away from a tiger? Why are we doing this five days a week and you'll begin to put on belly fat? And that's usually a sign of excess cortisol or sympathetic tone or dominance. So I really love for most women to be doing hit like once, maybe, maybe twice, maybe twice a week. And then there's certain times when her menstrual cycle that I actually want her to stay away from it completely. So I talk about this in the book how when we have estrogen sort of peaking in her concentration and that in week two of your cycle, this tends to make our ligaments really lax. So it makes our ligaments like Lucy Goosey. So if you're doing burst training or like explosive power, when your ligaments are loose, you know, you're sort of setting yourself up for injury. So I in that second week of your cycle, I like you to completely stay away from hit training. There are other great times in the month that you can do it. But what we know from the literature is that women in their cycling years tend to have more ligament injuries, particularly they've studied the ACL, which is a big the anterior cruciate ligament, which is like a big ligament structure in the knee.
When you are doing things like the Burmese in the sprints and the, you know, the peloton and the all the all the things, you tend to you tend to blow out the knee, which is, you know, when we think about under the influence of estrogen, you're going to have that that knee joint is going to be much Lusi like, very Lucy Goosey under the under the influence. So that's sort of how I nuance things. I don't know if I've answered your question or if you have any follow up.
So give me a typical lunch for you, like on a certain day, like what would you do normally for lunch.
What would you normally for dinner, what's kind of your favorite go choose.
Well, I am a woman of simplicity, so I like to do a lot of vegetable prep on the weekend. So usually we'll do a big grocery shop. And on Sunday I've cut up on my broccoli, I've cut up all my peppers, I've cut up all my cauliflower, my brussel sprouts. So for example, today for lunch, I had, you know, if you sort of had a bird's eye view of my of my plate, it was broccoli stems because my family so my family, we have to when I'm cutting up the broccoli, I have to put the the trees are like the flowering part of the broccoli.
I have to separate those from the stocks because my my young sons will only eat the flowering parts. So I typically eat the stocks, they eat the flowers. So I had the stocks of the broccoli sort of lining the plate. I had some chicken like chicken thighs that I had just like from last night's dinner that I had baked. And I had some olive oil, some salt. What else do I have on there? I had a little bit of Lebanese yogurts, like it's called Lebanon, which is just like really thick, really thick yogurt with a couple of Middle Eastern spices on it. So that was what I that's it. Like a typical lunch for me. Lunch is usually leftovers from the from the night before. So I will make, you know, a lemon citrus chicken, like I'll take a whole chicken, stuff it with oranges and lemons and bake it in the oven for an hour and a half to two hours, put some roasted potatoes on the bottom. So all the drippings kind of, you know, season, season, the potatoes. That's a really favorite one of my family. There's so many so many things that I love. So chicken meat with it, with the general construction of my diet is lots of plants on the on the base of the plate. And then there's a protein.
It's about the size of my hand and then sort of olive oil or avocado oil as the as the dressing with some salt and seasoning.
Well, I've got a listener question that I'd like to ask you. And this is from Maria Dego in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. I am actually one of my really good friends is moving to Costa Rica and I'm planning on going there in April.
Everyone is moving to Costa Rica. I oh, it's like if there's a big, like, energetic everyone I know is moving there as well. Yeah, it's wonderful.
I know. I'm so excited about it. So anyway. This is from Maria. She says, I want to thank you for helping me lose 15 pounds. I am bingeing on your podcast, but I still have 15 pounds to go, which is not coming off. I do intermittent fasting and do most of the time. Have you heard cycling? And the other thing that I'm really struggling with is brain fog. Is there anything you can help me with that will get rid of brain function?
