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The Welcome Package

Congratulations.  You have overcome so many obstacles through out your life which have brought you here.  Now lets keep it going.  Here are some things you will need to know about the next 4 weeks.

Click to jump to: Community Group · Commitments · Emotional Eater

Community Group:

Outside of the coaching call, we stay connected through a facebook group.  Keeping yourself accountable for following the program is the key to losing 10lbs in the first 4 weeks.  We are all going through the same ups and downs and this is just one more tool we have to achieve our goals.

Inner Circle Facebook Group:

Intermittent Fasting For Christians:


Each week, we are going to set 3 commitments that we will achieve and be held accountable for the next week.  These commitments are something you set and discussed in your groups.  They should be detail and actionable.  Each commitment will have an action associated with it.  These action need to be specific.

Bad Example
Commitment: I am going to eat healthier.
Action: I am going to buy a salad.

Better Example
Commitment: I am going to follow rule 9 in the book
Action: Spend 2 minutes before each planned meal to remind myself about my weightless goals and portion the food according to rule 9.

We will talk more about commitments and they will get easier to come up with as we get deeper into the calls.  Each person will have their own commitment page and will be held accountable for those commitments.

Emotional Eater

One of the most powerful tools we can utilize is the ability to self identify.  Here is a quiz that will help identify what type of emotional eater you are.  Click here to take the quiz.

Free Stuff

If you made it this far, then you should have received a bunch of free stuff.  If you didn't or need to reference this, you can use this link: The Ultimate Collection