So Akito Cycling is one of the main constituents in our book, so the answer is yes. I've heard of Geita Cycling and yes, you should do it. So I love the idea for all women to start off with a a stint of pure ketosis for a couple of weeks. So I usually will say twenty eight days. This is a very female number. So I love twenty eight days for a woman to be in ketosis and there's several reasons for that. One, we want to get her used to being a fat burner and getting into her, you know, the ability for her to make ketone bodies. And then once she's done that, I actually like to cycle in and out of Quito. So I was saying to you before, you know, depending on where you are in your cycle, assuming that she's still a woman in her reproductive years, you know, I love in the in her bleed weeks of the week where she has her period for her, maybe not the first day because the first day is a little crampy, a little sluggish. But once she sort of gets into the rhythm of things, that's a great week to try a ketogenic diet or to go Kaito. It's also a really great week to do. If you're doing any type of fasting or you're new to fasting, it's a great week for you to play with fasting as well. And then in that second week, so once you finish your period, now we're in the week right before ovulation. And for women who are not aware of this, ovulation is actually the main reason. It is the main event of our cycle. It's everyone always focuses on our period because it's very obvious. But the main reason why we cycle is to release an egg for fertilization. So this second week, we see a lot of hormonal changes in the in our bodies as women or, you know, we'll see estrogen spiking, we'll see testosterone spiking. So this is a really great time to actually move away from Quito and to increase your protein. So I actually will pull a woman if she's in week one in her bredeweg, if she's doing, let's say, 70 percent fat, 20 percent of her food is coming from protein and then 10 percent is coming from her carbohydrates in week two.
I'll actually change those macros quite a bit. So I'll bring the 70 percent down to 40. I'll double the protein. So in week one it was twenty. So now we have forty percent of her calories are coming from protein and then I'll also double her carbs. So she was 10 percent in week one. Now she's twenty percent. And the reason for this is that as a woman, one of the best things that we can do, irrespective of your age, but in particular if you are in menopause or perimenopause, so between the ages of thirty five and like fifty, one of the things we want to be thinking about is creating new muscle or at the very least maintaining the muscle that you have so you don't lose it.
But ideally you're adding to the muscle that you have and you can do that in the gym, but you can also do it in the kitchen. So if you are increasing your protein this week, you're coordinating that with testosterone. So now you can profit off of testosterones ability to create and maintain lean muscle mass. And so that would be something that I would recommend for her in that second week and in the third week and fourth week we repeat those two patterns. So we come back to Quito in week three. There's a couple of things I would add. They're like resistant starches, making sure she's having lots of insoluble fiber, which is going to help with her bowel movements or cravings for sleep, all the things that we tend to see in the second. If you're someone who suffers from PMS, this is like a great time to add in, like more modern soluble fiber, more green leafy vegetables and resistant starches. And then in week, Ford's back to that high protein, high carb mix. And that is, again, because we tend to like everything tends to be a little harder that week. Right. So protein is very satiating. And I actually recommend in week four for all women to increase their calories in week four. And that can really feel scary for a lot of women because we're often we're all like, you know, there's one point I remember I had a woman, she was about forty five. She went to my clinic. I went on a diet for like thirty years, you know, so and we've just been taught always calorie restrict all of can, always calories. But this week in particular, you need to bump up your calories a little bit because your body is creating this new organ. It's creating this endometrial lining for whether or not you're, you know, you want children. Your body is going to do that no matter what. And we. We need to be giving our bodies a little bit more calories in this last week so that your body can help build up the endometrial lining because you need it. And then next, the next week is your blood week. You go back to that kiddo. You go back to that Kyoto Protocol. So that's how I would structure her kids cycling in terms of the I believe there was a comment there around brain fog. You'll probably find that when you start cycling your Kaito and your your training and you're lifting weights more often, you will very likely find that your brain fog will be ameliorated. It's going to improve. And if it still doesn't improve, after you've done some nutrition, you know, the nutrition changes and the exercise train changes, then we can look at supplementation to help, you know, supplement your lifestyle. So we might look at the omega 3s. You might look at some evening primrose oil, we may look at curcumin. We may look at some of these other things that are known to help reduce brain fog as well.
All right, this next one is from Jennifer in Houston, I'm in New I'm a new podcast listener to your show and I'm so excited I found it. I listened to a bunch of your older podcasts and listened to so many. But this guy was talking about estrogen dominance and he was talking about demn and I found an estrogen detox on Amazon called Estrogen Detox. And I was wondering, when is the best time of the menstrual cycle to do this? Should I take it all the time or I think he said something about a certain number of days. Help.
So I have no idea what product is. Yeah, so I can't really comment on that. What I can comment on if if you are someone who is estrogen dominant. So what that might look like is in the two weeks before your period, you may notice that your appetite, you may have cravings. You may find that your bowel movements really slow down. You may find that you're bloated. You may find that you're more moody and irritable. You may find that your sleep is disturbed. Then there are some natural things that you can absolutely do to help amplify that. So I know it's really easy to go on Amazon and sort of pick a, you know, some sort of detox or kit or whatever. But you can actually do this in your in your kitchen and you're going to be taking in some of these natural compounds that are designed for your body. So one of the things I like to talk about with estrogen dominance is looking at two main systems. So one is your liver and the other is your gut. And the reason for that is when we think about your liver, one of her jobs, she has many, but one of her jobs is detoxification. And what that means, that's not a juice cleanse. Like, you know, it's not like a, you know, Instagram influencer talks or something. But what it is, is your liver is basically taking hormones, taking toxins, changing them into intermediates, and then allowing for your body to excrete them. So through the urine, to the gut, through the bowel, etc..
One of the ways that you can amplify this detoxification is by eating more cruciferous vegetables. So cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, the whole brassica family really is just amazing because they have this component called self serving, which is going to amp up liver detoxification. And why this is important is for a woman who is estrogen dominant very often, not all the time, but most times what we see is that her liver is sluggish in terms of her detoxification capacity or her bowel movements are sluggish or both. So the sulfur fans help to amp up detoxification, which allows you to get rid of estrogen. So estrogens golden rule is use it and then lose it. So if we can amp up from the liver and then if you start consuming more insoluble fibers, you are going to help with your bowel movements. So insoluble fibers are abundant in most green leafy vegetables. So, you know, arugula and kale and spinach and, you know, bok choy and the collards and all the green leafy vegetables that you can find in your grocer.
This is going to help attract water to the bowel as it's passing through the intestines. And it's going to help you eliminate estrogen with the bowel movement. So that would be my first actual intervention with her, is not to have some sort of kit that she's ordering on, you know, wherever she thing in that.
She said that in there it was talking about demn.
So I think whatever supplement it has must has some other things. But the guy on the podcast specifically talking about damn right.
And so if you know demn what we know about them is that it does help with estrogen metabolism and moving, you know, the metabolites through to that to H or to hydroxy pathway which is our protective pathway. But it's hard to it's hard to, you know, to comment on where she should be without really knowing much about her or much about her constitution or her genes or her lifestyle, which is why I think starting with nutrition might be the better starting point for her. I mean, she can always add in demn, you know, under the guidance of a functional health care provider or her primary health care provider after she's really mastered some of these more basic foundations. But I think starting off with Dem, you know, if you don't have the machinery in place, like if your liver isn't working and your gut isn't working, like, sure, you can take it, but you're not you're sort of now just putting a bandaid over it without actually getting to some of the root causes of why that's happening in the first place.
So I would I would counsel her to to start with the with the amping up her her systematic ability to get rid of estrogen.
Now, one of the things I know you talk about is you have something called the Estima Principles for weight loss for women and metabolism's to talk about. What is that and how did you come up with that name?
Well, it's you know, I have a program called the Estima Diet, which is just named after my last name. I have no there was no creativity. There is just named after just named after me. And what that that diet is, is a female centric ketogenic diet. So we talk about some of the things we've been talking about today, really. So we talk about insoluble fibers. We talk about resistance. Starches, we talk about it being, you know, mostly plants, so like a really nice plant based ketogenic diet, I might modify, like if you're vegetarian, you could do it. If you are a meat eater, you can do it. I'm I am a meat eater. But of course, knowing that not everybody follows that regime, of course, you can adapt to it if you're a vegetarian or vegan. And that's really what that's really what it is. It's a it's a ketogenic diet for women.
So what would you say are some of your tips when you're talking about the kind of cycling? So how many days would they kind of be on keto versus when they would cycle?
Usually it's it's week by week. So I will usually have when they've when they've gotten to that stage in the body, I like them to be seven days about. It's it's actually let me actually back up. It's about seven days, but it really depends on the length of her cycle. So I have created seven day chunks, assuming that most women have somewhere between eight, twenty eight and a twenty nine day cycle. But if you are a woman who has a 32 day cycle or a 30 day cycle, each like the time that you spend in each of these weeks is going to be slightly different, like you may spend an extra day in each one. So the first thing to know is how long your cycle is. And we talk about this in the body. The first thing you need to do as a woman is to be tracking your cycle. You need to know how long it is. You need to be able to retrieve data like during your bleed week, you know, how long is your bleed? What is the quality of your bleed? How much is there clotting? What's the color like? There's so many different things we want to be monitoring around our blood week and then generally our symptoms and our energy levels and, you know, our sleep all the way through our cycles so that we can begin to make some of these smaller changes. So the short answer is about seven days, but it depends on the length of her of her cycle. So if it's 30, you just sort of divide 30 by four. And I'm afraid I can't do that off the top of my head. It's going to be a little more than seven. It'll be like seven and a half days. So you might you might go from there.
So let's talk about rainfall for a second. What would you say that you notice when people come to you and they say brain fog is my biggest issue, what do you feel like is the biggest cause of that brain fog?
Well, brain fog is essentially inflammation, right, it's inflammation in the brain, and that can be a whole host of things. So that could be poor sleep. It could be poor nutrition. It could be, you know, living a sedentary lifestyle. It could be unprocessed emotional trauma, whether that's big trauma or little trauma from from experiences in your life. So whenever someone comes in with brain fog, I would say the most like a woman who is in her mid 40s. This is the time when she's like, I just cannot I walk into a room. I have no idea why I've gone there. I can never I never know where I left my phone, never, never know where I left my keys. Like these are some of the early signs that someone may have some kind of inflammation, not just in the brain, but systemically. So one of the ways that I like to combat this is to start thinking about how, you know, one of the most healing things that we can do for the brain is to actually move our bodies.
And that doesn't necessarily mean doing classes all day long or, you know, going all balls to the wall, like killing ourselves on the bike or, you know, on the, you know, running outside or whatever. But what I'm talking about is low level activity. So walking, you know, I have right now we're recording this conversation. I even though I'm not walking right now, I have a walking treadmill at this desk. So I'm standing up and this is actually how I do most of my work is I have I'm walking it like two miles an hour. And I do that for, you know, save for when I'm on podcasts. I do that most of the day.
So what I'm doing there is I'm getting this low level activity all day long.
And why that's important for brain fog is, of course, our motor cortex, which is an area in the frontal lobe in the brain, which is involved in receiving information from the body and also directing movement into the body is going to be activated. There's going to be more blood flow there. There's going to be more neuronal activation in there. And this is the motor cortex is part of our frontal lobe. So the frontal lobe, just for my geeks for listening, is this is just the area in the brain that's involved in the executive control. It helps us plan and make decisions about the future. And it also importantly inhibits lower brain centers. So it'll inhibit our emotional centers. So when your frontal lobe is very strong, you have better emotional regulation than you otherwise would. So if you're someone, for example, who's had a lot of emotional trauma and you know, you can define that, as you know, I've had many psychiatrists and psychologists on my podcast and we sort of have loosely defined you can have like the big trauma that we all think of, like, you know, falling off a ladder or living in a mold home or being physically assaulted or sexually assaulted. These are sort of big traumas that we think of, but it can also be smaller t trauma as it can be having parents who didn't accept you for who you are. It could be parents who overlayed their expectations on who you are. And if that if that has not been metabolized in your own system, then of course, that's going to cause a lot of aggravation in the emotional centers of the brain and generally in the body. So one of the best things I love to recommend for anyone who has any type of inflammation is low level movement. So it's in the literature is referred to as Nete. So an easy non exercise activity thermogenesis. So walking out in like taking your kids for a walk after school or you going for a walk, listening to a podcast, getting a walking treadmill as I have like you know, I always joke and say like cleaning, like your mother in law's coming over, you know, just clean a little a little bit more when when you have company. So that low level activity is really going to help to first use some of your bigger, bigger muscles in the body. Right. Your legs are working, but it's also going to be, as I mentioned, activating some of these brain centers that are going to help reduce some of that brain fog. So that would be like the first thing. And then we want to also make sure that we're just crossing our T's and dotting our eyes like you're well hydrated. You're making sure that you're taking in enough water during the day that you have sleep, your sleep hygiene is on point. You're making sure that you're not in front of your device or you're not watching television or you're not on your phone late into the night where you're impairing and inhibiting your ability to fall asleep, which, of course, the next day is going to lead to lots of brain fog and inflammation and poor partitioning of fuels and all the things that poor sleep does. So those are sort of be one, two and three for me. And actually, I'll throw one more in here that's really, really powerful for women, which is cold therapy. So you don't need to go to a cryotherapy center. You can just in your daily shower, last thirty seconds of the shower, turn off the heat. So to the point where you're shivering, like if you imagine, you know, when you first jump into. The lake, let's say, in the summer lake is kind of cold, right? So we want to have that sort of like, oh my gosh, this is freezing. But then you get into it, that is really going to help reduce inflammation and it is going to help activate a whole bunch of processes. But generally it helps a lot clinically. I've seen that help a lot with brain fog.
I love that. And I will tell you, for walking is the great elixir. Like, I can't even stress enough. Like, I could be like rain for feeling like down in the dumps. Like, just everything will literally go outside, go for a five minute walk. I come back, I'm like a new person. But a three mile walk every day is so powerful for me doing. I just started back doing cryotherapy. We have one right in my office and I'm telling you, it makes such a difference so I can really relate to everything you're saying. It's really wonderful. So thank you so much for being on our show. Tell listeners where they can find your new book and where they can find you and follow you.
Oh, well, thank you. It's been a pleasure. And thank you so much for inviting me. I'm so happy we got to spend this time together. So if you if you want to find the book, the name of the book is The Betty Body. Anywhere that online Amazon, Barnes and Noble, anywhere that you might buy a book. And then what I would love for you to do is after you buy the book, head over to Betty Body Book Dotcom. And there what I've done is as a companion to the book, I've structured nutrition programing, I've designed exercise programs for you to do at home and rehabilitation so that there's no like you have all the information of all the geeky science you have all the great stuff that I talk about in the book. But then I also give you like exactly the how to say you don't have to think it's just there for you. So, Betty, body book dotcom is where you can find all of those juicy goodies.
That's awesome. I think you should just change your first name, but you should you should just change it to like Betty Stephanie Steam and just call it the Betty body. Like, honestly, just do it just like everyone. I've just changed my first name. And because you've got such a perfect, perfect body, you can kind of be like play off like the Betty Boop. You have animated cartoon character that has that real skinny ways.
So you kind of have that going for you, too. Well, you are absolutely stunning and gorgeous. I'm so excited about your new book. Congratulations, and I encourage all of you to pick up that new book. It looks amazing. Can't wait to get my hands on that. And if you guys want to find out more, check out the shownotes. We'll put all the details there. And you guys stay tuned. We've got another episode coming up in just a few. Bye bye for now.